Im scared to drive

Im scared to drive
and i feel ashamed

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What about it scares you?

Have you driven before? I'm pretty sure everyone is scared or driving the first few times, I know I sure as hell was

Use uber

The speed, Im scared i will not be able to control when i have to drive past a curve. Or accidents general.
I did and my teacher is an asshole. I have 6 hours but i have to do 18 to do the test
I want to overcome it

Same here op, getting ridiculed because of it
Killing myself or somebody else, I'm shit in 'think fast' situations which occur almost every day on the road - I would be destroying my bumpers once every month

just don't drive fast. Follow the speed limits and you'll be fine.
Your teacher isn't an asshole, you're just fidgety and still suck. Driving is a skill which takes patience.
Get a cheap manual shitbox to practice on before you get a real car.

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It'll get there with time, I didn't particularly liked driving till I got my license at 23 and only started driving late 24

I mean, you are technically controlling a high speed killing machine responsible for thousands of deaths each year.

He is one, he constantly laughed at things I did wrong when I for example drove too far right or left. Or when the car died he laughed quietly everytime. This made me insecure and I refused to take driving lessons again. Its been 3 months and idk what to do...

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he's pushing your buttons on purpose to make you drop the anxiety, I mean what kind of person 'refuses' to go to driving lessons?
clench your teeth and drive, check your mirrors and focus on the road. It will come to you naturally as muscle memory later.
My teacher was a dick because he's right.
I crashed 3 cars and a bike before I stopped dicking around, it's better to learn proper through ridicule than through hospital visits.

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As shitty as the teacher's reactions sound, that's part of what you need to learn to cope with. I ALWAYS feel like I'm being judged by the speeding commuters behind me but I can't let that get to me because I should be concentrating on driving.

Granted you could get a new teacher but I'd give it another try; your future self might really appreciate it.

>drop the anxiety by making the situation worse as it already is
Are you kidding me? I was not afraid to drive first but after that retarded lesson I was thinking about never touching a car again.

because cars are not video games and can kill people. That's good.

retard. As if I ever wanted to drive irresponsible



Some people can't drive and are a harm to others on the road. Maybe you're one of these horrible drivers. Don't bother with driving if you're so anxious that you cannot focus on the road. Pathetic.

get a new teacher
your teacher shouldnt be laughing at you
he's probably trying to laugh "with" you not at you but its not what you need right now.

But why
I can still learn it...
im just anxious...
Will try to get a new one. This really made me extremely insecure. Idk fucking bastard

Yo first I need to thank you because this made me realize something for myself.

Okay when I first started dievinh I was a fucking disaster. Like every second behind the wheel for the first 2 months was panic attack. Heart going insane, sweating, eyes bugging out, just generally frantic as fuck. I would keep telling myself “holy fuck clam down man calm down!” And I’d grip the wheel until my knuckles turned pale white and hurt. I refused to go faster than 5 BELOW the speed limit out of fear. After those two months I was just used to it. It just takes time. I know that sucks. But after 2 months I was one arming it and texting(don’t do that).

Here’s what I encourage you to do. Find the following and practice driving in them:
A large empty parking lot. Just take your time getting basic shit down like parking and turning.

A road with little to no traffic.
This is for you to get comfortable driving, maybe pass some other cars, and even push the speed limit a little.

Do those two as often as possible driving will feel like walking for you. Oddly enough I fucking love driving now.