Have you ever called a black person a nigger irl?

Have you ever called a black person a nigger irl?

or any minority any racial slur?

or do you just say it online?

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its kinda mean to say man i never really felt that strongly about a nigger also they dont react well and killing a nigger is like killing a rabid dog: theres no pleasure in doing what must be done.

No. Nobody chooses his race, so I find it distasteful.

I called a nigger a nigger in anger once in my own home because I thought he stole my mgs4 disc.
He said he didn't and when I called him nigger he said "nah man fuck this" and left while shaking his head.
I found it a week later in another case.
This was before I became a "racist" too

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Yes i had a black classmate and 90% of our conversations was trashtalk, like he would threaten to cuck my dad and i would call him classpet and nigger

All was fun and games tho

Yes. But the nigger who i called a neger bantered against white people as well, so it was no big deal

Yeah, but his nickname is nigger so everytime i adress him i call him a nigger

yes, I have a n-word pass

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yes all the time
>open carry hk337
Good life

Every time I see one.

Yeah, I did in class to a classmate. But it was just for lels. Though in retrospect maybe I shouldn't have. Might have hurt his feefees.


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In 6th grade I had to sit next to a smelly nigger bitch. I called her a nigger so I wouldn't have to set next to her. Thank god it was back in the 90s or I would have been expelled.
The thing is the nigger boys weren't upset because they too hate smelly nigger bitches and call them niggers too.

black guy in highschool kept calling me ginger. i called him nigger, he never bothered me agin

yeah, gypsies and moroccans
never had problems with blacks thus far so there's been no need

You're talking as if there's black people around here

I think I did when I was younger. I wasnt even racist as a kid, but I got in fights with the 2 black kids at our school.

I've also called black females "sir" before

I used to see that guy at underground strip clubs in manhatten around 2000.

was a yahoo group NYC undercover that told members where parties were.

>Be a nation of Turks
>Claim there are no black people around here

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Calling someone a nigger (if you're not a nigga yourself) is like going to the Special Olympics and yelling out "retard". It's very rude.

Yes I have called blacks niggers before when they were acting like a bunch of monkeys. They made hooting and hollering noises like monkeys and said they were going to attack me and my buddies. They didnt do shit just postured and insulted us and then left. Would have been a group if 4 white and 2 hispanic dudes vs 10+ niggers but they backed down.

I try not to use the word in "nigger", even in private. It's crude and childish and gives any point you are trying to make less credibility. Basically it makes you sound like dumb white trash.
You can make whatever point you are trying to make about anything by being sober and measured in your words. Racial slurs just make you sound like a belligerent idiot.

No but as a white guy, I was in an uber w/ 2 black guys & the one passenger started saying nigga this nigga that. I asked him to stop saying it because I was offended. Shit storm ensued. Black driver acted as peacemaker.

Poland has freedom still

shut up nigger

To be honest, the only time I've ever called a nigger a nigger is when I want them to take the first swing. I don't live in a stand your ground state so as a legal buffer to avoid getting jailed, it's important that the nigger hits first. Once the nigger swings, I'm free to hurt him.

Of course it's not really bigotry. I just know that racial slurs tend to trigger people and if I want to start a fight without being the aggressor, it always works. It works on Wetbacks, Niggers, and Slopes. Whites, Chinese, and Poos don't give a fuck and are harder to goad into doing something stupid. Micks just laugh and offer to buy me a beer. They're no fun at all.


Why fight over such a shitty game, honestly I wouldn't have even cared. MGS series has always sucked.

Yeah, as the light turned green

Just online, there are no niggers where I live.

the turks are not black you stupid cunt

I thought Jow Forums was actual racists, not just LARPers

ive been called guero

i call my friend nigger sometimes even though he's asian

used to say it all the time between mates and in the army as general banter with the black fellas nobody ever gave a fuck unless it was said in genuine anger and was usually met with a jab like 'whisky tango mother fucker' or some shit and we'd all laugh, nowdays its ridiculously taboo and will literally cost you your job for saying it even as banter because young cunts these days wanna dish out the bantz but fall to pieces when you give it to em old school

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Called several sand niggers, sand niggers and other slurs to their face. Albeit, only Taliban or other insurgents after we captured them. I also used to tell Afghani kids that Santa wasn't real to see if they spoke English and were pretending not to by looks on their faces

when i was really young i went up to some indian 3 years above me and called him a nigger for a dare and didnt even know what it meant. He chased me all over the playground for like 5 mins then that was it.

