Evening lads.

>NZ Confiscations Begin: Police Going to Gun Owners’ Homes, Jobs…One Gun Owner Dead

>Shocking video shows the confronting moment a group of militant vegan activists stormed the property of a Queensland cattle farmer.

>2GB agrees ‘n’ word will not be used on air again after Alan Jones backlash

>Teen girls’ violent attack on chicken shop worker leaves victim badly injured

>More Than 12 Extremist Groups Are Being Watched By SA Police

> The Advertiser has learnt anti-terror police are actively reviewing and assessing at least 12 local groups with radical views across the state for possible violent or threatening activity.

> In response, the State Government will today reveal at least 60 senior SA detectives are completing specialised counter-terrorism training to help combat any extremist recruitment and activity.

> Numerous extreme right-wing SA individuals are of interest, having expressed a desire to use, or threatened violence, while supporting nationalist views.

> SA Police, however, stress there is no imminent terror plot, but that officers remain on alert for any potential threats, are well equipped, trained and able to investigate any crimes and will benefit from the added resources.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>hurr durr hiwhite subremissss

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whites are the best - prove me wrong

I hate that woman.

I’m gonna go put this up by the Greens office in Canberra soon, the pozz cunts are gonna fucking reeeeee

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To all anons out there, as we live in Australia it is imperative you take precautions when browsing the internet.

You should purchase a VPN such as Private Internet Access or NORDVPN and turn on "Internet Killswitch". Yes,m the Australian government are after you.


You should also take the time to read up on the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Privacy tips and tools so that you can better protect yourself online against ASIO.

Hello to all the SAPOL officers with us tonight.
Are the neets boring you yet?

Well aren't you a rasit are a white supremist are you some kind of nazi or something

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the lesbians that play the man role are hideous

I should have added, they are demanding more stronger counter-terrorism measures, such as access to rifles.

If it was mounted on the front of a speeding truck at the time, I would support this.

Dude it makes no difference because everything i say here is pure satire

You’re Damn right, I’m a fucking Fascist Gladys, your kike nose can never reach me, reeeeeeeeeeeewe

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is nord better than virtual shield?

Yeah, nah.
I'll just wait for them to come and have a chat.
I don't believe I say anything that can get me in the shit but would love an explanation to some of the shit that is happening nowadays.
It might give me some fresh ideas for some dank memes.

G'day, fellow rAdelaidian.

kicking off today lads. Any of you cunts fancy swimming over to lend a hand for the homeland?

Does that make her ex-husband a faggot? Probably.

I’m gonna also staring putting this at the Jewish Preschool in Giralang so that they think it’s anudda shoah

But I don't have any rifles.


fuck i hate to say it but she might've been rootable when she was young, if you had nothing going on and a sufficient level of yellow fever

>G'day, fellow rAdelaidian.

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>lesbian man role
When she friggs herself does she use a dildo or does she grind her flaps on a pocketpussy...?

she's armenian how dare you assume her race

I had yellow fever when I was younger and living in Asia. I wouldn't hit that no matter how good the drugs were or how poor the lighting.

>and thats why they become lesbians

Journalist Here

Ever since the Mueller probe concluded zero Russian collusion I have noticed a worrying trend in online comment sections.
Nasty elements won't stop talking about the media lying. The media never lie, we may sometimes use click bait but it's fake, we never 'lie' to you.
Journalists have moral integrity and frankly I find the accusation of 'lying' to be extremely insulting.

Many on the internet have started to call the mainstream media the 'Lyingmedia'.
In reality it is Trump who's the king of Lyingmedia. It's the far-right who are the Lyingmedia.
This whole situation has become unacceptable and we will be doing everything in our power to refute this new extremist narrative.

