World of Warcraft: Classic

Who here waiting for August 22nd?

Everything else has failed us. We stopped playing games in 2014 because we thought the pendulum is swinging to the far-right, WW3 is inevitable, and gamers rise up. New age was upon us at those golden years of Jow Forums back in 2015-2016 when doompaul.jpgs ruled.

We thought Russia invading Ukraine is perfect excuse for Wall Street to kickstart WW3 as it was with Germany invading Poland. We believed hacks such as Jeff Berwick who warned us about global financial collapse which will start the Greatest Depression ever because market is a bubble. We thought Le Pen, Trump, Orban, Farage will stop the leftist madness but all they did was wear yarmulkes at Western Wall and suck Holocaust BBC, and just get pegged by EU executives which exposed them as spineless, compromising cowards they are.

And nothing happened. Only nailbiting at everlasting status quo, which grew into psychotic melancholy.

But not for long my friend. We're finally coming back home boys. August 22nd, take a sip, roll that Holy Priest, take a sip, and just say fuck off to SIG, Evoladrones, happening threads, and anything requiring you to lift your butt out of a comfy chair to make a difference. Because it will all be a disappointment anyway.

We're finally coming back home boys.

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Other urls found in this thread:

60 dollars + 15 dollars a month for a game from 2004

I’ll pass

I'm ready.

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>15 a month

>2015-2016 when doompaul.jpgs ruled.
That would be 2012-2013, user. Ever since the zimzam trials it's all been about culture wars.

I am 28 and just reinstalled Baldur's Gate 2.

I never finished it when I was a kid but always wanted to.

This is the start of a slippery slope isn't it lads.

Dont think Ill play even though classic WoW was my best gaming experience of my life. It will probably just make me really fucking depressed when I realize things will never be like they used to be, including one of my favorite games. Living in the past is a recipe for failure

>Alert!!! YouTube is censoring and deleting truther channels before 2020 election!!!


>the future of free speech! 14 years in prison for sharing Christchurch video

>Chelsea Clinton BLAMED for Christchurch massacre

>recent show about justice, article 13 and Metokur

>pre-christchurch chaotic-good ACCELERATIONISM
Get comfy and redpilled

Make Azeroth Great Again frens.

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WoW classic will be dead by december.

You may be playing classic WoW, but you won't be playing classic WoW 15 years ago. The novelty will wear off and you'll realize that part of your life is dead.

just play on free server faggot
have a real community and real Classic experience

It will kill BfA and that's a good thing

This. I was the guild leader of the top raiding guild on my server, first to clear Molten Core and Blackwing Lair. It was one of my fondest memories, but going back to it just wouldn't be the same. We already know how this movie ends. We'll never again experience that "shock and awe", that thrill, of pulling a new boss none of us had ever seen before and developing our own strategy to beat it instead of just reading some online guide.

Unfortunately it was a time and a place and it will never come back.

>ywn skip college classes to play DoD 1.3 with your buddies again

As much as I miss it, Classic WoW is a fucking 15 year old game, and you are just cucking yourself if you are still willing to pay a suscription for it.

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it's gonna have lootboxes and lefty politics

>paying monthly subscription to throw your life away while funding a shit company like blizzard
Fuck you WoW goblins

piss off, fun police

youre cucking yourself if you play that 15 years old grindfest for free lmao, fuck WoW and fuck MMOs

yea son

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WoW was the only video game I ever got addicted to. Had some server firsts in every expansion I played. Haven't played any video games since WOTLK.

I miss WoW, but times change and that childhood moment is just a moment it doesn't last forever and you can't bring it back. It's time to grow up. Video games are for children.

it’s an intoxicating idea to me for sure. But I don’t think I can ever go back. What made it great was being in school and playing with my friends while having no financial burdens and no concept of how much time I was wasting. It’s all too hard to get back. I would do it if I could. I want to feel the magic one more time just like you do.

I will probably play it for like a month straight and then get bored and cancel the ridiculous subscription cost, just like everyone else will.

Did they finally kick your spamming ass out of /v/?

Real fantasy fags played EQ and EVE. Not this Mario level shit.

And what does that mean? When was Azeroth great? When the savage troll ruled everything? When the disgusting elves ruled everything?

