How can I move into a culture where women make the first move in sex and dating?

How can I move into a culture where women make the first move in sex and dating?

In the US and Canada men are expected to make the first move, but there's such an epidemic of false rape and harrassment accusations that just asking a woman on a dinner date is a Me Too witch hunt waiting to happen.

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Go MGTOW and fuck off, or become someone actually worth chasing. I live in USA-lite and the amount of men complaining about women not instigating then immediately rejecting a girl who instigated (as is their right as peeps with preferences) and go back to complaining that women never instigate is ridiculous. Also don't touch peeps without their permission and don't hit on co-workers who can't escape you and you won't need to worry about me too, but if that's a bit complicated I understand.

>Don't bother women without their permission and you won't get Me-Too'd

I hear this a lot but it doesn't work that way. You can just compliment a woman on her appearance or ask her out on a date, without being sexual or coming on too strong, and you're still at risk of getting MeToo'd. Even if she turns you down and you say okay, that's fine you're still at risk of someone screaming bloody rape because you asked them out on a date and they turned you down. Even if you just walk away and accept it they can turn it on you.

This guy is right. Dating is pretty much a dead-end these days. I can honestly say that I'd be happier had I just done my own thing instead of dating and even worse get married.


What epidemic of false rape accusations? Go outside instead of getting your news from incel forums.

Men get approached lots. Just be good looking and dont be ugly

Move to a different planet inhabited by a species where the male is the receptive partner and let them penetrate you with their female alien penis.

This is the best response to this question and I will be stealing this

It's also a genuinely unhelpful one.

There's a place in southern china like that but I don't remember what's the name of it and they don't date foreigners.

It's not, it's just stating the obvious.

Females are the receptive sex, they get penetrated, fertilized, go through 9 months of labour, possibly died in childbirth and then have to raise the kids.

Men just have to cum inside a hole.

That's why women are the selectors, that's why they're the ones who generally get approached.

>don't touch peeps without their permission and don't hit on co-workers who can't escape you

It's really not that fucking simple, dude. Most false accusation victims, the vast majority aren't in that situation. There is no karmic punishment going on in a lot of these cases. Just some dude asking a chick on a date and then getting told by her and the rest of society that he's a creep and a rapist because he wants to go out for a drink with a woman.

That's all this me too shit is in most cases, and a lot of what the anti-sexual harassment shit boils down to is punishing unappealing men for putting themselves out their on the sexual marketplace.

I've read a lot of feminist literature, from bell hooks to Mary Beard, and it's disturbing how they and their students don't address this serious issue.

The only relationships I've had was actually the girls making the first move(s). One of wich lasted 4 years but I guess I'm just extremely lucky

Stop being a paranoid schizo.

Can't figure out if this is shit tier bait, or just absolute autism.

Genuine concern.

That is good luck

No signs of the schizos here

my first 2 girlfriends moved for me

Just be a glimmering god. I've had dozens of girls ask me out just by being on ultra fleek.

Your face doesn't matter, fashion is key.

>I don't ask women out because of the metoo movement
you're a literal retard, an effeminate one, to boot

Brazil is pretty much does the trick.
Unless you still want actual girls and not just one night stands. Then I wish you luck.

Jesus Christ when was the last time you left your house? No sane woman is going to scream rape because you politely asked her out. If you're a staring, lip-licking mouth-breather who thinks every girl who pays you two seconds of attention is The One, of course you're going to get called a creep, because that's creepy behavior.

It's really not that big of a deal. Just be respectful and patient.

You have to become a man
Raise your test and learn the reality that women are shit and are lesser than you.

Sorry mate the only culture where women made the first move was in kaiserreich times, there's none left you damn autist

If a person dies from radiation poisoning in a river, it wont happen again as nobody will go near it. Doesn't mean the nuclear waste on the lake disappears

If youre not a real rapist then this shouldnt be a worry for you, you fucking idiot

Move to Europe. American women are by and large crazy. I'm not saying that to be insulting, it's just a fact. You won't get witch hunted here, unless you actually do something severe enough to warrant it, in which case don't move here.

now you are in the position of the MGTOW. how does it feel?

No, I'm not, because I'm not a retard afraid of interacting with people

>American women are by and large crazy.
>implying American men aren't just as fucking crazy


The chances of getting approached in Europe as a man are by faaaaar smaller. Most countries still have a pretty strong traditional view on such things.

t. Burger who thinks "Europe" is one country and entity where every culture is the same

Name a single one which isn't eastern European

you just made the same complaints MGTOW does, so yeah you are.

It all depends where you are. Capitals and big tourist spots are not to be taken into account. But to humour you, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Czeck Republic, most things east of Prague. France too but that could be a bias.

You've never been to Europe have you. Can you even point it out on a map?