MGS3 is a great game, get some taste. But that guy's a retard for sperging out over 4, it's the second worst in the series.

Yes. A mulatto

>spring 2002
>high school in southern california
>new kid but have a few friends
>no one likes niggers at the school
>decide to try to impress my new friends
>throw a piece of american cheese like a ninja star across the quad/common area
>hits a nigger in the face
>the cheese is stuck to his cheek
>nigger is pissed
>no one knew who threw the cheese

>few days later
>friends and i walking through same area
>about 3 niggers are walking straight at us
>they assume that we will move
>we dont
>walk through the niggers
>the nigs are in shock
>ringleader nigger manages to speak
>think we are about to fight
>one of my friends speaks up
>i did, he says
>each friend also says this
>niggers tell us to watch our backs

>come to school the next day
>all have some type of nigger-beater
>nigs never retaliated
>never graduated either

And we called niggers and spics who were in our platoon all sorts of shit, but they threw it right back and no one was a butthurt little faggot fuck POG about it, except faggot POGs who ruin everything

I see Italian and Argentine flags daily

Was kicked out on saint Patrick’s day for Heiling at a nigger

Of course I have, if you haven't then you're not only a cuck but a nigger.

Yes. More than 10 times, but less than 20.

>never graduated either

>never graduated either

Fuckin kek

Any one who isn't Anglo is black by definition, there's a reason why Greeks were called wogs when they came to Australia, hint it's because you're niggers to us

Calling people names is nigger behavior so no

I let my spic manager and his girlfriend move in with me because I needed roommates once, and she liked to do the typical "fucking white people" stuff. Unrelated, but her bf(my boss) was a fucking loser, and she was a whore, so she quickly lost the hate for white people, when she discovered I had a bigger dick than him.

>stand up and bend your neck when you ask me for money nigger
Said this on a san francisco sidewalk not 10 days ago. Got a few gasps but im pretty fit and look aggressive so no bullshit and i didnt rail on for their instagram likes

Everytime I've gotten into a confrontation with a pepper corn head I've thrown atleast one Kaffer his way. Kaffer.

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Many times, in jest. Best to not do it in anger because it demeans the anger & changes the subject from what's pissing you off to the word nigger.

No,but I have had very little exposure to black people.

That last line is how you jnow this is the gods truth

once in job corps i called a mulatto halfbreed a nigger

being a half breed, i dont know if he took it as a complement or insult

This, but I live in central Florida. Don't even have to call them a nigger to get them to throw the first punch, just a punk ass. Spics though just laugh if they aren't Mexican and tend to not really care till you call them the wrong type of spic. Easiest way to start a fight with a Peurto Rican is to call them a dirty Mexican.

I find your half arab shitskin race distasteful

Yes. Nothing happened.

It's called having manners and being a decent human you stupid fucking nigger I hope you get raped by Africans


>be me
>1/8th jew
>still believe if we were sane we'd just kill a good 95% (conservatively) of all jews
>"Have you ever killed a jew irl"

>"or any minority homicide?"

>"or do you just say it online?"
Reddit spacing kept for emphasis.

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Goddamn, of all the reasons to call someone a nigger and mean, it was over a Kojima turd, and he actually dindu nuffin.
RIP friendship

Of course you do you taco nigger.

Russia is 0% nigger. Nice one vodka nigger.

Black here,
Guy called me a nigger once and I told him he sucked jew dick. He proceeded to throw another chimp/monkey insult at me but I trailed on about how if I wanted his opinion I'd as his jew handler and he should be quiet. Didnt say much after.
Double win because I made him aware of the JQ and also put him in his place.

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The nigger word is great, I can practically say whatever I want after its been said, also if I can get the faggot mad enough to swing first I can press charges.

Stop lying ski nigger.

I have called a sandnigger a sandnigger, a gook a gook and a spic a spic.

Aslong as you don't scream it at them they won't go apeshit. Might not be true for sandniggers.