>cucking yourself if you are still willing to pay a suscription for it.

Fucking this. Especially since cucked Blizzard isn't introducing a new price model for it. You'll have to pay $15 for a retail subscription to access Classic, whether or not you actually want to play the retail version of the game. They could've made it so that you'd only have access to Classic for say, $6.99 or something, half the price. But this Blizzard/Activision we're talking about, they're priority is always shekels.

These guys are 100% right.

I'm playing Vanilla for free right now and have been for the past 2 years.

The server has been up for over 5 and they laugh at any and all threats from Blizzjews

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>tumblr ahem /v/ in 2k19
not even surprised, cancer faggot

>that many regular monsters
Add a couple chins to that lad.

>August 22nd

I played WoW two months ago and the graphics have aged so poorly it isn't even funny, and the game is babby-tier now with all the dumb shit. Not worth it, not paying money for it, prefer to get a job and play "world of paycheckcraft" instead.

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> Not playing Everquest

I'm 28 and every game I play feels like a chore now.

>wringing your hands over 6 dollars a month

Stop being poor


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>playing WoW in 2019
>playing WoW ever
Least masculine thing you could ever do. WoW players will not be allowed in the ethnostate as they are as bad as leftists.

More than the money, i think this is about people signing up for classic and then "waking up" to the "genius" of QOL improvements and then moving to retail since they're already paying.

They're dumb enough to believe that.

Already experienced it back in 2017 with Nostalrius.

>9k people online at any time
>no pay to win, 100% Blizz-like
>players in every single zone at all times
>world pvp
>no heirlooms
>minimal scandals
>STV literal unplayable warzone

It was fantastic and I pity all the plebs who missed out.


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>He thinks classic won't be ruined by Actinigger-Blizzjew antics
They killed crappy private serves just so they can personally run old WoW into the ground until people stop thinking about it and buy their new stuff

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been there, done that. I was neck deep in that in 2004. I still see the faces in my sleep. I wake up in a cold sweat with the voice of my buddy screaming at me that I lost aggro on the molten giant. it killed everyone. I was the only one who escaped out of the zone. I can still hear the screams

*deletes your shitty character*
heh nothing personal kid, I pity you for getting cucked that hard faggot manchild


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Same here. I cannot get immersed anymore. It’s probably a good thing but feels really bad man.

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So are we gonna have a Jow Forums guild

Of course it can't be too edgy because of Blizzard's cuck TOS but it'd still be fun

>what are remastered games?
Doesn't matter what they release, it won't fill your nostalgia hole.
Plus no one plays that game anymore. So empty servers all the time.

I bet money Blizzard will put bots in WoW Classic to make it feel less empty.

>giving up any amount of money every month so you can get your fix of some jew company's old and busted skinner box
The goodest goy.

i played classic and was in top 3 prog guild on server was rad taking down rag and getting mali defender

not sure if i want to fuck my life up again now that i am good?

or was it my life was blah then and wow was the escape? i don’t know

but i miss and loved wow it was best game ever and the social aspect was fun

so i am unsure what to do anons! i feel like a relapse junkie when i look into wow again...?!?!?

Can they get on you about shit you say in guild chat? That can't be right.

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Same. Everytime I see a new game in a just makes me more deppressed.

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Not sure, but I wouldn't doubt it. Even if not, all it takes is for one fag to start throwing out reports.

TBC > Classic > Everything

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Yeah I remember being in some edgy guilds back in the day tho

It has nothing to do with how much the suscription is, it's the fact that there's a suscription at all, the work was all done 15 years ago. It's like paying new game price for the Fucking Orange Box. It's monumentally retarded.

Ive been back home. 20th anniversary EverQuest was this month. Fucking loving it. WoW is for faggots.

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energy drinks are for white trash

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especially monster

>tfw friends suckered me into playing as gay horde
>spent all my days grinding in miserable old undead zombie infested lands with unpleasant ambience
>leveled up an Alliance later on and realized what I'd been missing out on

and rockstar

The subscription is a good thing, it keeps f2p people, niggers, kids and trolls out.

I'm not sure if the rules were as strict back then. I haven't played in years though, so I don't know how Blizzard is now. I am just assuming they're SJW cucks based on their other non-WoW actions.

