It's over
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It's only just begun.
I knew this from day one
Its Bible Prophecy
One of the heads of the beast seemed to have a deadly wound but healed. And then the whole world wondered after the beast.
Nice Try Nigel. You're efforts will always be remembered.
fake you faggot
Has it been 3 years or 4 years since you guys voted for brexit?
What the fuck is the point of voting?
now your getting it
>we want to be raped by the EU now that article 13 is rael
This, they have pussyfooted around about it for too long. any Brit who actually thinks they are leaving the EU is a damn fool
>be democrcy
>democracy decides to leave brexit
>don't leave brexit
Don't worry, most of us fell for (((democracy))) at some point.
A suitable song for the situation. Here you go lads:
>Union of countries to be competitive with bigger countries bad
You should thank people like Soros for the EU, if those faggots weren't trying every 10 years to crash economies you wouldn't have your monster.
no link? ok
its fake you fools. it what mps want to happen but it hasnt happened yet. brexit is going to happen regardless however, whether the mps make it happen or we have to get rid of them all it will happen
Illusion of choice and power
You have neither in this world
>You should thank people like Soros
Whatever you say, Heeb.
>You should thank people like Soros for the EU
I do, never realized selling out your own family and friends for Nazi gold was a good thing.
fuck yes
brits have common sense it seems
im glad you are not all marons.
Keep the farce that democracy is a real thing. But they overestimated the efficiency of their MSM brainwashing before the vote and the population ended voting "wrong".
So they add two years of absolute shitshow trying to scare the population into begging for a redo, which didn't happen either.
So now they are stuck with a deal they made as shitty as possible on purpose, and have to drop all pretenses.
making sure rich assholes like Chucky stay rich, a vote = money to democrats
>people vote for something
>some cunts in parliament spend 3 years finding a way to not do what people voted for
Brexit was always a lie.
From day one, I knew.
based and pastapilled
say hi to the trash
This is most definatley the point
enjoy article 13.
I actually find it good, because then we can together work on removing the EU in its entire form
There isn’t one.
Gotta keep the shitskins flowing into Crosstooth Island.
The people of England have no rights at all. They don’t care what you vote for. Sickening.
Brexit should never be cancelled. It doesn't matter what and who you vote for, the (((government))) always gets in.
Britain should have left the (((EU))) on the same day the majority of British voters voted for Brexit three fucking years ago.
Voting is meant to make people periodically fight each other in an artificial political arena so that other people can keep control over them regardless which country you're talking about. It's Totalitarianism but worse because you're not allowed to know who rules you and if you do, criticize or oppose them by fair and legitimate means.
Uh it's not so bad if you think about it. They're just becoming more open about how things work everywhere in the west.
There is no point in voting except tricking the goyim into thinking they have a choice when it comes to politics.
>leave brexit
Is that brexitception? A brexit within a brexit?
Has science gone too far?
b e s t g u a y
>lionising Nigel
He did a laudable job leading up to the vote. But what did he do afterwards? He tucked his tail in between his legs and ran away like a coward. On top of that, he STILL finds the nerve to keep commenting on the issue. Same with Boris.
I'm grateful for what he did in the years leading up to it. Sure, he is a top bloke, always conveniently posing for photographs with a pint in hand. But I will never forgive him for leaving us with a Theresa May led Brexit negotiation. As soon as the going gets tough he just fucking bailed, and talks shit from the sidelines. Stop lionising him.
>He tucked his tail in between his legs and ran away like a coward. On top of that, he STILL finds the nerve to keep commenting on the issue
That's literally the only thing he was in a position to do.
>But I will never forgive him for leaving us with a Theresa May led Brexit negotiation
Show your flag, you don't seem to have a single clue what you're talking about.
Its referring to the Papacy after Napoleon took the pope captive in 1798.
The whole world was already following the papacy, which is the woman that sits on the beast. Beasts are always represent a political institution that has power over nations.
That was a major event though, I don't disagree with that.
When the vote is respected, it allows the winner of the traditional means of changing leadership (civil war) to be determined mathematically, thus allowing a peaceful transition of power without all the death and destruction fighting a civil war brings.
When the ballot box is not respected, well, then it's time for the ammo box. If you have one.
Yes, & water represents peoples, multitudes nations or tongues 1798 was a mortal wound that was healed. Look at the Papacy today & how everyone wonders after them.
The beast, which is a political institution came out of the nations which is the water
Beasts governments, the woman is a religious group
Why didn’t they come up with a deal before they had the public vote?
I would like to add, it's just a matter of time before the Beast turns on the Harlot and destroys her
It hasn't happened in the past, it's still in our future
Shouldn't the guy have a gun to the cat's head?
>Thinks Britain is England
>Believing an most obvious fake
Yep, all checks out
I really don't think the EU want UKIP/Brexit MEPs in their parliament. I'm not at all sure they'll allow it, which means they may not allow a long extension.They're already expecting about a third of MEPs to be "populists". With an overwhelming contingent of British UKIP/Brexit MEPs that would be getting closer to half!......
Brexit is literally a false flag
but we need an island to drift away
Mark Maron is a fucking fag
Can you imagine. Brexit, war in middle east, trump victory, China expansion, isolation of US, defense of Venezuela, people speaking up for Palestine,
It’s almost like they don’t pay me enough
>Its Bible Prophecy
No it's basic fucking logic.
This is what happens Larry, this is what happens when you put people who don't want something in charge of making that thing happen.
you got a loicence for that brexit?
Depends on if the Brits actually vote this way, or it becomes "a signal to remain because pro-EU parties got a majority", which will probably be the media propaganda spin anyway: "Though EU-critics won, the participation in the EU election itself was already proof that people like it and want to participate in it."