The ethno state already exists

If you're tired of fags, trannies, muslims and niggers, come to Estonia. 99.99% white, too cold, pagan and racist for it to ever change. Absolutely stunning women. The most beautiful old town you will ever see. Hundreds upon hundreds of little islands and lots of forests for the outdoorsman and mobile internet or wi-fi is everywhere, literally. Can do most of your mundane things like taxes, doctors appointments etc online. The far right EKRE almost tripled their results in the last election (last time 7 seats now 19 seats out of a 101) and they're going to be in the coalition.

I see a maximum of one nigger per week. There are none in my town. Crime is literally nonexistent in my small home town of 10000. Instead it's a tightly knit community with free educational events, lots of sporting opportunities and there is a municipal position of "town gardener" whose sole purpose is to see that there's flowers everywhere in the summer. It's a white utopia that will never change into a cucked shithole like France or Sweden.

One of the far right EKRE-s slogans during a campaign was:"Kui on must, näita ust!" (If he's black, he needs to go back).

The few drawbacks are relatively low vages and a long winter. Vages are on the rise though.

We're open to good, white people.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I forgot free public transport, health care and college

Is it true that your language only has two tenses?

> pagan
grow up

Aren't you in the process of getting pozzed? i saw an article about your leaders teaching you about the values of diversity and shit.

Australia was an ethno-state for 60,000 years. It did not do them much good, friend.

Jared Taylor pls

Gov issues rifles and training to deter ruskies? I have heard this but not sure if true

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Four tenses and fourteen cases. Also the letters Ä, Õ, Ö and Ü.

>meanwhile little sissy Eesti boy is down at the NATO forward operating base blowing 12 nigger marines from the deep south

Are your women willing to breed?

It's been 10years since i was in Estonia

Your country has one purpose and that is cheap liqour and cigarettes.

Until you become economicaly succesfull then a mass of leechers from all over the world will come to say hi

The gun laws are reasonable - you need to be 21 and mentally healthy. Concealed carry is the only way. Full auto is banned.

>small irelavent weak shithole
>can protect its native population
If strong countries like america or russia cant preserve thier whites, what makes you think you can?

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Painu vittu, saatana

>99.99% white
ummm there's like 15% Russians and Russians aren't white. The majority of Baltic Russians act like niggers too.

Love Finland and her people. Wish i could live there.

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But I'm not Estonian, why would I move to their country and dilute their culture, when i have one of my own?

>Implying Estonians wouldn't be seething if million of other European (whites) overtook their country.

Ooooy veeyy

I don't wanna be one of those fuckheads who comes without learning the language. How hard is it?

Yeah, that hasn't had any effect.

Another bonus is we have a really small kike population.

what's the percentage of arabs that live in israel, roughly?

Very, but people manage.

oпepeдил, self-loathing cyчкa!

So you cant make it into le 56% face shithole like you did yours?

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the gay pagan thing plus the cold are two turnoffs for me. otherwise i'd be all about it.

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Arabs and kikes are different buttcheeks of the same arse.

Based, Suomi on paras =DDDDDD

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AIDS state, u mean

Hicks will be hostile towards you because you are not finnish
Fags will be hostile towards you because you are not a nigger/arab

Finland is a meme, stay away from there. Also they are full (unless you are a subhuman: very welcome! And free bucks)

fuck off
we're full

> 75% of the populationare not assimilating to their native Russian culture
> white ethnostate

> (You)
>So you cant make it into le 56% face shithole like you did yours?
It is a shithole. I agree. I didn't start the fire.

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Pagan wasn't really the right word. We call ourselves pagans as in the unbelievers. People are generally not bothered with religion. Some people go to church on Christmas and stuff but most just don't care. We do celebrate Christian holidays.

baltic states are money-laundering backwaters for UK establishment.
nice "art dealership"...

about 15% arab muslim and another 7 % + - of Christian arabs,Druze and Baha'i

ruskies are mutts between finno-ugrians slavs and normans, i say you are white


>be oilbux welfare neet
>move to Estonia
>start working for a living
>Norway now has $50k extra each year that can be used to import more packs of feral somalians

No thanks Estonia, don't hate my fellow countrymen enough for that. Thanks for the offer though

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>We do celebrate Christian holidays.
eh well that's good then at least.

wait, so you guys aren't actually as much of an ethno-state as some people say?

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My great grand mother was a nigger, can I have free fin bucks and vodka?

seriously praising immigration?

>Alert!!! YouTube is censoring and deleting truther channels before 2020 election!!!


>the future of free speech! 14 years in prison for sharing Christchurch video

>Chelsea Clinton BLAMED for Christchurch massacre

>recent show about justice, article 13 and Metokur

>pre-christchurch chaotic-good ACCELERATIONISM

Get comfy and redpilled!!!!@---

i'd say this

not an ethnostate at all actually.

Why are you being such a cunt about it?

I have a degree in parks and recreation. Are there national parks or forest conservation jobs?

Requirements for entry? Start convincing your officials to let us in. Your economy will explode

No one considers Finnic/Uralic people white baby Finland.

