Wtf is wrong with those guys?
>6 gorillion music video out of nowhere for no reason
>ltierally female BLACK crusader
It's so embarrassing to be German. Remember when some people thought they might be redpilled?
Wtf is wrong with those guys?
>6 gorillion music video out of nowhere for no reason
>ltierally female BLACK crusader
It's so embarrassing to be German. Remember when some people thought they might be redpilled?
you're not supposed to be cherry picking red pills for your consumption - you're supposed to redding all the the pills. You know use word "red" as a verb. Kill the pills.
Jow Forums is military intelligence operation they are targeting people who are asking for it. So if you're red pilled it means you're zombie who has been played, but not realized it yet. Once the cuckoos nest strikes the moment of truth - the zombie is subject to instant radicallization protocols.
>redding all the the pills.
I have no idea what this even means
You know how "red" is often used in a negative connotation or is associated with death? That's what he means.
think about red hands, red shoe diaries, red lights districts, red necks, red riding hoods, red revolution, etc etc..
Think about bull fighting where red cloth being dangled in front of the bull. Thats the red pill.
The video is actually a giant redpill but your shoe size iq doesnt see it
Care to expand? Honestly, there's too much going on.
It's literally calling germany an evil shit hole and the nigger being the face of nu-germany giving birth to savage mutts (niggers and muslims). Germany has become such hell hole that the progressives will cannibalize niggers to feel righteous in their belief until niggers are nothing more.
End of the video the black girl who represents Germania literally gives birth to mutt dogs and dies, white men look sad and dissapointed holding their mutt babies
How is this video not redpilled as fuck
The whole song is about the strife of the germanic people trough the history
a) widespread barbarism and human sacrifice during bronze/early iron age. Thats what Germania is doing to Till while burned corpses are hanging in the background. Look up what the druids used to do to the sacrifices. The romans are there because they genocided the gauls living in France
b) the cool and ebin bare knuckle fight is not there just to look epic and edgy. It depics the era when Germany was dividied in to dozens of tribes constantly at war with eachother.
c) The knights in plate armor is definitely reference to 30 year war, one of the most devastating religious wars in Europe fought mainly in Germany
d) monks and priests feasting on Germania - literally that.
e) Nazis hanging kikes, commies and homos while the V2 rockets are launched in the background - the very first photograph of space was taken from a V2. Atrocities and great achievements at once. and the SS executors got what was coming to them while Germania was launched in to space.
e) german engineers and scientists chilling around the table making good money from manufacturing and selling war technologies like the Leopard in germany
f) some commies stealing Germania - East vs West and Germania gets shot in the process - thats why she is in wheelchair in some scenes
g) Now the whole crew is in space and find the space nazi vault with Germania preganant with the seeds for the future - the Leonberger puppies that were nearly extinct in both World Wars just like Germany itself
He also says how he cannot love germany anymore since they are getting replaced.
He is a old school DDR leftist, nothing like the todays leftists. they made political songs before like mein land where he says about he cant find his place in his whole country and also Halt where he says that he cant breath ( reffering to immigration)
Also to add I think the Germania is played by a black female because its supposed to symbolize forbidden love. Theres a stigma in Germany on nationalism, because it was the leading cause for their past violence. So theres a tabboo on expressing love for ones country and people in Germany, just like there used to be a tabboo on expressing love for a black girl.
I could be wrong tho
How does it feel to have a two digit IQ op?
Rammstein are leftists, yes, but they are also heavily conservative and not happy with the direction Germany is headed towards, as stated in various interviews.
The video isn't "cucked" at all.
You get it. I like you.
>not entirely true
>the red pill is jewish power supremacy and totalitarian imposition
>they seek to divert that focus on symptoms ignore source
Till Lindemann has burning jungle fever. Just look at Engel and Mein Teil music videos.
You could have depicted all this in a more suitable way.
Rammstein are degenerate faggots and this will never change. Giant dick and dry gay sex on their concerts.
I see that they have put some meaning into the shitshow, but what is it worth that a fag has a small drop of german nationalism left in him?
no. it's equality regime where even war equals peace, freedom equals slavery, ignorance equals strength and of course jewish power supremacy is your supremacy. You know you're the one who "sees" something in this kingdom of the blind. You're one of the rainbow Cyclops.
