Hannah Foster 999 call: transcript This is the transcript of the 999 call made by Hannah Foster to the emergency services while in her abductor's car:
Male voice: You belong this country? Operator: Emergency, which service? Hannah: Yeah Operator: Hello Male voice: England Hannah: Yeah, I'm English Hannah: Yeah Operator: Do you need the fire, police or ambulance? Hannah: My name Operator: What number have you dialled please? Male voice: Huh? Hannah: My name is Sarah Male voice: Sarah Hannah: Yeah Male voice: I want Automated service: I cannot release your line until you say that you do not need an emergency service Hannah: Fifteen Male voice: Fifteen Hannah: Yeah Male voice: What fifteen Hannah: Fifteen Automated message service: If you are unable to speak but need an emergency service tap the handset Hannah: That's my my road ... that was where I live Male voice: Live there Hannah: Yes Automated service: You are connected to the police at New Scotland Yard. If you require an emergency service ... Hannah: Yeah Automated service continues: ... please press the number five key on your keypad two times now Male voice: There [unidentifiable speech] your head down please Hannah: Sorry ... no [faint clicking sound] Male voice: Where you live? Which number you live? Automated service: Nothing has been heard from the caller Hannah: Huh ... listen ... anything ... Automated service: Exchange please disconnect line
THE man charged with murdering teenager Hannah Foster was accused in court today of smiling while he described having sex with her. Maninder Pal Singh Kohli claims he was kidnapped as part of a revenge plot because he had blackmailed a colleague for £16,000 so he would not reveal an affair he had been having with the man's wife. Nicholas Haggan QC, prosecuting, accused Kohli of smiling as he recalled his version of having sex with Hannah. Kohli, 41, described how he his hands had been tied and he was blindfolded before being put in the front seat of a van. He explained that a girl, whom he now believed to be Hannah, sat astride him and had sex with him against his will. Mr Haggan said: "You had difficulty giving that evidence yesterday without smiling and you're having difficulty again today without smiling. "The jury saw you give that evidence yesterday and you have had great difficulty in keeping a straight face." Kohli replied: "I told you I am a broken man. Over the past five and a half years I have lost everything. I am not smiling. I am standing here because of things I didn't do to anyone." Mr Haggan said that Kohli's version of events that he was threatened by being forced to have sex with a girl was ''absurd''. Kohli denies the murder, rape and false imprisonment of Hannah. The body of the bright A-level student was found in a bramble-filled ditch at the side of Allington Lane, West End, on March 16 2003, two days after she disappeared near to her home.
There are assholes, rapists, murderers, psychopaths among every religious group, as far as I'm concerned Sikhs are a lot less likely to be those than Muslims.
Christian Adams
So what? A white guy commited a very similar crime in my town a couple of years ago. Enticed a drunk girl away from her friends, abducted her, raped her, and strangled her. Sikhs are mainly very good people, one bad apple doesn't change that.
pls stop. racism is low IQ duncery. never trust any stranger, around women. its one of those life lessons that applies to everyone.
people are actually individuals who arent all like that, unless what ur saying is that you identify as part of a group and assume everyone else does too.
How could you look at these faces and think their intentions could be any less evil than Muslims. Their subhumanity is written all across their faces. These are not individuals with a soul. They are nothing more than racially subhuman vermin and each white life they impact or destroy is a tragedy.
Sikh brothers Ara and Vino Rajenthiram used freebies and flattery to work their way into the hearts of their schoolgirl victims. Winning their affection with sweets, crisps and the no-questions asked sale of cigarettes they flirted and fondled with their targets - some as young as 14 - to test their reactions. Mobile numbers would then be exchanged leading to trips in flashy cars and alcohol-fuelled parties designed to encourage them to commit sex acts. While working at the Best Price store on the corner of Grange Road West and Cole Street, Birkenhead, both brothers would take an interest in passing schoolgirls. Some of their victims were first met while they worked at another store in the town. At both locations the tactics were the same. Contact would begin with seemingly innocent approaches before the men’s sinister motives would eventually surface. Free sweets and crisps would be offered - with the girls told to pretend they were paying so the brothers’ parents would not get suspicious if they looked back on CCTV. Cigarettes would be sold with no questions asked over ID and boundaries crossed as flirting was often followed by the touching of breasts and slapping of bums in the shops. But in other cases phone numbers would be swapped and messages - sometimes explicit - later shared on SnapChat, WhatsApp and Facebook. Full story here: liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/freebies-flattery-how-shop-worker-13038135.amp
don't get the fascination about sikhs they're just as and even more retarded than the muzzies they kill fucking animals
Oliver Ross
>15 years ago a Sikh did a horrible thing. Fine, string him up, but you’re ginne need at least a thousand of these if you’re saying they’re as bad as Muslims.
Jack Reed
What sort of a retarded transcript is this? Pasting only her part: Hannah: Yeah Hannah: Yeah, I'm English Hannah: Yeah Hannah: My name Hannah: My name is Sarah Hannah: Yeah Hannah: Fifteen Hannah: Yeah Hannah: Fifteen Hannah: That's my my road ... that was where I live Hannah: Yes Hannah: Yeah Hannah: Sorry ... no [faint clicking sound] Hannah: Huh ... listen ... anything ...
