Jigaboo privilege confirmed :)

Finally you can just send a high profile meme all the mouthbreathers talking about white privilege.

Attached: Smugllett.jpg (1286x857, 261K)

Wording is a little off.
"Black privilege "

"A white man would be spending decades in jail if he did the same thing"

Juicy Smellit

Attached: 10FD0EBD-BAFC-49F0-BDEF-3FDB0360459C.jpg (416x639, 118K)

Memeflag, intentionally shitty image

Fuck off tranny.


What the hell are you on about, user?

Are you a buttblasted negro??

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he's a jew

spread it around boiss

It is curious. Every time I post that image I get an “88”.

Pic related, the prosecutor.
She recused herself (but not her office) after she was caught texting a family member and trying to interfere with the investigation.
This is 3rd world level corruption.
The kind of ethnic nepotism that kikes claim old white men get up to.

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This is about wealth and politics not skin color. Stop calling it black privilege its democrat/rich privilege you fucking idiots.

> This is 3rd world level corruption.
And this is why a concentration of niggers cause third world conditions. Every time. No exceptions.

>9056 (OP)
Don't ruin a joke dipshit. If anybody hasn't understood that, do you think your fucking brilliance of writing it is going to cut it :)

C'mon guys. C'mon. Stop this hatred! Let the professionals at the English news sites do their dang job!

Its just a fucking clown world yo.

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Are black folk allowed to post on Jow Forums
Only black people use the term jiggaboo... you're gonna need more training shillbotAnon

Pic relate is me

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What goes up... must come down.

Gotta take a moment to enjoy it though.

Confirmed as accurate

>tracks IP address
Thanks fren

Come home white man

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I moved from WV to TX, and I'm kinda regretting it. I miss the mountains, the nice 4 seasons... but in TX I got a qt 3.14 black gf.... who is completely oblivious to everything! Still love her, but I will always miss the mountains.

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goodjob set back Hate crimes 60 years just for the black man.

I feel you

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Black women stink. You’re disgusting.

>whining about mountains when you’ve got hill country.

That's a word I haven't heard in a long time

Attached: pepe 1-10.jpg (236x207, 11K)

To each their own.

>Texas sucks

Jew privilege.

Well your nigger tier post shouldn't be allowed to.

To you the Rope.

>Wants mountains
>Didn't move to El Paso.
Nah, we don't need more low IQ.

Fake Noose

>All these faggots writing lines of text on an Alabama White Sauce recipe board, none of which are addressing the issue in real life.

Know how I know you're all faggots?