Is being a male vegan attractive?

Debating whether to put it on tinder since people often make a big deal of it. Currently I just have my height and nothing else.

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No, being weak and emasculated isn't attractive to anyone other than fags. Grow a pair and eat some fucking meat.

It's only attractive if you do it without telling people and when they notice and comment on it you don't give a fuck.

I'm vegan too :)
Are you single?

Depends on who you want to attract. Vegan women would probably find it attractive, everyone else no. Mainly because of the annoying vegan stereotype, it's a pain also to have to choose restaurants that have vegan options.

Lol knew virgin poltards would have came out asap. I'm 6'6", homeowner at 23 and studying for a PhD you wouldn't say shit to me irl.

Females only please.

There was somebody claiming to be a female vegan not too long ago posting about how she couldn't decide if it was a good idea to put "vegan" on her profile. I told her the same thing I'm going to tell you: Your ideal partner is going to accept and support you no matter what your food preferences are. Better to let people know up front that you have an eating restriction so that the unworthy will weed themselves out and not waste your time while the right ones will be happy to have found you and be thrilled that they've found someone who shares their preferences.

Be yourself. Be honest. Be brave. Your future person is looking for you just as much as you're looking for them.

no. It seems weak and effeminate.

I use it solely for casual sex. Seems like would be best if kept it how it is

I use it solely for casual sex. Thanks though

Then why would your dietary preferences be relevant? Why are you even browsing this site? From what you posted about yourself earlier in the thread, you seem like you have your shit together, yet you seek advice from anons on Jow Forums. That seems like a bad idea.

i think grindr is the app for faggots kiddo try that one

>Then why would your dietary preferences be relevant?
Because I'm not sure if it's attractive? There's more than simply physical aspects, I show my house cause I know wealth is for example.

Stop larping you fucking retard. Its obvious for everyone with a functional brain that youre lying.

it's not attractive you fucking idiot no one wants to be with a man baby who thinks meat is yucky

Obviously don't eat it cause against killing instead of taste.

no one wants to be with a man baby who thinks killing animals is yucky. seriously just fuck off and eat some onions dumb pussy faggot bitch boy

Imo it's a multiplier. If you're a fat loser it makes you look worse, if you're a chad it gives you that extra air of superiority. I'm vegetarian and put it on.

Have sex, even if you have to pay a prostitute

You'll stop posting this crap the day afterwards


>hurrrr meat is manly
This is years of corporate brainwashing speaking

This. I’m not full on vegan as I consume dairy but got into Buddhism and stopped eating meat.

I can almost garauntee you faggots would never guess I’m into this shit, because of my appearance, and would never have the balls to say this to my face.

Dont put it unless you consider it a "personality trait" and if you do the kys because thats just being a pretentious ass

to other vegans maybe
and I think there's more female vegans than male

>actually believing this
keep on munching on grass you cow

And yet you're the guys on Jow Forums defending your fucking diet from the indignities it will suffer at the hands of anonymous

Why do you act tough when you're clearly blowing it out your ass? You act like you're cooler than us but you're here asking if eating extra salad is gonna get you pussy on Tinder

No amount of posturing will make you guys any less the people who get uppity every time someone says anything about your diet besides validating it
Eat plants, eat meat, do whatever-- but do me the favour and eat shit while you're at it.

Not for most people, but you'll weed out the haters if you let them know ahead of time.

Loooool no
Whether youre a man or woman, no one fucking lives vegans. You guys are annoying as shit.

Your choices are to either go gay or die a virgin.


>6'6", homeowner at 23 and studying for a PhD
>needs tinder to get girls and asks Jow Forums for advice

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I know one woman on plenty of fish who would.

The stereotype about vegans is that they're making way too much of a deal out of it, and here you are asking if you should put it on your profile as if it's a big deal.

I think it would weed out a lot of the chicken nugget hoes. I do occasional vegetarianism instead of being pure vegan. I also have a few food sensitivities that I lean towards vegan/vegetarian options. But for the most part, I'm just an omnivore to prepare for the apocalypse.

to vegan girls it's a huge turn on, as far as my experience goes, anyone else will either be put off or not care

Why? There are lots of cows that have good lives vegans exaggerate.

No, it's unattractive.

A) You think it's nutritionally superior to a diet that includes animal products (OTBE) - and you are unintelligent.
You believe you are equal to or inferior to animals. Species are not equal. Human individuals are not even equal, how can you place yourself at equal or lesser importance to an animal WRT how you should treat them. You have no instinct for rank.