What is a college major with super easy and comfy jobs that I can live off of

What is a college major with super easy and comfy jobs that I can live off of

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What do you mean by "easy" exactly? Low hours? Physically easy? Low stress / mentally easy? Simple/boring tasks? If all you want is a brain-dead job, don't even bother going to college.

Try something like communications, english, media studies, or social work. Then get a job as a microsoft office expert secretary-type. It won't pay very much, but it is livable assuming you have no children. Had a friend do that, you only need an associate's.
IT is also fairly easy and pays more than what I mentioned.

skip college, become a pimp

As a communication major, I assure you the jobs available are not so "easy." All jobs are hard work, OP. Like implied, if it's easy in one category, it's hard in another.

>communication major
Kek, can I get some fries with that?

>hey guys how can i reap rewards without working for them
Simple, turn back time to when your were a kid and your parents gave you everything. Never grow up

Emphasis on the last sentence.

>what is PR
>what is marketing
>what is journalism
We are in a golden age for comm majors right now, but please, keep discrediting it. More jobs for me.

>that I can live off of
you mean make enough to pay the bills and have a simple life, or make enough to have savings and live comfortably?

Don't be stupid, don't get a retard degree like history, English, communications, polisci, anthro, or classics. Those are memes.

That shit is pretty easy compared to STEM, especially if you have good vocabulary or social skills.

>muh STEM is hard, everything else easy argument
Can you write at about a thousand words an hour to effectively communicate and persuade people to buy your product, support your campaign, or report you in the news?

Do you have a thorough technical understanding of formatting specific documents to established AP Style standards? Do you know what all the different types of press releases and promotion pieces need structurally so you're taken seriously and put in the morning news?

Do you know how to plan events and put into effect a multi-stage, six month campaigns before and after to promote it and ensure success?

Can you be interviewed at the drop of a hat and be able to say exactly what needs to be said to represent your company? Likewise, can you track down, schedule, and interview people and ask the right questions to get what you need out of them?

Can you be on-call in case of a sudden PR crisis online that needs immediate attention? Can you implement damage control when you're only 30 minutes awake at 3 AM because a higher up said a racist word on Twitter and now your company is trending and now everyone might be fired because your stock market value is starting to dip?

Look, I get that STEM jobs can be very hard, and you need technical knowledge to do them, but do not discredit or discount how difficult these kinds of jobs are, either. If you don't have good PR people in this day and age, your STEM-based job's company will not survive in the modern day market for long, and if you have poor PR people in there who think the job is "easy," you're sure to go under. We are living in an age of information, you need people trained in controlling and manipulating what information is known.

And to answer OP's question, there is nothing in life that makes you big bucks and is "easy." Maybe try being born already wealthy, I suppose.

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As an implied Comms major, you are doing a pretty weak job convincing me. Not even trolling.

Ya but do you know how to solve 2 + x = 2 ?

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One of the first rules of persuasion is that you cannot convince someone with predisposition against your argument. If I actually wanted to convince you, I'd first establish an inarguable identification that we agree on and build from there to butter you up until you "saw it my way." But this is a Taiwanese foot tickling chatroom, not my job, so I'm not going to waste my time convincing you.

You can be a cocksucking STEM idiot if you want. I've worked with plenty of them. If you think my job is easy because it doesn't have numbers, you're very naive, but again, I make good money and my job cannot be easily replaced.

>my job can't be easily replaced

Hmm, just saw "your job" at a high level replaced within 2 days. Again, not trolling.

I don't necessarily think your job is easy. It's just you understand less about the reality of the world and you also do mundane, repetitive, bullshit, but if it helps you to feel "creative" while you are:

>formatting specific documents to established AP Style standards
>you're only 30 minutes awake at 3 AM
>knowing what all the different types of press releases and promotion pieces need structurally


Search up your local job market or the job market and see what kind of jobs that are "lazy" that requires education. The ones you run into most often is probably the degree you wanna go for.

Most often, like other has said, it's probably something stem or some communication degree

>you understand less about the reality of the world
How is not being in a STEM job make me understand "reality?" I'm very curious.

>also do mundane, repetitive, bullshit
Most jobs are like that, my friend. My STEM friend helps design STEM products in the exact same way, day in, day out. My other STEM friend serves as glorified tech support for the same ten clients for several years now. Jobs are monotonous and repetitive and boring, that's why we're paid to do them.

The argument never was, "is my job fun and exciting and always new," it was "was it easy."

>it's easy if you have the requisites to make it easy
clearly not a communications major

>How is not being in a STEM job make me understand "reality?" I'm very curious.

The appeal of science is that it teaches you fundamental, immutable truths. The laws of physics will hold in every conceivable scenario. Understanding a STEM major will allow you to understand any technology very quickly. It also develops your ability to break up problems into fundamental elements.