What the fuck did she expect? Sounds more like a butt-dial than a coded call for help. Fucking bitch should have just yelled she was being kidnapped.
Thomas Gutierrez
They may not have the same violent religious aspect of muslims, however what matters more is race and they are both the same in that regard.
Shitskins have a genetic propensity to rape and just looking at their faces should be enough to make you highly skeptical of them.
Shitskins from the sub Asian continent can be characterised by their cunning and perverted ways. These are genetic traits, not religious or cultural although that can help bring it to the fore.
she qt. is there any delivery service, which can provide me a qt like her? I havent faüped for so long, my balls are full and are going to explode. Fapping is retarded, so i want to impregnate a qt like her with my warm sticky load full of potential aryan babies. please gib qt waifu
Hudson Rogers
Racism is adknowlegeing a grayhound can run faster than a pug, and that a pitbull is more dangerous than a corgi
Adrian Wilson
Most importantly, don't trust any niggers around white women
Isaiah Thompson
>Raped and murdered by a non-European invader who had the rape of fair-skinned women incoded within his subhuman and worthless shitskin genetics.
This, based Sikh bros can take a few of our women. They're roasties anyway and Bros over Hos
Chase Walker
Fucking kys redd*t
Camden Smith
gtfo faggot. "uuuhhhhhh brown man comitted crime all brown men bad" why arn't you a misanthropist if you believe that all groups that a evil person belongs to become just as bad as the them you absolute retard.
Sikhs and muslims co-opted to groom, drug and rape underage white British girls. If you favour any group of shitskins living in your white land then you are either incredibly stupid or gullible.
Lol imagine calling an emergency number to be greeted by a robot
Charles Mitchell
Why is it such a surprise to you that shitskins under the Sikh banner are just as obsessed with white bodies and wish to defile and breed them? These are subhuman parasites living in white countries we're talking about... so of course their main aim will be to impregnate white women.
Genuine question to everyone - who unironically pushes for the "sikhs are bro" meme? >inb4 sikh shitskins themselves or kikes
Charles Morris
You're missing the big picture. ALL non-whites have eternal hatred for whites and want them raped/tortured/killed/erased from existence. ALL non-whites are completely incapable of feeling any empathy or sympathy for whites or white suffering.
When whites are being raped/tortured/killed and they are begging and pleading for mercy, non-whites feel nothing whatsoever. I have never felt anything whatsoever when killing mosquitoes; so too will this brown murderer never feel anything for that little girl - ever.
Brandon Jones
Non-whites and idealistic whites who believe the only differences are surface culture.
Sikhs are bro tier. If you disagree you are a Paki.
Lincoln Flores
>If you favour any group of shitskins living Whoa there, bucko. I’m just saying we should gas one group first.
Nolan James
Holup, so you be saying ideology doesn’t matter, race does?
Jaxson Turner
well if her sister is something to go by i fully understand why the brownie would rape her.
Julian Flores
Anyone remember the movie "The English Patient"
Eli Fisher
based af
Lincoln Young
Prime anglo genetics. No wonder british women are so ugly, all their hot women get killed by brownies before they can reproduce.
James Miller
what's really wrong is that none of these kids told their parents, that is a massive failure on the parents part.
how do your kids say absolutely nothing to you, do they hate you? you've failed your children.
Joshua Russell
This is precisely what I'm saying.
Nicholas Sullivan
paki, shikhshit, hindu, poojeet ... all australoid subhuman shit that needs to be flushed
Carter Reyes
Sikh’s are the most dis-honest people I have ever had to deal with, they are masters at corporate fraud and right now are stealing the wealth of Australia, New Zealand and Canada with their corporate fraud scheme’s.
Ugly, creepy, smelly, shit-encrusted indian SCUM
Keep away from our jobs: You suck at IT and no one wants to willingly work with you. Your shitty half-baked code takes longer to fix than to make. We also don't want to die from medical malpractice due to your shitty doctors.
Keep away from our schools: All you fuckers do is cheat using answers provided by your indian friends. You would never get hired based on merit. Cheating does not count as merit. You would also never get hired if the boss wasn't indian (I.E nepotism), or if the company wasn't trying to save money (I.E stealing jobs).
Keep away from our women and porn sites: Holy fucking shit you are the creepiest fuckers ever aren't you? Jow Forums can take it from here.
Make like a shit and slide out of our countries. This includes the pakis and sikhs.
Cameron Gutierrez
>tfw totally untouchable by hapless English bobbies in the UK
Jace Long
>Hannah's family expressed their disappointment in the sentence, hoping that the killer would spend the rest of his life in prison No can do, boomers. You wanted people locked up for selling drugs to eachother, we gots to let those murders out early so that there's enough space in jail
I hope u are one of the last true British men and not using a vpn from some other shithole. Wish there were more like you in England, she needs you guys
Jackson Parker
>Killing people is bad Fuck off discord tranny
Dylan Long
I used to think like this when I was a teenager, too.
Hunter Wood
It's pushed by Sikhs themselves who want to be accepted by whites, and by cuckservative types who think the only bad shitskins are Muslims.
Austin Harris
Sikhs run prostitution, gambling, and drug rings all over India. They are NOT bro-tier.
Jeremiah Garcia
Yup they run a shit ton of grooming gangs too.
Jack Long
Also Chris Hansen cought a pedo manlet Sikh one time.