/cp/ Clownpilled Official - HONK HONK

"Humor alone, that magnificent discovery of those who are cut short in their calling to highest endeavor, those who falling short of tragedy are yet as rich in gifts as in affliction, humor alone (perhaps the most inborn and brilliant achievement of the spirit) attains to the impossible and brings every aspect of human existence within the rays of its prism. To live in the world as though it were not the world, to respect law and yet to stand above it, to have possessions as though "one possessed nothing," to renounce as though it were no renunciation, all these favorite and often formulated propositions of an exalted worldly wisdom, it is in the power of humor alone to make efficacious."
― Hermann Hesse

“A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded. He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater. I think that's just how the world will come to an end: to general applause from wits who believe it's a joke.”
― Soren Kierkegaard

“Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.”

Official Theme Song - Entry Of The Gladiators - Julius Fucik

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Other urls found in this thread:


We built a statue for Vienna of Sobieski, who 300 years ago saved their city from getting raped and destroyed by the Ottomans.

Vienna rejected it, because it would upset the large Turkish population

I looked it up, its a beautiful statue too


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Based thread. Nearly tripped over a drug fucked abbo sleeping in the gutter outside work this morning. Smelt the cunt from inside my car when I pulled up.

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LMAO its going to be hard to top that kek

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Send it my way, I'll place it in front of the biggest mosque I can find. It's not like Turks would be smart enough to recognize him anyway.

can someone pls post the 13 reasons why smile honk meme

>2008: we wuz greeks
>2019: greeks are white and should be banned

They are always looking for those things, they have scholars whose only purpose it's to recognize historical figures who opposed turk raping gangs.

Is clown pilled just a black pill with all the colors separated hence the wig?

It's actually a white pill.

I think you know already

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Honk pill is accelerationism.
Black pill is crying like girls.

So they're Anti-Cock-Blockers?

Look at the big brain on Brett

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this thread is already more intelligent then that last /cp/


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guys just a heads up, Jow Forums mods can't honk

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Jannies are killing these threads. I wonder why?

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Keep the honk going, keep calling out the clown word, remember Jow Forums has been compromised

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I think we know why

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Ummm... you may want to rethink this abbreviation, bro.

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remember to punch an ashkenazi. good night.

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Correcto, and that goes for accelerating (blue->red->black->white->clown) pills. It’s like adding a turbo to the whole meme experience. It reclaims the rainbow, recruits normalfags and accelerates the period of political chaos were experiencing. A quicker death for democracy and Marxism means a faster route to authoritarianism/fascism/nationalism.
Jannies fear the honker

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you're a big honk

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It really strange as zoophilia and trnny spam was up for an hour or so a couple days ago. I will say though that the board has been real slow and full of even bigger retaeds the last few days. The board is on it's last leg.

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dumb ass jannie niggers dont know where we are.

I think the pun is totally in line with the clown-pill ethos

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sure feels like a whitepill, everything has felt so cheery since the clown meme

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you got it, thats a good summary for those new to honkler and those who claim he is a non-organic meme

jannies should be happy were keeping all the honkling to one thread

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whenever I read this I can't help but think of one of the clowns pulling out and a flag comes out of the tip of his penis that says "cum." Would have been a good addition to that post

LOOOOOOOOK he has a friend!!

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Damn, you may be right. Here, have the greatest video ever made:

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>CP general
>Started by a Canadian
That checks out

take the hink pill.

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that is some quality honk

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That said, how does one know with certainty that the the ship is sinking and cannot be bailed out?
>And when a ship is certain to sink, is it best to go down with those who insist it isn't sinking? Or better to take a life raft which is not being used?
When did the "will to life" leave Western Civilization?

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Thank you, bro.

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Wow, never tought that I could live to see another dank meme.

Music for your comment: youtu.be/ClQcUyhoxTg

Oh no, how will I use kantian metaphyics in order to interpret race relations then???