Most women nowadays don't want to have kids though. They just like being spoiled by Male attention and are generally lazy.

Wrong. Women do want kids just like before. The main reason couples are not having as many children now is economic.

you do know that declining birthrates is endangering the economy in the first place, or do you mean that they want to be financially secured when having a child?

Except for Scandinavia. Big percentage of women here aren't afraid to approach.

It's more difficult these days for couples to be financially secure enough to have kids.

>women want to have kids
They sure as fuck don't act like it when all they do is go after attractive men who remind them of daddy in that they don't give a shit about them and are obviously using them for sex.

Listen dude

There's a lot wrong with dating these days, for sure. But getting #MeTood isn't even part of the list. Get that shit out of your head right now.

You have months and years of shit you're going to have to learn and the shit you are worried about which is preventing you from starting isn't even remotely relevant.

Not counting random bar nights or visa seeking golddiggers.
Which country are you from that I was wrong about? And which city?

that's because many of them cant keep decent job.

nayrt but any relevancy to those countries? are they nice to foreigners visiting and possibly working there?

They do want kids, just not with you. Why would anyone want a kid with a bitter virgin neet like you?

You named three small countries, and were wrong about Czech. You left out 95% of Europe.

You may not see it from your perspective but it is. Its constantly making men feel like they are walking on thin ice and for the guys who are really shy, they dont bother.

Don't project your massive insecurities on other men. It's only the biggest losers like you who feel that way.

People seem colder and less approachable, but we are extremely welcoming for the most part.

learn to cope fag, it's a real issue for a lot of guys whether you like it or not if anything you were the one speaking for men first.

>Its constantly making men feel like they are walking on thin ice and for the guys who are really shy, they dont bother.

Shy guys have always been shy, that's not a new development. This rape accusation fear is just a new excuse to avoid putting themselves out there.

Incels always think they are a huge group of men and not the tiny fringe group they are.

it really isnt since there seems to be an issue when it comes to what the definition of rape really is. There was thread just a hour ago stating this woman thought that though she wasnt physically raped she felt liek she was because the guy didnt tell her to stop drinking. She had a one night stand and felt awful for it, but she used the term rape as casual as saying the guy hit it and quit it.
Women do do this, just like men they dont seem to understand what rape actually is and misuse the phrase that causes a lot of peer to peer issues.

Weakling pussies like you just use it as an excuse. Anything to make it not your fault you never ask girls out.

I never said I was a huge group, but as a guy and listening to other dudes about and seeing posts on Facebook from other women saying their significant other basically raped them, yeah it's a legit thing wether you like it or not.

from what I can tell you are simply projecting. I have no problem asking a woman out and dealing with that rejection. There are millions of fish in the sea and I take what I can get.

I wish.

Oooh that's what I've been doing wrong!

>Anything to make it not your fault you never ask girls out.
Where do you meet them?

Lots of women make the first move.
My sister did with her old bf.
I pushed for contact with my current bf.
Several of my friends have initiated too.

I don't want to have kids.
The process of pregnancy and birth is horrifying and men are disgustingly callous and uninformed to the point of absolute naive ignorance about it. Yet they are also usually the one more against adoption go figure.

I know many other women who don't want them because they are horrified by pregnancy and birth. The rate of dying in childbirth is also rising in the US for some reason.

I thought like you until I read multiple books on the subject.
Women actually start the courtship process the vast majority of the time in America. We have some of the most forward woman in the world actually, but in humans females start the courtship process.
How can this be, you say?
Well, women just happen to be much more subtle about it. Everything from extended eye contact, to hair flicking, to standing in close vicinity to their man of choice, to asking for a lighter, to putting on lipstick and preening their hair... the list goes on. It was suprising to most anthropologists/biologists when this observation was first made, but its a face, women make the first move.
Sure, with some women you may have to start the verbal interaction, but a lot of the time they all but shout at you to tell you its ok to talk to them. And you'd be surprised by how many woman have started interactions that you didn't know were flirtations... Infact, the most common complaint among women in canada wasn't that men are too boorish or rude, it was that the vast majority of men are too stupid to take the hint, or many hints.
So basically, if you're a well groomed man, there are most likely women hitting on you or giving you signals. You probably just don't notice. Once you notice, though, it is up to you to respond in kind.

and yet there isn't one case of this happening.

Vic Manahna
he is now seeing funimation and Sony because of falsely being metooed

I am sure you read a lot of books by women and their perspective on how they start the courtship by saying yes.

Worried about getting MeToo'd? As a woman, my advice is to learn how to take an L. When women have problems with men, it's because they're scared that the man won't take the rejection well. Just look at that case of the kid who got thrown from three stories because some punk got angry about being rejected by women. LEARN HOW TO TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER.

Additionally, if you're really worried, have a witness with you.

He doesn't have any proof of being falsely accused.

