Rammstein - Deutschland


Literally the most right wing video ever made

>the greatest ally of white supremacy is the black female
Absolutely true, just look at Candace Owens
>Makes fun of East Germany/DDR
>Depicts Weimar period as self-destructive
The red pill rises
>Tiggers (((them))) with da Shoah depiction

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Other urls found in this thread:


what's the metaphor with germany being a black woman?

black skin red eyes gold armour, like the german flag

Read my post again senpai

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Didn't know it was possible to be that edgy.

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>Yeah that's it
Do you hear yourself talk sometimes you retarded moor

Niqqa women portrayed as the core of western civ going back to 200AD is the central point to the video. Sorry M8, Rammstein cucked you.

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>was trying to show it to some friends that are into metal
>female friend can't get past the cannibalism in the weimar scene as "demonic" when I try to explain to her that it's a negative depiction of the Weimar era
Was I in the wrong?

>>the greatest ally of white supremacy is the black female

Black nazi queens are our salvation and the final solution to the JQ

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>black skin
>red eyes
>golden armor
>has a fucking eagle on her arm and another on her breastplate


fuck off cancer whore

Gonna need a translation before deciding. Fuck of a a lot of redpilled imagery though, apart from the hilariously deliberate troll of using a black woman as Germania.

>cannibalism in the weimar scene
My guess is thirty years war for that scene. Dunno tho and I don't really care either. The video has bad lighting and the frames are overloaded.

>rammstein >universal >vivendi>ballore>Rothschild
keep consuming, goys.

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I've only ever heard that Du Hast song because it was in the CKY movies.

I'm starting to think you guys are just winging this interpretation shit

Why are you all talking About this ?
You dont even understand the Lyrics, otherwise you wouldnt call it right Wing.

No. THIS is literally the most ring wing video ever made

if i wanted to buy those earrings, where would i get them?

Intro fucking rocks.

theyre either fucking idiots that dont even know the band members politics or they are just a pr firm advertising their shitty music
Either way i saged

America probably has more German speakers than Germany does kek

Online probably

What isn't connected to the rothschilds? North Korean folk singing? Stop lecturing leaf

what i gathered from the lyrics is they're upset at how pussied up germany is when they used to be über epic and proud

Its about Tills forbidden love for the black woman - see also Mein Teil and Engel. Which is like how nationalism and love for its own country&history is taboo in Germany. The moments of atrocities and greatness both in the same video drive the point home.

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It's the German version of "we wuz kangs 'n sheit"...
It's cringe and blue pilled.


All modern music and entertainment is corrupted with jewish mind games and subliminal messaging. Those that are awake, can not go to sleep anymore.

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Not speakers, but German blooded people yes.

That's what the producers of the video intended bruv

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mate, when i typed it into amazon, it came up with "swastika earrings for men"

fucking kek, are nazis literally buying earrrings for themselves? hahahaha

Well they say the hitler youth had boy fucking. Glad to see germans doing their part to be massive stereotypical fags.

in the old days, someone would start posting cp in all the threads to have them nuked, man do I miss those days...

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Shes a nigger bitch representing the invasion of islam while white germans are beheaded

Shit. Come back if you have some decent music, this is something degenerate.

Saged and faggotOP pilled.

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All the old fags moved to cripple when moot fucked us over. Nothing but surface holdouts and donaldfags now

but she represents germany from the beginning

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Till as young Hitler

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>muh german heritage
>allowing anglo assimilation and even participating in wars against Germany

Rammstein are leftists, you retard.

>Uber Gaben

What did they mean by this?

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No, for their black girlfriends! Stay mad nignog!

> not realising that black Germania symbolises forbidden love to the home land.
impurity is forbidden.
The video just goes through Germany's historical milestones, but you might want to consider following too:
> the woman representing modern, Americanised Germania is seen earlier to walk with band German shepherds in leashes, escorted by modern riot force of police
> later on. sons of futuristic (German?) civilisation find memoriam of German civilisation and Germania herself
> the terminally ill bitch is pregnant
> futuristic Germania gives birth to some ragged mutts
> faces of disappointed & disgusted men when they see what the inheritors of Germania have become
> terminally ill Germania is finally put into a coffin and shot into space to be forgotten forever
Director is dropping subtle re pills all over video lmao.
The core message is that after surviving so many milestones, the death of Germany comes from the fact that people would rather have pets than children.
The whole birthing scene assimilates loads of birth of Anti-Christ references (=chaos) & the man dressed in red is wearing Germany's constitutional judge's robes

lmao, imagine resorting to listening to that just to avoid da j00z

> cannibalism in Weimar era
typical Jamal, the cannibalism scene depicted organised priesthood feasting on Germany.

>>Depicts Weimar period as self-destructive
There is literary no indication about this in the video.

Rammstein are a notoriously liberal SJW faggots you moron

>> futuristic Germania gives birth to some ragged mutts
Leonbergers, not mutts. Leonbergs also nearly went extinct twice during World Wars where their numbers were reduced to sub 10 just like in the video. Learn your host countries history, Ahmed Türkmaijev.

kek. still waiting for HL3
its übergeben (hand over)

the breed doesn't matter, the point is what matters and the dogs' breed doesn't change it.