-Signed the journalist hired to keep tabs on you bigots

maybe there is chink orgy parties

I'm so glad I handed in my browning auto 5 and 2 SKS rifles and my father's 303 service rifle in the last firearm Amnesty... Because There are some bad buggers out there!.......this is why we gas the boomers

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In pozzbourne, any great food I should hit up in the inner urban area while I'm here? Staying in Nth Melbourne if that helps.

Why the fuck are you giving shoutouts to SAPOL then?

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That's where the Ashkenasim are from originally.

aka Sydney real estate market.

Is it true shorten is offering 1000 a month

her as a kid
imagine it 10 years later
it'd still be cute
you'd hit it

1000 sudanese migrants?

Soon brother, soon

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Her attitude makes her ugly.

>not a (((Khazar)))
>is an Armenian
Map related

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>we've become infected by the politically correct virus.
You're not wrong, look at what they did to James D Watson ffs

Armeins are sun kissed Jews.

>Why the fuck are you giving shoutouts to SAPOL then?
Did you even read the OP?
Gotta make everyone feel welcome.
There's been to much D&C lately.

Incase you lads missed this in the last one, "academics" want to ban the word "cyclist" because it's "dehumanising" and leads to aggression against the cunts that think they own the road and don't pay rego, fucking lycra fags.

While unlike a lot of people here, I don't hate anyone. I will do anything I can to stop this bullshit orwellian approach has taken and protect anyone's right to privacy.

t. sounding like a faggot on an anonymous board.
No, they want to have them.
Yeah, even Private Internet Access is imo. Virtual Shield is still good because it "claims" not to keep logs, but there's no proof yet.

Private Internet Access has proven it a couple of times that they don't keep logs (although, I think they will on some users in extreme circumstances if the CIA brings them a warrant, this is why I recommend NORD over PIA as NORD is based in Switzerland I think).

Virtual Shield doesn't allow for 256bit encryption, both PIA and Nord do I think

How can you use a vpn and still post on Jow Forums

I bought exressvpn and I can browse but not post

>Did you even read the OP?
Obviously not. Fuck SAPOL

On the news tonight some guy was filmed half hanging out of a 4bie trying to shove a cyclist over.
There's always a feel good news story from my part of the world.

Pay rego and insurance or get off the fucking road. I have never met a bigger bunch of mouth breathing faggots in my life. Honestly they are on the same level as fudds. They get the gas

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Cheers lad! I'll fuck the VS off then and go with nord. Only thing I've got against nord is TYT shill it. Fuck TYT

Is Australia First worth voting for this election?

Dear Glowies,

Having been forced to spend some time here, do you now wish you studied a better degree and got a better job?

lycra looks hot on fit girls tho

I love being compfy on a Friday night on auspol whilst all the normies are out clubbing

You guys are my frens

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How intolerant of you.
The cops "would" be alright if they did their jobs and weren't fucked over by a piss weak judicial system.
Ever chatted to one and seen how pissed off they are over some of the nonsense that "some people" get away with?

VS is still better than nothing, I mean they claim no logs which is great. But their encryption isn't quite as good as things like NORD or PIA.
I'd recommend buying a pass with bitcoin

Or you could browse for like an hour trying to find a server that hasn't been blocked. As much as I hate Hiro, I hate the Australian government more.


Look at the names of the villages. This is where Yiddish comes from.

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I fucken hate the cunts soooo much. I live in the hills and a lot of the road are barely wide enough for two cars traveling in opposite direction, let alone a cyclist in the mix. The dumb cunt honestly must have death wishes... Think about it,
>driving on windy roads with blind corners
>come round bend
>car coming, cyclist in your lane
Now tell me, how many people are going to opt for the head on with another vehicle?
Sure does, but they don't fall under the banner of "lycrafag".

>people shouldn't have guns cause people are killing each other with guns so I'm gonna give my guns away so I don't kill anyone.
Is this how they think?

Okay serious question. If you were retarded enough to think not having guns is a good idea,
Wouldn't the smart choice be to bury them somewhere so nobody can find it? That way nobody can use the firearm.
Instead of handing it into the govt that's just gonna sell it off to a different country for $$ and continue the whole cycle again.