Since 1995 Rammstein has been triggering single digit IQ tards just like you lmao
>doesnt get that they want to bring controversy and get attention
Must be a cultural thing from you subhumans. Red is literally the color of life and passion. Red is energetic and kinetic. It is the color people think of when their blood is literally racing and pressurizing their veins and arteries.
Hence "seeing red" when in a heightened emotional state full of movement and energy.
Doesnt Till Lindemann has an (((art))) project hat consists just of a lot of Dildos hanging from the wall?
Legit asking how can they be conservative when Lindemann goes to interviews with a bdsm slave?
Btw i like the song even if it is kinda generic riffing and vocals. Deutschland Deutschland uber allen!
Go take your meds
We had a conservative politician in Nevada who owned a whore house, he died during the election and still won against the Democrat candidate kek.
you know very well that in times of CIA lemon party gestapo meds take you. so taking meds is like trying to enter the same river that you're already wading.
So where do you think is your meds? What keeps your chin above the water? Are you by any chance wading dried out riverbed? Maybe you're riding some sort brokebacks of donkeys.
I don't know anons. I thought All Out Life by Slipknot was based, until Corey Taylor explained the meaning behind it. I wouldn't rush conclusions.
Lindemann has said he's a traditionalist and upset with the loss of German traditions. As others said he is not a modern leftist at all. The girl is black because she has gold armor, red lipstick, and red lights shining on her. Germany's modern flag. This song was pretty ominous, leading up to Germany dying in the end but giving birth to those near extinct dogs. So it's definitely not leftist, more apolitical, and I think is more about sadness of looking at Germany's past and worry and some hope for the future shown via the puppies. Almost a let go of the past to keep Germany in the future... Which isn't leftist since they just want to yell about ww2.
Where is the video?
Thanks for the clarification. I always thought Rammstein were leftist but for many other songs, like the one where they say "They think my heart beats to the right, but my heart beats to the left" or something like that.
Still, a man of traditional taste for big knockers.
>Rammstein make a video about how germans are a bunch of niggers whose children are furry mutts
How does it feel to be bantzed to death by the only band from your country that anyone has heard of?
you mean the people who sings about gay sex
these people probably are "leftists" and they're probably narcissists, and narcissists don't really hold higher values, like empathic people do..
>the only band from your country that anyone has heard of?
There's also the group known as discount Rammstein
I mean , they could be saying that germany is getting blacked.
But then again they - i have no idea.
Prob just to stir controversy honestly
They are old school anti authoritarian leftist, yes, which is rare nowadays . And that song was also saying to the media they arent Nazi since they're in Germany and all. They grew up in the GDR as an underground band escaping censorship from the commies. So they have no love for SJW style leftists who want to control speech.
ah yes, the original leftist. Freedom of speech and shit. aka nazis
Whoa, didn't know any of that, thanks again for clarifying.
I have many friends that are leftist but anti-new left so I can figure now where Rammstein stands.
absolutely based if true
It's all so tiresome
Man I was super into Rammstein as a teenager. New all the members names, went to a concert, multiple t shirts and everything. It's weird that they're just releasing new music now, I don't think their particular brand of angst really speaks to me anymore.
Actually surprised by this not-brainlet post. Good on you, John.
>He is a old school DDR leftist, nothing like the todays leftists.
You're gonna have hard time with this in here. This board is full of incel 1488 edgelords that cannot understand that today's leftism is absolute abomination. The leftists from 30 years ago would be far right-wing in today's world, that's how fucked up the world have become.
Pic extremely related, imagine parade like this being held today glorifying healthy body, strength, manhood and pride in ones country with all it's inhabitants without regards to the racial/religious composition as long as they are united in the idea and in the time of need, can be clenched in one fist together. All of this mentioned above was done by the eternal boogieman, Soviet Union. Now if you try to do something even remotely same, you will be labeled as far right ultra-nazi by the neo-liberals pretending to be leftists.
>Yakin care of your body
>Valuing individual by the merit rather than skin color/religon
>Promote healthy lifestyle, family values and responsbility
All of this has been juxtaposed by the neo-liberals into today's abomination. I am still surprised how people can be unironically supporting predatory capitalism that requires you to behave like a crab in a bucket to survive when healthy collectivism will be detrimental to the survival in the near future.