You are straight up single digit IQ retarded and projecting if you dont understand the context of the breed.

this would go in my cringey white boy compilation, but it's already full

>Alert!!! YouTube is censoring and deleting truther channels before 2020 election!!!


>the future of free speech! 14 years in prison for sharing Christchurch video

>Chelsea Clinton BLAMED for Christchurch massacre

>recent show about justice, article 13 and Metokur

>pre-christchurch chaotic-good ACCELERATIONISM
Get comfy and redpilled


I appreciate your takes on it

and what is their context in the big picture, Vladimir?
Lower that bottle of vodka and explain yourself.

How much are you shills getting paid to spam this kike garbage here?
Or are you really that retarded?

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So were nazis

Its about preserverance even from the very brink of destruction you absolute mongoloid. Leonbergers were utilized heavily in both World Wars in military and they came to the very brink of destruction just like German state. But from the ashes there is still hope for future just like Leonbergers bounced back. Till is a German patriot and you are just getting triggered over straight up projecting your own insecurities because you want to get triggered and mad.
Stay mad faggot, I dont care.

prepare your anus faggots

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I think this is hands down the best Ramstein Video ever made. Perfection, just like the last Music video of David bowie.

It perfectly depicts the german soul and the need to love our country but the inability to do so because of the Nazis and the inner struggle behind it.

> Stay mad faggot, I dont care.
of course you don't Vladimir, that's why you wrote this whole post about me instead of your point.
> But from the ashes there is still hope for future just like Leonbergers bounced back
> while Germania herself will be let to die and shot off to space to be forgotten forever
you need to leave that half way distilled vodka, your shoe size IQ is showing.

>> while Germania herself will be let to die and shot off to space to be forgotten forever
Followed by the piano rendition of Sonne. Now go ahead and look up the lyrics for Sonne.

>Americanised Germania

We Wuz Germans

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> the pups' birth represents a new sun rise
1) you clearly don't know what the Sonne is about
2) if you're supposed to think the chorus and the phrase " here comes the sun", it's refering to the message of the video, no to the pups.
Do I have to call a wellness check on you and tell the people to pour your vodka down the drain?

The same people who think Rammstein are BASED and REDPILLED are the same people who think Disturbed and Five Finger Death Punch are BASED and REDPILLED. These groups are pozzed as fuck, never stop singing about the Holocaust (Disturbed singer is Jewish and has a Holocaust song on every album, check out "Never Again" for a load of cringe) and ZOG, but because there's a swaztika in a music video HOLY SHIT BASED

It's all so tiresome.

The band is telling you multiple times and in multiple ways to have hope and you just ignore it because you want to stay mad. A negress got you so buttmad you cant even think straight anymore, its pretty funny.

Listen to the real Deutschland


> multiple times and in multiple ways to have hope
> A negress got you so buttmad you cant even think straight anymore
Her presence has clear reason, hence she's not that important in the end.

Oh man. Its been years since I heard this great tune. Thanks

>Literally the most right wing video ever made

Reminder her birthing a dog is a reference to this:


A Turk from Green party called the German ethnicity a dog cult / breed and members of AfD (the eurosceptic party thats currently treated like Hitler) tried to sue the guy for hatespeech and the court ruled that its free speech.

This was a big thing in the media at the time and Rammstein clearly gives the middle finger to nationalists by showing images of Germans being dogs.

Get it now you Rammstein-loving mutts? This song is Antigerman.

Hell he even says "Deutschland meine Liebe kann ich dir nicht geben" which means "Germany, I can't give you my love."

Why is it that you fools automatically think when someone speaks German he's a redpilled nationalist?

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Now THIS is based and redpilled

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Because they're fucking stupid. They think that a swaztika makes something based. Rammstein are just communist edgelords, nothing more, but nothing we say will change their minds. They're attracted to it the same way reddit atheists are attracted to fedoras.

And so? Some pseudo-patriotic shit about homeland being shit, but you love it tho

> Germania's last act before dying is to birth bunch of Germans
what a shitty interpretation.
> Germany, I can't give you my love.
bravo Mehmet, did you also understand the other lyrics' reference on the incapability to love or hate Germany due to her being arrogant whose actions have caused harm in the past?

based afro germans

I mean.... black women are so outlandish and loud, put them in an SS uniform and get them pumped up who could stop them?

I doubt its a reference to that. It wasn't "a big thing" at all, some random turk insulting germans is not big news literally anywhere.

>the death of Germany comes from the fact that people would rather have pets than children

This one is much more likely.

They’re Germans. I don’t need a translation. It’s all self-hating/deprecating loser bullshit.

People who are up in arms about this video aren't old enough to remember music videos from the 90s-00s.
This sort of this was nothing new, particularly for industrial rock bands.

It’s mostly viral marketers pushing this shitty emo metal.

I just saw a news report on this on RT. Some professional Jews were acting all pissed off over it.

Good track.

>JEW Being pissed off at germans for hating themselves.
Who's jewing who?


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Yep, couldn't fucking stand it.

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what a load of piss