How do I tinder?

I've tried the regular way of posting flattering photos and writing general mildly positive things about myself in the bio.
That shit don't work. I'll get like one match that i actually like once every 2 or 3 months if I'm lucky.

I accept that I am or might be the problem.

What should I do? Should I just use tinder for trolling somehow? Should I go all out sperg and just be myself 100% and have the cringiest profile ever? What do?

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be hot or have a huge dick

>I'll get like one match that i actually like
>that I actually like
Are you swiping on every girl you see? That’s bad. Tinder makes your profile less visible to discourage that behavior

My dick is 7 inches long, girth 6.5 inches
It's not big enough to brag about, besides I'm 25, I expect most women I meet to have been with bigger by now, even the younger ones.

I am not hot. Many many reasons I'm not.

I WAS doing that- what the fuck man, ok good tip if you're right

Just to clarify I'm not asking how to get matches. I'm asking either how to troll, or how to have pride in my shame and be myself with it

Tinder really only works if you are top tier attractive or fairly attractive and photo well (for guys, that is).

I'm a fairly attractive guy, but all my photos are shit, I maybe get a date with a tinder girl about once a month, maybe ever 2 months. I don't swipe that much though either, I do maybe a few hundred swipes a week and am pretty picky.

Point being, tinder is like extra. Its the thing you do when you're board in a car ride or something, it should never be your go to for getting women.

Not to go off topic and be "that guy" but like you are going to be 100 percent better off just approaching women irl. Not like at bars and shit, just out and about. See a pretty girl at the grocery store? Go ask her out.

Its a 30sec-minute long interaction that is either going to end with her politely exiting the conversation or you getting her number. You don't even really have to try.

If you want to do try hard mode you keep talking to the girl's who say they have a boyfriend and see where it goes as long as they are open to continuing to talk and not just trying to get the fuck away from you.

Again, not trying to be that guy but it is astounding how well this works if you are direct and to the point and simply have the balls to approach them, even if you're not attractive.

"Hi i'm ____ you're really pretty. What's your name? Nice to meet you___ *Shake her hand*, we should go out some time, could I grab your number?"

most guys would kill to have a dick that big fyi

I'm under the impression its a definite medium. A lot of girls have had 10 inches at some point.

Good answers. So how can I use tinder for trolling?

>most girls have had 10 inches
Oh boy, we've got another one.

>I am not hot
Tinder is a bad place for you. It's a window shop, not a stop and browse shop.

Tinder is for hookups. If you don't want a wham-bam-thank-ya-maam, then you need to leave Tinder.

>girls have had 10in
Source or shut up you fucking idiot
If you want to be treated like an adult it's about damn time you act like one.

What?? It's not uncommon

Source or shut up. If you want to be treated like an adult, you have to act like one.

Not even the topic why are you so triggered?? To say the least, a lot of black dudes are 10 inches

Furthermore on the dick subject, tell any hot girl you have a big dick then whip out a 7 inch. They will be disappointed.

>ask for source twice from a presumably adult male
>nothing, twice

>it was bait all along
Eh, I guess that's Jow Forums these days. Ah well.

Nigga I barely see 10 inches in porn

How am I going to source that? Who does that fucking study? Girls I've slept with typically have a story about a dude with a 10 inch dick, one of them even talked about a guy who was bigger. It happens, it exists, you know Jonah Falcon is 14 inches? Some dudes have big dicks, it's fact.

And I'm 25, think I said that here already but whatever, not proving that because that would require mild doxxing and I'm not in the fucking mood for that.

Are you going to talk about the topic? Otherwise you're just trolling at this point

Don't know what porn you've been watching, Jack. Most of the dudes I've seen on /gif/ appear to be at least 2 inches bigger than me.

Oh and have you been to /soc/???? Look at the big dick rate threads. 7 inches isn't shit, 10 inches isn't that rare.

10 in (25.4 cm to you ameritards) is really rare. Stop talking out your asses.

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It's off the charts eh? Lmao ok dude.

Can someone please fucking give me advice on the thing I asked about?

How do I troll girls on tinder??
That's what this is about. I'm not going to humiliate myself and put "I have a 7 inch weewee" in my bio, I assure you that won't god damn work and if one of you thinks it will, then YOU try it and let me know.

>Can someone please fucking give me advice on the thing I asked about?
Nope, we’re going to talk about your absolute stupidity. Can you not read the chart? Ten inch dicks are significantly less than 1% of the population. Its rare as fuck, porn and women lied to you.