I guess my core argument that in STEM, you gain a lot of knowledge, which other majors cannot quickly catch up to. Part of the issue there is that other majors are taught in lax, wishy-washy ways. A good example is art - I respect artists, but real artists who understand anatomy, light, perspective, and their subject matter, and practice for years or end, not people who go to art school and take a bunch of art history bs.

Going back to comms - I guess it's my belief that I can become an effective communicator faster than you can become an effective engineer in a quickly-developing field. "You" and "I" being used as examples for generic STEM/comms majors of course.

>Most jobs are like that, my friend. My STEM friend helps design STEM products in the exact same way, day in, day out. My other STEM friend serves as glorified tech support for the same ten clients for several years now. Jobs are monotonous and repetitive and boring, that's why we're paid to do them.

We are on the same page.

>The argument never was, "is my job fun and exciting and always new," it was "was it easy."

Fair, though see above for where I am coming from.

Oh, and sorry I trolled for a bit, you are alight.


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>that whole argument about STEM being the best
How naive do you have to be to drink that much orientation kool-aid for your major while existing post-graduation? It's like I'm talking to a freshman that just took their first computer science course.

You think the same kinds of of arguments weren't beaten into my head throughout college about my major? I could spout all kinds of similar bullshit about how communication and the liberal arts approach teaches you to be an intelligent, well-rounded individual, how it makes you that glorious Renaissance man who is capable of participating in our civil government, able to tackle all forms of jobs due to critical thinking and blah blah blah. That's bullshit, too, and I know it. They just don't want you to switch out because they have confirmation bias due to getting PhD's in the field and loving it, and also have a huge financial motivation to keep you there for the university, so they'll fluff up anything if it might make you stay. Shit, maybe my communication major served me as they argued if it means I could spot supreme academia bullshit that you couldn't.

You picked a major that focuses on a particular set of knowledge that gives you special inclination into specific skills and job markets. That's it. That's all a major is. STEM isn't special and neither is liberal arts, they just serve as keys to different corridors that are hard and boring in different ways. Actual innate ability comes from the individual, not from four years and a piece of paper.

I hope that was apart of your trolling, because jesus nigga, that's some cringe.

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Nah, I am serious. I will give you one more reason that I remembered as I was taking a shit, and it's this:

STEM majors do tend to be more intelligent and capable of learning than other majors because the information builds over time. You can't solve fluid dynamics problems without understanding basic physics and calculus. Whereas non-STEM majors never build on themselves, it's just a series of shit classes, so it's much easier to slide by with cramming and so on.

Keep telling yourself that. People who think they're more important and smarter than me are so easy to manipulate. I can sell or promote things to retards like you if I appeal to your sense of inflated ego and play dumb so you think you're getting "the better deal."

So please, keep believing that. It makes my job easy, joke tongue-in-cheek.

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Do you really not see the point about knowledge building on itself?

Anyway, the kicker here is that I have a non-STEM degree as well, and I got to see firsthand what a load of shit it is compared to the STEM degree.

STEM majors are also emotionally stunted manchildren a lot of the time.
Intelligence comes in a lot of different forms.
Hyper logical types are often super autistic and have low social intelligence, which will inevitably hamper their ultimate success in life, career or otherwise.

>jokes on you, I've just been roleplaying this whole time!
>your argument was wrong because I withheld information!
Okay, sure. You win then. I concede the argument, you can now have those glorious interweb validation points. Here you go.

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I think that comes from socially incompetent people resorting to STEM and taking pride in it like thinks I am.

>Hyper logical types are often super autistic and have low social intelligence, which will inevitably hamper their ultimate success in life, career or otherwise.
>Intelligence comes in a lot of different forms.

I am pretty sure this is objectively false, in both the "dumbass joke" and "autistic genius variations." Not going to get into too much details about jokes, but health/fitness/good genes tend to correlate directly with intelligence.

Intelligence in basically WM (working memory), or the ability to keep a lot of things in your mind and work with them. This is directly helpful in conversation AND writing creatively.

Finally, truly intelligent people realize that being shut-in nerds isn't the best way to lead their lives.

>Okay, sure. You win then. I concede the argument, you can now have those glorious interweb validation points. Here you go.

Ah, the only thing I ever wanted in life, thank you so much.

Yeah, you sure don't sound like an insufferable autist.
Thanks for enlightening me with your superior intellect, I bet your taste in little girl anime is impecable.

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Now you are just salty & bitter.

Just telling you how it is.
Good job, you got a bachelors degree in engineering or some shit, you must be a genius, euphoric and enlightened by your own intelligence. What an achievement.
Pretentious shit like this is what outs social retards as well as people who think they are way smarter than they actually are.
Pretty pathetic, to be perfectly frank.