I have no reason to lie mutt.

>pic related
your soul in that moment user, we will win the war together against the kikes.

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Yeah, and its not as fun as you expect but its still enjoyable

I do not call niggers the N word in real life. That's rude.
Reminder that the nigger race is the only race that chimps out over a racial slur. Not gook, not spic, not kike.
Because of that, you are all right to hate niggers.

I called one "boy" in real life before. He didnt do shit. They usually dont unless in a pack.

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Aw dude you were one of those screechy white kids calling everyone a nigger online....yelling at your mom by her first name and shit

>we will win the war together against the kikes.
No we wont, throughout the chaos I'm organizing. Unfortunately you want to replace the jews with yourselves, you'll need to be taken down as well. I'll let the jews operate until they succeed in killing you off. Just as you'd do me. An unfortunate reality, this world wishes death on my people, it must be destroyed in its entirety.

My favorite insult for whites is liquid snake, dorky I know but its a personal laugh.

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>Black here
You will always be a nigger. Quit trying to be white and go back to stealing bikes.

Why would I talk with that trash?

Forgot the pic. Here's your (you).

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Worst i said is "go back to morocco"

Lol yesterday

>you will always be a nigger
I dont care what dying men have to say. Pipe down, perish in silence.
If you're not white(I doubt you are) Jose can you cool it for a second? I know this is all very exiting but I need you control yourself.

I pity niggers to much to call them niggers.

I was at party and a bit buzzed. Every time me and this girl went to the kitchen to take shots the blacks would stare me down and then laugh. I asked if everything was good when one of them got in me face asking if I know where I’m at and who they are.( burbs gated neighborhood lol) I let out a nervous laugh then got a twisted crazy look on my face and yelled “I’m not afraid of any one of you niggers” they recoiled and started yelling “get yo boy get yo boy” af if I was the threat.

Possibly some aren’t aware of the connotations

Man, stop making you angry and sad.
I tripped hard on Jow Forums racism when I first got here but after a while I realized the absurdity of it all.
I stay race realist but if by chance would I find a nigress who I feel confortable with, is modest and caring, respect me and knows her place, I wouldn't mind having a relationship with her.
I think that in this times finding a good woman is hard enough without being picky on who her grandfather was

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No. I only use it around whites.
You know how they absolutely lose their fucking minds when they are called nigger by a white.
Especially a blonde and blue eyes lad like myself.
Using that word, be ready for violence.

I get called a nigger by one of my friends, even tho I'm not black. A story we like to tell the time he yelled nigger at me while a black woman was walking past us at a super market. She just walked faster. We laughed our asses off after we left.

There was one time I muttered to myself that the person who took up four parking spots with one car must be a retarded nigger, turns out the black lady following me owned the car, of course she didnt say anything because she knew I was right

it's called hiding your power level, cunt

anyone who says otherwise = huge incel sperglord

We had this one blackie that was lazy and couldn’t do shit. One day he was howling across the building at me about something and I couldn’t hear him. He got mad and growled louder. I began to start making loud chimp noises and lifted my arms above my head as I did so. He was dumbfounded and just kind of walked away quiet. I honestly felt really bad afterwards. But whatever. Fuck him.

Called a le 56% a nigger once.

The Western world has inflated your population to the point of earths carrying capacity being exceeded and in turn wiping out 70% of the animal species on earth. You were never meant to survive past the industrial age. If left alone the black population would of dwindled into the history books, not because of war but famine/disease etc,

Why do niggers stink?

yeah seriously

if you got a girl with bazongas like that you hold onto them no matter what color

imagine sticking your dick under that shirt while she massages your shaft with those giant milkers. then she starts to suck your tip until you bust all over that chest. damn

I told some spics Trump was going to get them when we were out drinking in D.C. this was before he was elected and turned into MIGA

Everyone report this nigger for spam.

Aren’t Americans more taco niggers than Spaniards
Fucking try next time or get off this board

All the fucking time. Only advantage of living in a 3rd world country

>What is black with one leg?
>A black amputee.
>What is black with two legs?
>A normal black?
>No, two black amputees.
>What is black with three legs?
>A normal black and an amputee?
>A piano.

I said this joke in a locker room forgetting there was a black in there.