>Giant dick and dry gay sex on their concerts
Go on
>d) monks and priests feasting on Germania - literally that.
the semitic religions are as foreign as the roman empire was to germania. but in the end she makes them their slaves. (as ironically germany has done today with the Eu and its neighbourstates. it is literall institutionalitzed slavery if you look at the specifics of how countries like romania are integrated into teh EU)
imagine the murder rate if nogs knew how to shoot.
You see red when you're enraged moron. You had one job and you couldn't even defend a color.
Cant you see it? She symbolises Germany like no other.
She is Schwarz Rot Gold
exactly. war is not possible even though there are militaries. it's gaming activity, hunger games, hateful players hunting the object of the hunt - the game, etc..
Omg it right, and the devil is always portrayed as red! Truly baste and redpillpilled
This user gets it.
>can't swim
>can't shoot
>haven't evolved since H. erectus
fucking niggers
no. "red" is just one of the labels used to describe something taken out of rainbow context and all the shades of gray.
>You're gonna have hard time with this in here. This board is full of incel 1488 edgelords that cannot understand that today's leftism is absolute abomination. The leftists from 30 years ago would be far right-wing in today's world, that's how fucked up the world have become.
Just repeating this one cause it's worth it. I'm a classical liberal, meaning I believe in Free Speech, and defending the right of others to hold and express different opinions and I believe in the power of argument to arrive at the truth. I'm considered alt-right now, literally a nazi.
>a nigger symbolizes Germany
I would add that the red is all the bloodshed she is involved in.
Yes, its quite clever actually.
oh, red eyes, right?
Rammstein are leftist commie faggots. You're expecting way too much of them. Please stop putting them on a pedestal. I bet you think Rise Against and Disturbed are BASED and REDPILLED too because they've written songs about the military huh? What about Metallica yeah?
People like you will never get it. You will never, ever get anything truly redpilled when it's distributed through a major label. Only independent artists have the ability to work and publish without much political constraint.
Also, Rammstein fans are better off killing themselves anyways. Godawful band.
What about white?
Another user noticed yesterday that after she gives birth (the start of race mixing and mutt breeding) all of the historic context suddenly runs backwards.
THAT is the real red pill here.
See? This reply right here it's exactly what I meant by that. Blanket labeling based SOLELY on their own frame of reference. The mutts cannot comprehend that life is actually different in different countries with it's own problems and benefits. They will be screeching about turbo-nazism while unironically demanding state provided gfs etc. The cognitive dissonance in this board is beyond measure.
god damn it, I shouldn't looked it up, but i guess I also shouldn't be surprised since Corey has always been a fag.
Redpills work because normal people can actually think an ounce. Military? Maybe. More like a Fibonacci sequence of a natural occurrence. Even if it was military, all that would happen is whites taking their own countries back. In other words, whats the problem here?
It really is.
She thinks she's glorious and free, but she's actually a slave.
Its metal gear
white is dual use technology. for one it's a color, but at the same time it's also a "gestalt" as once it passes through the prism of broke back mountain it breaks into the rainbow spectrum
>all these bands
>not listening to babymetal or ladybaby
What happened to you, Jow Forums?
Jk guys i love you
they destroyed my favorite game, RTCW
fuck german kraut kikes
God you sound like an NPC
Yep, I got bamboozled by the whole "we are not your kind" chorus, since today being right wing is the new hipster.
>Think about bull fighting where red cloth being dangled in front of the bull. Thats the red pill.
The bull doesn't see it as red.
>Alert!!! YouTube is censoring and deleting truther channels before 2020 election!!!
>the future of free speech! 14 years in prison for sharing Christchurch video
>Chelsea Clinton BLAMED for Christchurch massacre
>recent show about justice, article 13 and Metokur
>pre-christchurch chaotic-good ACCELERATIONISM
Get comfy and redpilled
>Ich will
>Ich will eure hande sehn
>Hande hoch
Oy vey the shoah
> not realising that black Germania symbolises forbidden love to the home land.
impurity is forbidden.
The video just goes through Germany's historical milestones, but you might want to consider following too:
> the woman representing modern, Americanised Germania is seen earlier to walk with band German shepherds in leashes, escorted by modern riot force of police
> later on. sons of futuristic (German?) civilisation find memoriam of German civilisation and Germania herself
> the bitch is pregnant
> futuristic Germania gives birth to some ragged mutts
> faces of disappointed & disgusted men when they see what the inheritors of Germania have become
> terminally ill Germania is finally put into a coffin and shot into space to be forgotten forever
Director is dropping subtle re pills all over video lmao.