>everyone who disagrees with me is one person

Facts are facts. Keep screaming about autism while denying that.

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>averages directly apply to me as an individual
>high IQ means i am not retarded
Cope and quite frankly, pathetic.
Smart people don't have to desperately try to convince people that they are smart on the internet.
Good job on your bachelors.
You must be very special indeed lmao.
Go watch Big Bang Theory or something, you underage retard lol.


Information systems

Jobs everywhere, easy as fuck

>Be American
>go to college, "just because fuck it bro why not?" XDDD
>Graduate with .69 gpa and 200,000 blood rubles in debt.
>No skills, just STDs from retard Art History Thots.
>Go outside
>Get shot

>t. jealous of superior american education
you get what you pay for

Marketing. Marketing departments exist to waste a fuck load of money on nonsense so rich people can give jobs to their friends. You just write BS power points nobody reads all day titled shit like "The Importance of Connecting With Share Holders in The Digital Age." Just get into the job and pretend to become trans of something and you'll never be fired. Your other role is to basically take credit for things that go well and shift blame when it goes bad. Be sure to spend the majority of your day infighting with people in your own company and archiving dirt on them for later.

That or be a "social media specialist". Make nonsense "social media campaigns" then pay 500 dollars to a conpany in india to boost website traffic. Then present it to your manager who doesn't know any better. Nobody click social media ads, but companies pay lots to spew them out, then they arbitrarily ascribe 1.3% growth to this or that depending on feelings.

Everything easy will be automated away in the next decade. Don't be a loser. Life is supposed to be difficult. If it wasn't, then what's the point of existing?

just graduate son

I partied to hard in college

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All of those job pay less than a construction worker

>"smart people don't [arbitrary action that has nothing to do with intelligence]"
Brainlet detected


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of op's pic

Just get a degree in psych so you maybe get a gf or something.
No, don't follow this but follow the rest of this user's advice.

OP, usually there’s this trade off: the more easy it is to learn in Uni, the worse paying it is on average. You should study hard now to live comfy later.

t. person who DEFINITELY thinks they are WAY smarter than they actually are.
Tripfags disagreeing with something are more or less proving it correct lol

IQ lol


I think they are bullshit too but if you spend some time with normies you understand that they work surprisingly well especially those fb/ig campaigns and ads masked as yt vids

Not true. I majored in illustration/visual arts. Now i draw hentai for $2900+ on patreon. Steadily growing.

Go for art. Easy peasy. Big money if you know how to market yourself right




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I love how this trip faggot joins into a conversation that he isn't even a part of just to gain attention.

Guess we found the real retard, lol

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wtf don't expose your butt like that, it's gonna get hurt lmao
you admitted on multiple occasions that you have no experience with women whatsoever.
I am banging two chicks on separate occasions atm, just for your information.
Please seethe harder

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lmao at non-STEM brainlets

I shit you not, it's what I do and it's the easiest job I ever had. I dont even need a gun permit, infact it keeps me in the easy jobs. You just need to make sure you are put in a location by yourself and no cameras on you. I can bring my computer here and play videogames while I work. The thing is you need to work at a trucking area and work grave yard. Most of the time everyone is chill or you are completely by yourself. I even saw people bring in their whole TV and ps3 in to pass the time.

Actual advice, assuming you're of at least above average intelligence (not hard honestly) and have a decent level of discipline (motivation doesn't matter, you just need dedication).
Get into IT or software eng, but:
DO NOT specialize in the hottest shit like data science but instead do database administration and/or systems administration and make sure to further specialize in a specific thing that's somewhat in demand but quite rare (like VMS sysadmin, for example). If you insist on going the programming route, learn COBOL extremely well.

Alternatively, become an accountant.

unga bunga you wont get pee pee wet

me good at fight

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non it programming fag here, cobol is fucking dead tho right ? is it only relative, now to manage all the old systems until they get replaced

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It's dead as in, nobody uses it for new stuff anymore, but it is very much alive in the infrastructure that is currently used (and needs to be maintained) by a lot of huge entities, namely banks and insurance companies. Billions of lines of COBOL are still being used in day-to-day transactions and actions, and they need new people to maintain them since all current COBOL programmers are old and nobody wants to learn it.

>Go 40k in debt to draw hentai
I hope this is a joke. If you aren't using art school for upper level employment or to make connections it's a waste of time and money

You can literally teach yourself to draw porn and market yourself

I don't think they exist anymore OP.
all wageslavery sucks. you're just not cut for the system.

2 + x = 2 |-2
Easy as that

40k in debt?? Bitch, are you dumb?? I have 0 college debt. I went to community college for my degree and certs lol
I paid $30 per class per semester