>The cops "would" be alright if they did their jobs and weren't fucked over by a piss weak judicial system.
Sooo many ifs and buts. Fuck em, all they give a fuck about is revenue raising from motorists, not solving crimes.

>nationalist views
>not white nationalists

Lol, this is going to get big at some point

No hot chicks take cycling seriously enough to go the logo lycra.
Only a fuglie needs a bike seat that bad.

Shooters Fisher Farmers Party of get out

>they claim no logs
This was the first thing I asked them when I was signing up, and they swear they don't... But like you said, time will tell.
Fuck em, I'm jumping ship.

Pic related, just fyi

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This is a photo from Central this morning. Absolutely fucking full and overloaded. How is a society supposed to be cohesive and proud when we're all fighting for a spot on the overcrowded shitskin express?

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Communists belong in a pit

What city

they just want a stable job that isn't too mentally demanding and lets them get some exercise
cops are just bouncers in this seedy nightclub we call a country
they're still so white too
while the rest of us cop a shitskin fest and relentless white guilt shaming

>Counter-terrorism cops receive timely boost as police target over a dozen extremist groups in SA

>More than a dozen South Australian groups are being monitored for their extremist views as authorities boost the state’s counter-terrorism firepower.

>The Advertiser has learnt anti-terror police are actively reviewing and assessing at least 12 local groups with radical views across the state for possible violent or threatening activity.

>In response, the State Government will today reveal at least 60 senior SA detectives are completing specialised counter-terrorism training to help combat any extremist recruitment and activity.

>Numerous extreme right-wing SA individuals are of interest, having expressed a desire to use, or threatened violence, while supporting nationalist views.

>SA Police, however, stress there is no imminent terror plot, but that officers remain on alert for any potential threats, are well equipped, trained and able to investigate any crimes and will benefit from the added resources.

>Ministers will also announce details of a Correctional Services Department anti-radicalisation strategy for almost 3000 prisoners but with a focus on inmates vulnerable to teachings of violent extremism.

>The State Government would not provide specific watchlist figures, any investigation details, anti-terror strategies or identities of groups for security reasons.

>The first 30 Terrorism Investigation Cadre were trained last week, days after 50 people died in the Christchurch massacre, which an Australian white supremacist is charged over. The attack has triggered dozens of SA security alerts. Another 30 detectives, who hold the ranks of senior sergeant, sergeant and brevet sergeant, will undergo training next week in areas believed to include cybercrime, social media and tactical responses.


I see too many whites, goy.

>In the event of an SA terror attack, those detectives, currently with various squads, will move to a dedicated taskforce overseen by SA Police’s Counter Terrorism and Security Section.

>A police spokesman said any taskforce may only involve a few detectives but could be boosted by up to 60 officers depending on any incident or threat.

>Since the NZ mosque attack almost a fortnight ago, the CTSS has received more than 40 notifications linked to unspecified security issues, the State Government said.

>In a statement, Police and Corrections Minister Corey Wingard said being proactive against any counter-terrorism threat and violent extremism was vital for community safety.

>“Extremists are increasingly seeking to inspire like-minded individuals to their repugnant way of thinking through online recruitment,” he said.

>“The strategies being implemented by (police) and … corrections are about ensuring we are prepared as we can be if an attack were to eventuate.”

>Last week, SA Police charged Chad Rolf Vinzelberg, 37, of Smithfield over social media comments he made in support of the attacks alongside photos of him holding a gun.

>Police have also stopped an alleged 2017 Riverland high school massacre threat, for which two teenagers are awaiting sentence.

>Zainab Abdirahman-Khalif, 23, has been jailed for joining terror group Islamic State.

>A mentally ill father, who cannot be named, was last year found not guilty of advocating terrorism because of his mental state.