This. Nostalrius was real classic with the real, actual vanilla client.

This new shit will have all the cringey "achievements" and all the other faggot shit that destroyed WoW. Will probably be able to level to 60 in one day.

same. fuck entertainment. the only thing that would be entertaining right now is loading kikes on trains again. lol.

Horde was cool when you were a kid and wanted to be the bad guys

Alliance is for adults

what about Chinese gold farmers? Are they still around?

No idea, I haven't played retail in several expansions.

They are on private servers big time.

good wagie goy

>Not wanting to spend half your day in Barrens chat

Chuck Norris would like a word with you

they moved onto better games, most gold farmers are from actual poor countries, like venezuela and shit, china is no longer poor like it was 15 years ago, dumbfuck

Meant for

the only time i will leave my house is to work, lift, and hunt when it comes out

Game addicts are fucking degenerate.

Everything is being made with the gay and multiculti. All of the mainstream games are being destroyed. Battlefield was one, now Borderlands and god knows what. Why can't I play as an attractive white female/male that isn't gay or has a non-white best friend (roof koreans excluded).

I just wanted to be a comfy Minotaur man, and I was not dissapointed.

Tauren Hunters were fairly OP for large stretches of Vanilla wow.
>that health pool
>stomp + wing clip peel
The only disappointment was the bow animations.

Aren't private servers going to shut down now because of Article 13? Although most of them are hosted in Russia IIRC still though that's not very safe



On the 1st of July, 2018, Federal Law #374-FZ "On amendments of the Federal Law" On Counteracting Terrorism" came into force. It obliges companies to store calls, messages, files and conversations of its customers within 6 months. League of Legends Voice Chat, as you can guess, is also affected by this law.

However, at this moment we are unable to provide storage of audio records for half-year - storing the files for that long requires serious infrastructure, which we don't have at the moment. In this regard, we are forced to shut down Voice Chat on RU-server for indefinite time, starting July 4th.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We understand that some players (including the author) were more comfortable communicating directly in the League Client without using 3rd-party programs - that's why we added Voice Chat earlier this year. We will try to keep you informed on the situation.

Mate I once did that trick where you type out:
>[me]: something something (shift enter)
>[someonelses name]: it looks like they're typing this out but it's really me
And made it look like my friend called himself a faggot or something, and somehow one of us got reported for something entirely unrelated, then some mod went through our private chat log and my friend got suspended (even though it was actually me who wrote it, and I only made him call himself a faggot anyway).

And the point of this hilariously complicated story is: no chat is safe.

Tempted to roll only blonde, blue eyed humans and call the guild"(((woke)))"

Yes goyim go back to playing video games. Nothing strange is happening with immigration it’s all fine. Make sure to drink your sugary energy drinks too they are good for you.

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>That would be 2012-2013, user. Ever since the zimzam trials it's all been about culture wars.

fuckin hell, I hated those threads.

They keep to themselves and spend most of their time in front of a computer away from anybody. Dont be mad.

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>Why can't I play as an attractive white female/male that isn't gay or has a non-white best friend
You aren't playing the right games then

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from what I can see they are releasing it like it was in 2004 with the shitty old skill trees. the whole nine yards

>game addicts are losers
>be redpilled like me and post on Jow Forums all day preaching to their choir
fuck off all of you

yes because spending all day on Jow Forums fighting each other is a productive way to change immigration or any policies for that matter. OP is kind of right, nothing has really changed, no matter how much Jow Forums appears to affect real life.

I still remember when I made a Chinese gold farmer money in WotLK. This dude spoke broken as fuck English and would sell me thousands upon thousands of herbs regularly. I still laugh thinking about getting random PMs through the day.
>you buy herb?
>no good now. me work on stacks

>We're finally coming back home boys.

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shut up

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Yeah I leveled up some Taurens or Orcs in the barrens once and that was much more pleasant than the dark old undercity area.
Still, playing as a humanoid gives more chivalrous feelings, and playing as a gnome is fun.

blackest of blackpills

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>hated those threads
That was peak Jow Forums, what do you mean? Dorner, zimzam, /sg/ popping off, the supreme gentleman. It was gamergate that started taking things downhill here on Jow Forums.

You are a redeemer among leaves.