How do i get my neighbors dogs taken away and killed...

How do i get my neighbors dogs taken away and killed? I want them killed not quiet i want them taken away and killed in a sad cold place

>neighbors dogs are outside 24/7
>even in blistering cold they are fucking outside 24/7
>first thing they do at 6 am is let them outside
>they just stand next to the road and bark literally non stop
>they leave them outside night and day
>go on a night walk at like 3 am
>wake up the entire neighborhood because their stupid fucking dog charges at me through the fence and freaks the fuck out running up and down the fence freaking the fuck out barking
>they do nothing
>leave their dogs outside ALL night
>randomly every couple hours they bark
>hear them barking at 6 am midnight 10 am 10 pm all night all day
>sometimes they just sit there and make the same 3 barking noises for hours right next to my window
>literally all day and all night long they just stand by the road and bark
>they do nothing
>they attack peoples cats other peoples animals walk around without a leash walk through peoples yards
>have even bitten people before and shit before
>no one reported it they just put up a stupid fucking beware of dog sign after someone complained it bit their children
>reported it to animal control
>told them ALL of this
>keep reporting it
>they know the dogs are loud fucking menacing ass holes
>they decide PURPOSELY to build the dogs fence right next to the road and literally just a few feet away from like 8 houses then leave the dogs out all night

I cant even go outside on my porch late at night. I cant even go for a fucking bike ride. I cant even go for a fucking walk. LITERALLY they leave them outside and dont even let them for TEN FUCKING MINUTES A DAY

And the fucking cock suckers dont even have an address on their house to report it

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>want to kill a living being because it's annoying
Reevaluate yourself

I don't like you OP

How do i kill these fuckers. HOW HOW HOW. I want them to come get dragged away by a van ripped out of the owners arms while they watched them be carried and fucking shoved a needle fulll of death inside them and then theyre fucking dead bodies thrown into a god damn fire and burnt straight to hell FUCK these dogs

FUCK these owners. I hate the dogs just as fucking much they run around killing and attacking other peoples animals. I want them fucking dead.

I dont want anything but for them to be dead. I havent been able to have a window open for years. I cant go outside. I cant sleep or relax in my house or yard without them barking multiple times EVERY fucking hour. Sometimes they just sit there and bark for 8 hours straight

The owners do nothing. They dont bring them inside. They dont shush them. They dont go get them. They just throw them outside right next to the road and like 8 houses while they bark 24 hours a day and lock the fucking door

I want the owners to watch their fucking dogs be taken away knowing theyre being fucking murdered alone in a sad ass building and thrown in a fucking fire after their shit death

someone needs to report you

>dogs are basically prisoners with a negligent owner
>hate the dogs

nah, can't blame the dogs. Go talk to the owners or call the cops.

We must live in the same neighborhood.

why don't you just kill the neighbors and then call animal control for abandoned animals? if you are this psychotic this seems more logical

For what it's worth, OP, I think you're correct in your assessment. Fuck those things. They lose the 'oh no its a doggo u cant hurt it' card the moment they bite someone.

Yeah, dogs need training and they are fine. These dogs were raised, or lack there of, by shitty owners. They are animals, it's the Human's job to raise them correctly

OP, while this is annoying calm the fuck down.

Have you tried reporting them to the police for a noise complaint? There are options man

The cops told me to animal control and animal control only did something after 20 reports now I can’t even find out their address anymore

Have you tried walking up to their home and talking to them about it?

Imagine what type of asshole would think of killing the ill trained pet instead of the retard owner that is the actual problem.
You kill the dog and they'll just get more. Set your neighbors house on fire.

Bowl of antifreeze.


I’m not letting shit dogs kill my cat

Keep your fucking cat inside if you actually love it. Having "outdoor" pets is actually closer to abusing them, as told by your degenerative neighbors.

Go away retard bitch

These autists in this thread calling you crazy and wrong in this thread have probably never seen a misbehaving dog.

I feel bad for you OP, but it seems like you’re just complaining instead of trying to fix this. If the dog really bit someone it would be super easy to get it put down.

No :)


Ok so if you are willing to go to war with your neighbors get the biggest speaker you can possibly find put it as close to their house as possible and then play loud hentai sounds at the top volume on the speaker (some extensions can be downloaded to make it louder) play it all night and day and tell them that either they keep theyre dogs quiet or learn to live with the sound of asian school girls getting fucked by octupuses all day if this doesnt work find someone willing to take in the dogs and train them properly as they are obviously ill trained then steal them at night and give them to that person to get rid of them

have you tried calling an animal rights organization or some shit that actually cares and saying theyre being mistreated? usually an organization like that will actually try to do something to get them taken away peta will even euthanize them for you.

