>Global cooling you will all freeze to death
>Global warming you will all burn up
>Climate change you will simultaneously freeze and burn up
How do I tolerate people when they are dumb enough to believe this with every fibre of their being?
>Global cooling you will all freeze to death
>Global warming you will all burn up
>Climate change you will simultaneously freeze and burn up
How do I tolerate people when they are dumb enough to believe this with every fibre of their being?
Other urls found in this thread:
scientists haven't talked about global cooling since the 50s
I welcome global warming. The only ones who will be affected are northern Asians and Europeans (and coastals but that's a risk I'm willing to take) and they don't deserve to be alive anyways.
I'm sorry the US educational system failed you so spectacularly. This is not even a topic up for debate. Kill yourself.
>climate change is not up to debate
yeah, please tax me some more and make me buy a 6 figure toy car because asians and africans can't stop shittong out kids they can't feed. It's not about denial -- I outright don't give a shit.
Scientists deny global warming is happening at all
Oh please source this
It obviously is up for debate since OP made the thread. Simply disregarding him instead of trying to educate him guarantees his further contribution to climate change.
You're a trash person and I think it's you that needs to kill himself, not OP.
It's censored. The people you call scientists are paid stooges like bill nye and that phoney black scientism guy who say what they are told
So, you can't source it. Okay. I will believe anyone who is actually willing to attempt to find proof instead of crying about being unable to find any.
science is there to be contested, brainlet
Ok this is what I'm saying these people are true believers like it's their religion. As a non believer I'm willing to change my mind based on evidence but the believers are just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And they are everywhere pushing their religion of global warming and diversity and homosexuality, basically whatever Hollywood tells them to think. Does anyone here sense these people are lunatics yet are still able to be around them?
>religion of global warming and diversity and homosexuality
This is your mind on conservatism. Please provide evidence for literally anything you just said.
religions are ancient means of population control. 'God' is government.
Have you not heard of all the scientists who have been ruined for wrongthink? Like James Watson?
Yes and to contest it you have to do experiments, which are written down in what's called a study and published so that we can see the science and what they are trying to do and if they did it. If you're not able to show me any studies, in afraid I can't just believe you bro. Again, feel free to show me anything in the way of evidence and I'll happily have a look to change my mind.
I don't give a shit about climate change so I can't.
Poor doggo
OP's picture makes me sad every time I scroll by. Which, I suppose, is the point. But still. :(
This thread isn't for you it's for rational people to figure out how to deal with extremists like you
Scientists repeatedly get thrown out for wrongthink, it's kind of our stick. That doesn't mean that the studies aren't there and valid and replicable if they're accurate, and all I need to do is read one that's been published and consider it to potentially change my mind. These studies, if actually done, stand on their own whilst read regardless of author.
That's not evidence for a religion of psuedoscience, that's an entertainment show failing at being entertaining. If you think science is what you find on tv, no wonder you're so upset
Please explain how asking someone to back up their statements with evidence instead of feelings is extremist. Reals > feels
the whole point of the thread is how to deal with retards like you
Please explain how asking someone to back up their statements with evidence instead of feelings makes me a retard. Reals > feels
I don't care dude.
You obviously do, since you're consistently lashing out. At least I'm man enough to admit it. You sound like the conservative version of an sjw, if someone disagrees with your opinion you'll just cry about it but refuse to actually back yourself up.
>That doesn't mean that the studies aren't there and valid and replicable if they're accurate, and all I need to do is read one that's been published and consider it to potentially change my mind
What % of true believers can and have done that? I doubt it's even 1% of them. Instead they get told a thousand times they are going to die in a few years unless they give everything to the government
Why the fuck do you guys respond to these kinds of threads? It’s obvious OP doesn’t want any advice, he just wants to cause an argument by posting something inflammatory
>How do I tolerate people when they are dumb enough to believe this with every fibre of their being?
Like dumb enough to think that 98% of the scientific community is wrong about global warming caused by humans absolutely being a certainty?
I dunno man, if you don't believe in science, you should probably stop using that computer you just used to make this thread. Also stop using modern medicine, eating food from modern farms, or wearing modern clothing.
Unless of course you're just a hypocritical faggot? That's always a possibility...
>(((scientific community)))
well science can hurry the fuck up and fix it then. I'm not paying for it.
Nah, climate change is because the chinese and india indians are shitting up pollution regardless of being mostly vegetarian with their diet.
Climatards are smooth brained betas. Only TRUE chads have the confidence to stand against the globohomo climate jew