Nice analogy. Bricks are known to have fallen off buildings and killing people. Are you gonna stay inside your whole life like a pussy because of it, you dumb shit? I hope you'll get struck by lightning through your shower installation

Be a male submissive and go to munches.

>women draw the line that men have to navigate with uncalibrated tools

>In the US and Canada men are expected to make the first move, but there's such an epidemic of false rape and harrassment accusations that just asking a woman on a dinner date is a Me Too witch hunt waiting to happen.

Get out of here, loser. Women not taking initiative isn't your problem.

>There are obvious rules when it comes to human interactions, and autists are responsible for their own inability to navigate those rule sets.

Fixed that for ya.

I just graduated uni and almost every single girl didn't give a shit about metoo, radical feminism, intersectionality, or whatever BS you guys are claiming. Among normies, everyone wanted to party and fuck. If you went to a college bar or party, there was drinking involved and sex was expected despite the drinking. The only time it was bad was if the girl was seriously too drunk to verbally consent (the rule about any alcohol is too drunk to consent didn't exist in normal circles), and at that point people would be forcibly pulling you two apart before it could ever come to sex.

Girls for the most part found those radical feminists weird and in need of dick. Your fears on getting metoo'd are just a convenient excuse not to try, because the reality is that you're not afraid of getting metoo'd, you're afraid of trying. And probably not just with girls, you're probably afraid of any sort of social risk that could possibly get you judged by others.

>Someone who loses their legs through no fault of their own and has to use a wheelchair is responsible for their own crippled state

That's what you sound like

Even if you take no for an answer you can still get accused of sexual harassment just because you asked a woman out. You might not realize it but that's how it looks from a male POV

1. become rich
2. register at the appropriate platforms to look for sugar babys


Uh, yeah pretty much dude. It's your life to live. What you want other people to for some reason assume the responsibility of managing your dumb ass / fixing your problems for you? Grow the fuck up.

You need to stop getting your worldviews from incel forums and step outside the basement once in a while.

>suggesting that autism is only a retard dibilitating affliction and that functional autists don't exist as most of the population
Yeah that's also how disability works as an adult. Some people don't have parents to pitty them either. You are responsible for your own wellness.
is right

>In the US and Canada men are expected to make the first move, but there's such an epidemic of false rape and harrassment accusations that just asking a woman on a dinner date is a Me Too witch hunt waiting to happen.

Neither one of those things are true. I'm Canadian and girls have asked me out all the time and there isn't an epidemic of fake rape claims. This some incel bullshit

Attached: just a cool normal guy.jpg (1000x562, 86K)

>Just some dude asking a chick on a date and then getting told by her and the rest of society that he's a creep and a rapist because he wants to go out for a drink with a woman.
>That's all this me too shit is in most cases

I'm sure you've got a study with concrete numbers that proves this, and it's not just incel fantasy

I hope you get falsely accused of rape you snivilling piece of shit.

Cringe as fuck dude.

>Just some dude asking a chick on a date and then getting told by her and the rest of society that he's a creep and a rapist because he wants to go out for a drink with a woman.

This is so rare that it's negligible. Sub 0.01% of rape accusations.

>punishing unappealing men for putting themselves out their on the sexual marketplace.

Wrong again. It's creepers and abhorrent autists being told they're creepy and autistic and them trying to blame everyone but themselves. It's fucking childish.

>it's disturbing how they and their students don't address this serious issue.

It's because what you think is an issue isn't really an issue.

A real issue:
>Women being pestered by creepy austists

Not a real issue:
>I swear I'm not creepy and autistic! The whole world is aligned against me in some sort of illuminati-feminist conspiracy!

not him, and not gonna happen cause there is no epidemic of false rape accusations you autistic retard, you're talking shit you idiot

You have never been in a position of leadership with good money on the line. A woman will knife you in the back and go to HR if you turn down advances she is only making on you to further her career.

Women make the first move all the time.
If you have to make the first move, she’s most likely not all that into you. It’s not to say you shouldn’t make the first move.
Also, as long as drugs and alcohol aren’t involved, you aren’t likely to get accused of sexual misconduct for something completely consensual.
If you go to other countries, things are more likely to be traditional where you’d really have to court a woman.

beautiful analogy, bro

>you can still get accused of sexual harassment just because you asked a woman out

This can only happen in specific contexts, like a student asking out a teacher or a boss asking out an employee. No sane woman is going to accuse a man of sexual harrassment for asking her out ONE time.

Nah, you're just bad at spotting the signs.
If you come onto a woman and she's receptive, it stands a pretty good chance she's also attracted to you, making it a more natural experience.
The only time me to is called upon is when they aren't attracted to you and you cant pick up on the social cues that no matter how hard you try, it just ain't gonna happen, therefore coming off as creepy.

You're in for a rude awakening.