What's the appropriate punishment for seditious journalism?

What's the appropriate punishment for seditious journalism?

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Having to listen to trump speak

Another Trump presidency.

I want to see Anderson Cooper stuck in one of these for a week.

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Well, right now the only people watching CNN are people who work in airports and other journalists. Convince the other journalists to totally shun the network and it vanishes. At that point Bezos will move in to offer Prime for airports and that will be the end of them.

oh plus: rope and a lampost for everyone involved in the lies

CNN pays big bucks to be in airports.

should not be counted in ratings when you pay to have your network aired.

What could be better for a lier then to cut at its tongue.

They should be launched from a medieval catapult, right into a giant mesh of razor wire.

Beat me to it. Hemp and a lamp post.


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Live execution

What did that kid supposedly do again?

he refused to felch the cum out of the town goat's asshole

I agree...FOX should be shut down forever and all their propagandists put in prison for life.

unironically death

the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference
that should be (((their))) punishment

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not being watched?

Jailing their leader: Clinton

Send them to the dunking chair

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He and his boyfriends would enjoy that to much.
Make him watch girl porn.

i love the Ridiculous Bullshit line

Christian or Sunni vs Shia sperg out.
If I recall correctly those were also white helmet members.

Nothing in this country. Called the 1st admendment

Unemployment and having to learn 2 code.

Voted for Trump.

this was posted yesterday

Get paid in shekels

toss em off the edge of the Grand Canyon

MIGA amirite?

if you don't support killing journalists at this point then you are mossad

Except for wrongthink right you cum guzzling faggot?

The regular punishment for sedition of course. If I remember correctly it's death.

okay, this is based
but seriously, treason is punishable by death.

Boom roasted

death by firing squad

>believing these entirely manufactured satanists actually have sexualities outside of consuming foreskin and raping kids

you’re dumb, he’s not actually ‘gay’


wouldn't need to push them
they'll jump off on their own

>Enemy of the people

They should be sentenced to 5 years driving semi truck so the can become the people they despise.

Public hangings

Public Lynching.

whats appropiate. prison for life. whats needed however, a bullet and not the just the guilty but family and friends aswell and i do mean going Mao Zedong on their asses.

>seditious journalism
They are just following orders but that excuse wont save them.

If you can knowingly prove that the journalists knew what they were reporting was false and that it was a controlled narrative and part of a larger "plot"...Well fuck man:

The Rope...

More ratings and more profit

The company - including its parent company(ies) is dissolved. Assets sold off. The shareholders get nothing. All the employees declared enemy combatants

... you sue them for slander and libel.