>When did the "will to life" leave Western Civilization?
Great question, I wish I knew...

For me it began with the new article in the header. Were going to turn our backs on the classics. Those classics are western civilization.

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In 1945 retard. So it's you crying to mods kushnerbot? Have you been here all night? Don't you have work?

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yfw the only solution for everything is a mass clown uprising

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"this has got a lot of idea, y'all better like this"

well no shit, that's why were hanging onto it after all these years

Good post

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now you're beginning to understand

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blessed shill free thread, they havent a single tactic to counter the honk

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>2025: a chorus of honks and gunfire reign over the metropolis. the reeee uprising has begun and the clown division has taken over most of the eastern seaboard. i am a local commander, named gwydion, and today i shall firebomb the local pool for the sake of visual comedy.

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i know a lot of scholars trying to appear big bran talk about aristotle and plato, but the truth is we turned our back on both of them over a hundred years ago user. not just in deed, but they were explicitly refuted and rebuilt in the new philosophy.

by a jew. honk honk.

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the honk is going to take us home

its showing the true opposition, look at this desperation

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once you start honking you free yourself from the satanic clownworld which means you become more spiritual as a result. they want to keep us down slaving away and in a negative mindset. never stop honking

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No wonder Hitler burned Hesse books (steppenwolf).
Edgy nazis are seething over Honkler

I feel like it began in the care-free attitude of the 60's + hippy culture.
I don't have work. My wife just had a baby so I took 1.5 weeks off. Honk honk. Half Asian baby (mixed feelings)... But I've placed my DNA in a life raft is case they white race (ship) goes down. Yes, reason for the decline was the Big Lie. But most people don't/didn't know it was a lie, so Will to Life didn't flee quickly now consciencely.

Resized version

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??? Explain

philosophy is about learning how to think, not being told what to think

you have to study across the centuries

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I agree, they should ban all things invented by people with white skin, there were plenty Arab and Persian scholars after all who made important things that are still used today.
Just remove all the things made by white people and they'll be able to study without any contamination by the evil wrong people.
And didn't some illustrious Islamic scholars write about Africa? I'm sure they had valuable insight that white people wouldn't have known about.

>cp general
Whatcha doin there buster? I would suggest renaming it to /cps/ for clownpills or might have to take a seat

blackpill is a black hole
it leads to a whitepill, a white hole
honk honk

A new age will dawn when the black sun rises, a rainbow is retaken and a clown become a warrior.

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That quote is from Steppenwolf, good on you for recognizing it

> 60's + hippy culture
that's entirely accurate, I was speaking more in my personal experience

at least you have a kid desu
stay positive fellow honk

>blackpill is a black hole
>whitepill, a white hole

top kek, white holes are the best holes

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i have that book laying around from a seocnd hand shop, i should read it once i'm done with the gilles de rais book by bataille i've been meaning to start for 4 months

Where my honkers at?

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I'm reading it right now as a break from "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" which got me more interested in classical German literature. I'm going to check out Nietzsche next.

It's really good though. I found that passage extremely relevant so I added it to clown world.

This one also, summarizes the struggle

"He said to me once when we were talking of the so-called horrors of the Middle Ages: "These horrors were really nonexistent. A man of the Middle Ages would detest the whole mode of our present-day life as something far more horrible, far more barbarous. Every age, every culture, every custom and tradition has its own character, its own weakness and its own strength, its beauties and ugliness; accepts certain sufferings as matters of course, puts up patiently with certain evils. Human life is reduced to real suffering, to hell, only when two ages, two cultures, and religions overlap. A man of the Classical Age who had to live in medieval times would suffocate miserably just as a savage does in the midst of our civilization. Now there are times when a whole generation is caught in this way between two ages, two modes of life, with the consequence that it loses all power to understand itself and has no standard, no security, no acquiescence."

- Hermann Hesse

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quality post
quality numbers
quality honk

I prefer the squeepill.

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I should read Hesse

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