Finally you can just send a high profile meme all the mouthbreathers talking about white privilege.
Jigaboo privilege confirmed :)
Wording is a little off.
"Black privilege "
"A white man would be spending decades in jail if he did the same thing"
Juicy Smellit
Memeflag, intentionally shitty image
Fuck off tranny.
What the hell are you on about, user?
Are you a buttblasted negro??
he's a jew
spread it around boiss
It is curious. Every time I post that image I get an “88”.
Pic related, the prosecutor.
She recused herself (but not her office) after she was caught texting a family member and trying to interfere with the investigation.
This is 3rd world level corruption.
The kind of ethnic nepotism that kikes claim old white men get up to.
This is about wealth and politics not skin color. Stop calling it black privilege its democrat/rich privilege you fucking idiots.
> This is 3rd world level corruption.
And this is why a concentration of niggers cause third world conditions. Every time. No exceptions.
>9056 (OP)
Don't ruin a joke dipshit. If anybody hasn't understood that, do you think your fucking brilliance of writing it is going to cut it :)
C'mon guys. C'mon. Stop this hatred! Let the professionals at the English news sites do their dang job!
Its just a fucking clown world yo.
Are black folk allowed to post on Jow Forums
Only black people use the term jiggaboo... you're gonna need more training shillbotAnon
Pic relate is me
What goes up... must come down.
Gotta take a moment to enjoy it though.
Confirmed as accurate
>tracks IP address
Thanks fren
Come home white man
I moved from WV to TX, and I'm kinda regretting it. I miss the mountains, the nice 4 seasons... but in TX I got a qt 3.14 black gf.... who is completely oblivious to everything! Still love her, but I will always miss the mountains.
goodjob set back Hate crimes 60 years just for the black man.
I feel you
Black women stink. You’re disgusting.
>whining about mountains when you’ve got hill country.
That's a word I haven't heard in a long time
To each their own.
>Texas sucks
Jew privilege.
Well your nigger tier post shouldn't be allowed to.
To you the Rope.
>Wants mountains
>Didn't move to El Paso.
Nah, we don't need more low IQ.
Fake Noose
>All these faggots writing lines of text on an Alabama White Sauce recipe board, none of which are addressing the issue in real life.
Know how I know you're all faggots?