I think it's justified if they're killing cats and other animals. An aggressive dog doesn't deserve to live and you can't call yourself an animal lover if you'll just let them continue to maul.
Let me guess, they're pit bulls?

I dont want to kill them i just want to report them but now i was looking at my neighbors house and i cant even find their address on it

This. I literally am against mcdonalds, slaughter houses, any animal abuse or anything i boycott meat from any big chain store. And i want these dogs dead what the fuck does that tell you

Plus they neglect them anyways they didn’t outsisde literally all day every day. Even in the cold i see them outside for 8 hours straight.

I’m talking in a frozen cold snow mountain hell hole where everything is frozen solid top to bottom and so much ice you cant even go outside

Check your city's ordinances and laws. In my city, it is against the law to leave your dogs outside if the rest of the family is indoors. Even moreso if the weather is really hot or really cold outside.
Your city might have something similar that you can use as a loophole.

But yeah call a local humane society and try to take pictures of the dogs in bad positions where they look like theyre being abused and email the pics to the organization

Find your local rescue and have them report it, take pictures as evidence. Animal control is the same here but they take the reports seriously if a rescue reports them. Or you should really talk to the owners, if they don't want their dogs taken away then they will make it work. Maybe it would help just to block the dog's view, Ask all your neighbours how they feel and have them report as well. More reports from one person is not as urgent as many from many people.

You could also try and become friends with the dogs, bring them treats and they will probably leave you alone.

dump a sausage full of rat poison in the yard. owner whose neighbours also own shittily trained noisy dogs

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Give them a legal dose of chocolate

Give them lots of chocolate. Dark chocolate. This kills the dog.

If you want them to write in pain for several hours, use rat poison. Easy to buy.

Talk to your other neighbors and contact the humans society all at once, make multiple reports. I had the same problem and a week or two later they came by and seized the dog.

First tripfaggot I've filtered in months. Feelsgoodman.

Those dogs are gonna die a slow, horrible death and the only sad part is I won't be able to see that tripfaggot's cries of anguish when it happens.

Owning dogs should actually be illegal. OP put some rat poison in a hotdog.

Killing a dog might land you in jail if you're caught, but murder is a felony. Humans also don't tend to eat food they find on the ground.

Just kill them painlessly if you have to. Don't indulge in their suffering. They are probably just trying to cope with their abuse. Being serious.

I totally sympathize.
He's acting psychotic because he is stressed out as fuck and this is what happens, I've been there. I just suggested a new option to take care of the problem and that is to get rid of the neighbors. If he can't do that get rid of their house.

Firstly yikes at all the normalfags, seems like reddit's paid a visit
Secondly soak meat in antifreeze, pretty much any animal likes the taste of sweet, sweet antifreeze despite the fact that its poisonous.
Peace and quite at last.
Oh yea almost forgot, disclaimer don't try this at home.

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The real surprise is that the dog made it home alive after biting someone's kid.
You can kill a dog quickly and painfully by taking its front legs and snapping them out to the sides 90 degrees. This takes all of the small, complex bones in its shoulder joints, shatters them, and launches those shards into their chest cavity. I would do this to any dog that attacked my child.

Your right to keep a pet ends where my family's safety begins.

this right here.. this very thing

somebody finally gets it

man's best meme

I hate the motherfuckers. I also have an issue in my building where it's a hotbed of bullshit dogs barking all fucking day long and all fucking night waking me up. they shit up the sidewalks and the landlord doesnt give a fuck

I've made signs to try and combat the fucking barking and shitting problem but nothing gets done because the landlord himself is a dog fucker. I hate the motherfucker. he knows I dont like him and his faggot dogs. I'm also allergic to dog fur but the landlord doesnt give a shit. Even if i was cured of dog gay I would still hate the motherfuckers

I too wish I could kill the motherfuckers. dogs are a fucking waste of space and cause problems and their shit carries bacteria and diseases

Owning a dog should be illegal. Thy contribute nothing. They are loud attack people attack more worthy pets

Fuck dogs

>dogs taken away and killed
By slitting your own wrists, faggot.

there are more baby/children related deaths from dogs then there are from car accidents

have one of those dark web people steal the dogs and torture them in a homemade video

post your story there user they'll understand the bullshit you go through

Life is worthless. Really embarrassing post, go think about your inadequacy please