Maybe try something like OKCupid or Bumble and try not to take them too seriously. Go on dates, but don’t expect to find the woman you’ll spend the rest of your life with after the first one. Even if the girl is a dog, go on a date and work on your charisma and dating skills, so when you do find a girl you really like, you’ll be ready.

>Can you not read the chart?
Can you??? Idk maybe I fucking can't but Chief it appears to me that 25.4cm is literally off the chart. You're telling me 10 inches is impossible?

What is your problem? Are you in denial of how proportionately small you are in comparison? Who hurt you?

We've decided that tinder and the like will not work for me. I want to use tinder for trolling. I just want to mess with women with it.

I went to high school with at least 3 dudes that were 10 inches. Multiple women confirm it. It was in a small town too. They were all also white if that means anything.

I watch amateur porn so I don't feel bad about my average sized dick

Also, I'm giggling thinking of the consequences of a person furiously googling
>how common is 10 inch penis

I watch a variety of porn of mild porn. Doesn't really matter though because it's not the thread topic

What about making a profile with nothing but "redpill" photos and just spreading Nazism or something to naive females?

Then if trolling is what you’re into, I say have fun with it! If they’ve still got that group feature, maybe get a few single friends together to do some group trolling - that’s a lot of fun

They’ll never swipe right on you if that’s the case. I say keep it as vague as possible and when you do match up, start slowly and then creep in some redpilled shit. So many bitches on tinder have then their profiles “if you’re a republican then fuck off ew gross”

The advice I'm looking for is how to do the tinder trolling.

Pics of some Chad dude and break hearts? Does anyone have any ideas?

I've heard people on Jow Forums do it

You could always grab some photos of a male model, post them as your tinder profile, write a bunch of obnoxious nasty shit. When girls match and message you, tell them you are into shitting on their chest or something. See who wants to hook up.

Lol I'm into that. Thanks

Got a Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Lots of good looking guys all over the world

Sure, but you gotta know the right way to do it for maximum hilarity

Approaching females in the wild is worse than anything else I can think of. I get an anxiety attack just thinking about it. Online dating is the only way for me.

You give way too much credit to bitches.

Most girls can't even handle a 7 inches. Stop believing this 10+ inch meme you virgins.

>Every girl fucked guys with 10 inch
Literally every guy says its bigger than it really is.
You think they bring rulers with them?
They all think 6 inch is 8 inch and 8 inch is 10 inch etc.

Try bars and clubs. Approaches are expected there and shouldn't be as intimidating to do as a result. This is coming from a guy who basically went from zero experiences of any kind of intimacy with a female to having almost no approach anxiety in bars/clubs. They're the perfect playground for both practice and putting the skills in use.

I'm a dude. Facebook doesn't work for me, people don't need to know stuff about me, it just doesn't end well.

Who are you and why are you derailing

No woman I've ever been with couldn't handle my size and it's a fat 7 inches. It's not that big, it's a definite medium.

I've sent dick pics with a ruler because of this. And btw, when you're an adult, and you fuck people with experience they know when people are lying.

>10 inches

What tiny dick country are you people posting from?

Texted a girl with the intention of asking her out, but after a few exchanges, I am really not feeling it anymore.
What can I say to end the interaction with the least butthurt possible?
To clarify, I don't want her to feel too bad while simultaneously looking the least butthurt myself.
Any ideas?

Start your own thread please.

Fuck off. This is tinder general now.

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be actually attractive and aim low

Go back to 2009 with your Spiderman meme bullshit.

It's about trolling in tinder, last time I looked there already was a general tinder thread

Tinder is not to meet people.
I scored 300 matches in 2 months or so.
I only got 3 meetups and 2 of them with fucking tourists.
Its just not working, they either dont respond at all or stop responding when you suggest meet up.
Its really just an illusion of abundance.

Who said anything about tinder?
Is that all you people know when it comes to dating?
Scratch that, does anyone on this site actually date at all?
Never gotten any genuine advice here.
Except from clueless tripfags, but who actually wants that?

Where do you think you are?

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OP here, Jow Forums I don't understand you faggots. Some days you're hardcore about being very strict with the rules and not giving bad advice and all that shit. And some days it's this, threads where the majority of the posts aren't even on topic and the rest are other people trying to detail and make it about their mildly similar problems.

>Some days you're hardcore about being very strict with the rules and not giving bad advice
lmao what?

Its cause you are a little vitch that goes 'muh thread' immediately. Fuck off

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How the fuck do I read this chart?

Most people are going to get shitty results from online dating unless they 1) pay for it (because your profile gets suppressed otherwise) 2) get pictures done by a photographer

Kill yourself whitey.

Maybe it's just certain topics? I've seen people here go full REEE over "despair spreading" and things such as that