The core message is that after surviving so many milestones, the death of Germany comes from the fact that people would rather have pets than children.
The whole birthing scene assimilates loads of birth of Anti-Christ references (=chaos) & the man dressed in red is wearing Germany's constitutional judge's robes
Friendly reminder that the lead singer railed the keyboardist in the ass with a strap-on on their first album tour. Ramsitein was never anything but faggot rape music.
> The girl is black because she has gold armor, red lipstick, and red lights shining on her. Germany's modern flag.
wrong, she's black because it ties the symbolism to the lyrics: forbidden love for our home land.
Germania being black is abhorrently impure visualisation of the personality, while it depicts the mentality sowed by denazification: appraising the country is something that should not be done.
should have been a white girl shitting out the niggers
They played illegally under commie rule, hardly toed the line there
>druids used to do
they never stopped
Wow her tits are huge
Absolutelly amerimong post.
Point to a single instance of Rammstein representing anything that the consensus of Jow Forums generally agrees on apart from "world is a fuck".
>He is a old school DDR leftist, nothing like the todays leftists
>The leftists from 30 years ago would be far right-wing in today's world, that's how fucked up the world have become.
So much this. The left of the past wasn't even degenerate unlike the west, they were just totalitarian about their authoriatian socialism and shitty starving economy.
What the modern left is today, is a sin against humanity.
>Jow Forums generally agrees
Jow Forums isn't one opinion, you fucking twat. Rammstain hates globohomo capitalist degeneracy, many posters here share same opinion. But since he's a old DDR commie, everything he thinks must be kike bolshevik satanic bullshit because "muh hitler said so".
I said consensus for a reason, you disingenuous faggot. Rammstein is a band of communists, nothing you say will prove otherwise. You can try and save their face if you want, but they are not "/ourguys/", as some of the fucknuts here are trying to imply. That's all I've said, and if you take issue with that you can blow it out your ass for all I care.
>nothing you say will prove otherwise.
I've literally never implyed otherwise, they are old school commies. You know, the ones that fucking hated capitalism, zionism, all the shit on the left on pic related.
Pure cringe, nigger. Go back to pleddit or any forum that was created post-2016 election.
I've said that Rammstein hate degenerate western capitalism, just like old school DDR commies did. Are you trying to imply since they hated it, it means western capitalist degeneracy is fucking "based & redpilled" and Jow Forums generally supports it? If so, kill yourself dumb american mongrel, "a product of jewified and negroid blood mixture" -Adolf Hitler.
At least one thing about this is funny
>the media actually condemns them for this "nazi" "extremist right wing" video
forgot pic
I've literally never implied to support capitalism, I'm entirely anti-egalitarian. Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder? Did I hurt your feelings? Are you a fan of that shitty fedora band?
>I've literally never implied to support capitalism, I'm entirely anti-egalitarian
So everything some egalitarians are against, must be based and supported? The fuck even is this retarded logic?
Old DDR commie egalitarians hated immigration, demographic replacement, degeneracy, cultural americanization etc. All these things must be based to you since old egalitarians hated them? Kys, nigger.
>Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder? Did I hurt your feelings? Are you a fan of that shitty fedora band?
Nah, i just hate mongrels having an opinion.
You're leaving out the memiest meme of them all. How amerimutts think that socialism by definition and application is what they got in their shithole. Rampant degeneracy, LGBTQ, dissolution of family, unchecked immigration, feminism, fat/slut acceptance while all of those things would result in mental hospital detention to say the least or full blown prison sentence in Eastern Europe of pre-89. It's not socialism/communism/capitalism that's bad, it's the anglo scum who will ruin absolutely everything. History alone could show numerous times, over and over, when fucking anglos threw sticks under feet of positive changes like the fucking roaches they are. Ungrateful backstabbing rats.
EVROPA without anglos when!
You're making a hell of a strawman. Learn Russian, when the mongrels ruin this country you'll be speaking it.
Mongrels like you have already ruined my continent with their degenracy negro-kike culture.
Thank God old school commies were able to hold out that degeneracy long enough for us to see what it turned western europe into.