Is this the true power of white people?

Because no other race pulls this kind of shit off.

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when 80% of this board is about race, it gets old real quick. just a waste.

Please tell me it's at least her son's biologically, and not his husband's.

At least he shares 25% of his little brothers dna

Bet even God didn’t expect that a couple thousand years on we’d be begging him for another flood

this board reflects reality.
Feel free to ignore it though.

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Hot, he'll get to fuck own son and his own kid brother.

Fuck this clown world.

gas em hard

yeah the shallow end of reality. fn sad man.

I think I need a diagram to figure out these relationships.

women allow this

>he thinks reality is deep
only as deep as Jow Forums

I really wish I didn't agree, but women really do seem to be the ones that are always cheering on the lunacy du jour.

The fuck did I just read?

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At this point, I don’t want a flood, I want The Flood.

This is what happens when a race is so superior that it has nothing left to struggle against.

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There is no god.

Time to activate all the halo rings

what the fuck

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Cuckolding is one of them too. I never heard any non white couple do this shit.

Nothing wrong with this, was not her eggs in the first place, she was just a biological womb to grow the baby and her vagina is loose, so the birth is easier.

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A lot of you are too stupid to understand but they take the son's gfs egg out, fertilize it, then put it into the son's mom.
Hope that helped

>sons gf
Hes fucking gay you retard

So did his boyfriend fuck his mom or what?

>son's gfs egg out....

out of his ass? the son is fagget.

Slide thread, the kikes are wetting the bed that this will get out to the wider public;

Mother gets donated eggs implanted in her womb and fertilized with the son's semen, she is giving birth to another woman's child + gay son's sperm.

>being this fucking stupid
He's gay you faggot
>explaining it makes it less fucking delusional
This gay earth needs to be re-written

Oh NOOOOOOO!!! Turkey baster ?
wtf. Or raw dog mom ?

He actually has sex with his mom, but it doesn't count because he's gay

You can harvest eggs from prostates now?

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Leftists aren’t white, they’re soulless golems controlled by Jews.

The look on the face of gramps says it all...

it's pretty much like the son fucked his mother and had a baby with her. that's weird.

i searched that guy's name and found that he's been in the media before. in 2015, there was a petition started by catladies to get him reinstated as a teacher for a catholic high school as shockingly enough, he was fired from there.

this guy is either a media whore or a tool for the jews similar to a crisis actor.

What the fuck did I just read