
I guess why???

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because if you feed a tiger it wont kill you for a few hours.
much less is expected from niggers.

Who said they were scared of Muslims?
Did you fall for the "phobia" meme?

I dont see the tiger trying to blow her up, steal her information, steal her money, throwing acid in her face, stab her, or run her over in a truck of peace.

we've been feeding, clothing, housing, sending aid, inventing things for them for hundreds of years. Not only do they kill us openly and in numbers, but they blame us for all their shortcomings. Even after sending over a million good men to their death to free slaves. Fuck niggers.

truckofpeace would be a good reddit name, thanks

The tiger as no chance to explode in order to try to get laid with 70 virgin tigresses and he does not believe that the perfect tiger is a pedo warlord tiger that should be emulated because the Toran tells him so.
He will also not try to kill all those that don't submit to the word of the Toran.

Attached: Islam_Politics.jpg (600x282, 45K)

Probably because tigers didn't kill tens of thousands of white people in the past two decades and enslave 1.2 million white people and attack white people for 1300 years.

especially when you feed your tiger with (sand)niggers

>tigers blow you up

I'd trust a tiger with a full stomach over a sand nigger any day.

that picture is of the tiger temple in thailand and they sedate them

>comparing an apex predator to a tiger
the state of this board.

i'm pretty sure my cat wouldn't eat me if it was suddenly enlarged to the size of a tiger. we have a bond, and she appreciates me, so she wouldn't want to kill me.

How many tigers have hijacked planes tho? Check mate faggot.

>comparing an ape predator to a tiger

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The one on the right looks more sophisticated.

Its kind of true tho. White women have absolutely no sense of danger or awareness. Its why they burn coal and hitch hike across places where durkadurkas behead people and fuck goats and shit.

Life is one long "fuck you dad" for liberal white women, stumbling through life like toddlers walking into traffic without looking.

I got to pet a tiger at a zoo once and it was a great experience. I’ve also interacted with Muslims and it’s almost always bad.
>accidentally touch a hijabis hand and an hour later her faggit brother is there giving me the third degree

Compared to a Muslim, a furry at best would oral/cock/anal vore you.

From peeling bananas to busting caps.
Wait, somebody gave the ape a gun? shiiitte.

Not wanting a sandnigger on my plane isn't fear. It's the same reason I don't want a nigger for a neighbor or a faggot near my kids. 50 years ago, this had been common sense for millennia.

>>accidentally touch a hijabis hand and an hour later her faggit brother is there giving me the third degree
then what happened?

So sick of this “virgins” meme. Learn the truth.

Niggers are only 90% homo sapiens

I called the cops on that screaming faggot but they didn’t arrest him. Yknow it’s just cultural differences so terrorist threats are okay.

Because a white person is inherently adept at seeing if an animal is trained properly or not.

Too bad you didn't piss him off enough to hit you. I'd take a hit to throw a muzzie in jail for a bit.

Shows who is more dangerous.

When a tiger kills a human no one calls it a radical, because it's obvious all of them are dangerous animals

It's harder to get that bond when the tiger can fuck you up and is fed a raw horse every few days. It is still quite possible though. There is an Arab who keeps two tigers as pets and even sleeps with them.
It's a really good idea to wear chainmail when taming big cats and wolves.

>take a hit
Naw son it's self defense at that point, teach him a lesson

Many animals have souls. Many humans do not.

No tiger ever called me nigger

>wild animals and their behaviour is easy to predict and they don't get violent if they're not hungry and don't feel threatened
Something that Muslims and blacks don't share with them. Also, always make sure to sit next to the Muslim girls on the bus or train

yeah I thought about it, but this is clown world and I can’t imagine a scenario where they actually arrest him and charge him with battery.

She unironically has a lesser chance of dying.

It doesn't matter where you sit in relationship to the bomb

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Tigers don’t smell like goat shit though

Mahometans are :
stinking niggers

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It's almost as if the chance of getting killed by a tiger is ludicrously low, especially when it was raised from a birth along side humans- however the chance of any given Muslim on earth indiscriminately hating whites or their values is better than 50/50.

Says more about the Muslim than the tiger.

Tigers aren't as vicious as Muslims.

I really hate the change of 'phobia' from 'fear' to 'against'
It's not like the english langauge did not have a way of saying 'anti-' something
On the subject of "the left corrupting words so they mean new things but keep old connotations", remember when they said that homophobes really were angry because of their own homosexuality? I guess arachnophobes were angry because they were really spiders.

>when some retard extends the consonant and not the vowel to represent singing

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ya know, I really wish Islam was functional and not prone to murderous infighting and terrorism. Seeing people together, praying to God, hand in hand is a beautiful thing, even if the teachings are a bit off.
>Raised Pentecostal, been going to Southern Baptist for a few months now.

You kill them openly in their home countries too you absolute cumstain


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Radical centrist

terrible shitpost
I expected more from you australia maybe actually banning you from this site would be a good idea.

That's all this this to you, isn't it....just posting pictures of dead muslims and saying the N word? Shame on you. How would your friends and relatives react if you told them the disgusting material you view and spout every hour of every day in your sad pathetic little life.

Patrick Ewing is unironically a good dude though.

you're getting a bit better

they don't use deodorant. it's an olfactory crime to be sat next to a stinky dunecoon on a plane.

Because animals don't explode.

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At least tigers dont fuck goats

The risk is worth the floof


>I guess why???
Because no Tiger has ever strapped explosives to him self

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Shitty bait
Are you using a VPN?
You LACK bants skill

If you feed a tiger a big load of meat, it wont kill you for a few hours, if you feed a muslim a tonne of halal food, he'll still slit your throat out of nowhere and then rape your daughter

Tigers in the wild usually want nothing to do with humans, the so called man eater tigers are usually wounded or disabled so can't catch their usual prey so go for humans since they're an easier catch if unarmed. But for the most part a normal tiger will only attack if you get too close or if you show them your back or crouch down.
As for the woman in the picture, the tiger looks to be in some shelter/zoo and have a lot of human interactions, plus they are fed so they have little reason to kill their caretaker.

Tigers are adorable and don't emit those noises or smells.

Hi, Monti. Pretty impressive to see an Aboriginal who can speak English and use the Internet.