LMAO. You want a government job there? Learn Estonian first, faggot.

Awww little inbred kikel didn't have his daily baby cock, yet. Better get on that Moshe.

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just shut up, Estonia is EU cuck nr.1. The only reason you don't have that many niggers is because Mami Merkel hasn't ordered it yet.

Just a single e-mail from Brussels and you're borders are gaping wide open, as the cucks your politicians are. You didn't even deny accepting the Marrakesh agreement, fucking pussies

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>a slav thinks he can say who is and isn't white
>thinks Estonians are the same as Finns

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My family name comes from Estonia and I've always wanted to visit. Realistically, what are the requirements for immigration?

and for comparison...

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Most young women (16-25) are nigger lovers though

Jow Forums a magical place

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Slovakia getting more and more cucked so we will soon have free spot in V4 for some white brother.

w-why what's happening in Slovakia? I don't want to open the North Front again, what the fuck are they doing again

look into eugenics, you might learn something

also fuck off mutt

FUCK OFF fucking JEW.
We are FULL

>come to Estonia

Do tankoch a zrovnáme Budapešt!

Tomorrow we are going to elect our hardcore liberal president. But hey, you can take Bratislava.

it's literally the same thing as the UP and northern wisconsin here in the US

Fuck off
We're full

I'm a black muslim.
There's a lot uf us here and I'm working so my whole family can come here too.

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where’s the estonian nigger fetishist

I'm not moving to some baltic shit hole.

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almost everyone here is a fucking soiboi. stop lying to these people faggot. tallinn is libcuck hipster race traitor city. glad i live in paide we have a fucking alpaka farm.

Even he doesnt want immigrant scum

Hot as fuck

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i am actually considering moving to estonia or france, still i will have to think about that

b-but president in your country has no real power, right?

I heard about that dumb chick, she's some Soros lawyer

Just curious, for what conceivable purpose?

god dammit - you can even get nigger stats on the web anymore - they have fucking banned it since they are wiping out white nations ... the god damned cia factbook doesn't even say - instead now races are considered nations citizens...which means you have no idea what their ethnic group is... JUST FUCKING CALL IT CITIZENSHIP YOU GOD DAMNED FUCKING LIARS
"The ethnic breakdown is currently 69% Estonian, 25% Russian, 2% Ukranian, 1% Belarusians, 0.8% Finns and 1.6% other. Before WW2, ethnic Estonians made up 88% of the total population, at which time the largest minority groups were Germans, Russians, Swedes, Jews, Latvians, Poles, Finns and Ingrians.Feb 17, 2019"

Even symbolic seats have power, often even more long-lasting than realpolitic one. Hence Meghan Markle.

how‘s the machine market up there
i‘m a CNC programer

The CIA factbook i saw of 2007 mostly notes us as a main route through witch drugs flood into europe. Also African level of aids, most of all in EU countries i believe.

stop lying xeno-finn:((
You can join the V4 in Slovakia's place if you promise to keep commies away, and niggers out from Sheeeiiiitstonia

shut the fuck up

we're full fuck off

Its shit. No real production economy.
Dont come here, only alcoholism, darkness and swamps here.

got it

>the ethnostate exists
>lets migrate there and make it nonethno

Get your shit together. Breed, expel foreigners and bait the diaspora backn
Chechens managed it too.

Also funny news, seems Saint Tarrant visited us while he was on his world tour. Hope he liked it here.

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Our country is filled with atheist numale monglers and ugly fat bitchy russian babushkas.
90% of our citizens have drinking problem and baltic states have the highest suicide rate in the world. People here are cold and distinguish and want to rob you out of your every last pennie. About 50% of Estonian girls have HIV from fucking drug addicts and rest of the 50% are not interested in sexual relationships with men because they are feminist lesbians. Almost everybody hates himself here and you cannot get rich, all population lives under poverty and all propety belongs to rich jews and everything is corrupted. Our government prevents us from having children to get more money, they also bring in niggers who actively kill us.
TL;DR - Stay out

Nah man, preserve your own people, do not dilute with foreign whites.

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100% truth. Every day I fight myself to not embrace the cold swamp lake and have this over with.

I guess that's what Talllinn does to you. Everyone is miserable there.

>99.99% white, too cold, pagan and racist for it to ever change
Emigration, immigrants and a 1.5 tpotal fertility rate say otherwise

Poland has an average historical impact? LOL Stop flattering yourself and leave the UK.

Poland is literally those who the vodka niggers rejected for stealing and jewing too much.

You are overestimating Britain and France way too much. Take music for instance. British music? Bagpipes. British cuisine? Toast Sandwich.

Both countries just have a history of piracy, mainly.

So i FTFY.

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Nah. Wages are shit and you can avoid niggers by making money.

Jew onna STICK.

Your wages suck and it's full of rude Russians. No thanks.

>The ethno state already exists
>I see a maximum of one nigger per week.
Pick one

>Nah. Wages are shit and you can avoid niggers by making money.
Finland sounds nice. Today in Germany, it's hard to avoid niggers. Even in small towns.