>Other anti-terror measures include installing concrete bollards around major landmarks around the state’s main shopping strip, Rundle Mall and Adelaide Oval.

>Last year, new laws were introduced to protect police from criminal liability if they used lethal force in a declared terrorist incident while a new fleet of drones is in operation to help with surveillance.

>Terror training drills also regularly occur.

>Last year, one national security exercise, dubbed Neighbour 18, used real-life terrorism scenarios including use of chemicals, explosives, assaults on crowded places and government facility attacks.

>Other terror training exercises have simulated large Adelaide attacks with mass casualties.

>Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton said if an attack occurs “we need police and other emergency services to be well-rehearsed and co-ordinated”.

>Federal intelligence agencies are becoming increasingly concerned about terrorist groups using extremist ideology to brainwash lone wolfs and small groups into using violence on Australia soil.

>Recent attacks have included the Lindt cafe siege in Sydney, the fatal shooting of a New South Wales police officer and the Bourke Street Mall attack in Melbourne. Authorities have thwarted at least major 15 terror plots.

>Federal agents are investigating Brenton Tarrant, 28, from Grafton, northern NSW, who has been charged with the mosque shootings. He is due to reappear in court next week.

>NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern this week announced a royal commission into whether authorities could have prevented the terror attack amid a crackdown on social media companies.

>Australia’s national terrorism threat level remains probable, meaning that credible intelligence assessed by security agencies indicates individuals or groups continue to possess the intent and capability to conduct a terrorist attack.

>The public should continue to exercise caution and report any suspicious incidents to the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400.

G'day SAPOL. You're a faggot. Go and arrest some sudos ffs you state sanctioned revenue collecting piece of shit.

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der we just need better planning that'll never happen
fuck me i can't believe we actually did that to ourselves, 3rd world tier trains
i remember when we used to laugh at nips in tokyo catching their trains

>people shouldn't have guns cause people are killing each other with guns so I'm gonna give my guns away so I don't kill anyone.
The average leftie is that mentally unbalanced they can't trust themselves to go on a shooting spree.
They can't go half a day without sperging out at the silliest of shit.

Fucking pigs and their kike masters would rather have ISIS in their country than some huwhite subremisiss

Good these fucking groups who think "it's ok to be white" and "well shouldn't we think about maybe lowering the immigration by like 2 or 3 maybe.. kinda... anyone???" groups should be fucking raided and arrested. FUCK THEM

1984 is taking real effect down here, shits getting crazy.

fuck im not a cop
they wouldn't want me
im not a simple minded chad
i wouldn't mind banging one of those female cops but you'd have to watch csi with them

At least their trains are fast and on time.

Shit goes down and we need their intel and special ops groups on our side.

Comfy fren reporting in

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I want to marry an American.

doesn't it feel great to live in a vibrant world city??

I saw your memorial today. It was beautiful and brought the community together in a meaningful way for at least the length of the memorial or at least until they got to their car in the carpark.

Fuck me, this thread is glowing

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Only to find their car had been stolen by a nigger.

So this is different from normal how?

user, my recommendation is: Get the fuck out of New Zealand. Your country is too small. Think about this hypothetical situation: You government goes full communist, comes for your freedom completely.

Where the fuck do you go? New Zealand seems much more apathetic than Australia, so I pity any right-wing Kiwis over there, you'd just end up getting thrown into labor camps.

Glow nigga detected

They're a bit more open about it tonight.

how many glowies can we red pill?

They would have stayed longer but had to rush home and check their digi boxes to see if they got their 2 seconds of fame on the news.

I have been thinking of going to America for most of my life but idk, it looks really hard to get a green card over there. Whats Australia like? I heard kiwis can get a permanent working visa quite easily.

Nice reverse psychology, ASIO
Lets find out.

That's exactly what asio would say

Back when you guys could get the dole we used to say Kiwis were like sperm: Thousands of them come out and only one of them works.