Faggot TV

I'm sick and tired of grown ass adults watching that Steven Universe bullshit and treating that propaganda like the best thing ever created. How do I red pill these kikes,anons?

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Stay mad, faggot

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Don't waste your time.
People that buy into that sort of stuff are not worth the effort.
The only thing you'll accomplish by exposing them to reality is ostracizing yourself.

Draw some fan art depicting the steven universe gang supporting pedofilia and argue that its sexual orientation and part of gheir neloved LGBT

Take the rainbowpill user

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the only kind of people that still watch that shit were the kind that are pozzed tumblrites anyways, if we were talking about Season 1 or 2, then I could argue that it could stand on its own merit as a fun, somewhat creative show, but now, not even Lapis can save it.

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nigga, that shit is still a thing??

what are those things?

>like the best thing ever created.
That's probably because it IS the best thing media has created in decades.

fags and dykes


Cry more, incel

Maybe people can enjoy a cartoon and be aware of the propaganda surrounding it, faggot.

>the one who watches a children's cartoon

you don't red pill kikes,

you gass'em

Get laid

no u

I will. Go fap to my little pony, faggot

>durrr, Im gunna call him a virgin, that wil teach em!

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Everyone who watches this is a Faggot.

It is a good cartoon

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You seriously need to have sex, man. Maybe you'll stop being a social outcast.


Try it, you'll see. Your life doesn't have to end on Jow Forums.

Quit virgin shaming like a woman memeflaggot. Go watch your cartoons.

It keeps on working though

>HAHAHA, I’m really showing this stupid incel who’s in charge, That’s what you get for calling my favorite show a name!

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Yeah you must get a lot pussy when you tell them you like watching a cartoon about faggots

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Give them the nipponpill

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are you implying premarital sex is a good thing?

>what a degenerate

Are you like actually retarded? I feel bad for you at this point

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If you're able to pull off telling your peers you watch this show and can still be respected and liked, you're most likely alpha. You're indirectly asking everyone; am I the shit? And if they're about it the answer is; yes.
Dont believe me? Wear a hot pink shirt, if people you respect think you're a faggot then you've got your answer. Dont listen to insecure bitch men.

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I hope he shares some with the rest of us

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>t. Giant cock smoking homos

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the animation is shit. its incredibly inconsistent

They're already lost OP...

You don't have to be like this all the time. You still have a chance of getting yourself out of this mess.

Literally zero children have ever watched steven universe

omg kek

its faggot propaganda

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Yep, they are always off model
Fucking lowbudget shows from china are better at actually staying on model

I love sucking my husbands cock while we watch cartoons, jealous fag?

a little

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Steven Universe is possibly the most unfairly hated thing on Jow Forums, even more so than horse show.

It's a fun show about cute anthropomorphic rocks. If it was a Japanese anime, you same faggots wouldn't have a problem with it.

And? Why is that a problem? When has Steven Universe ever pushed a controversial opinion?

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Yeah I hope he can teach us the ways of how snatch that cooch by watching lesbian gems

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it's pretty gay they're having him wear a dress now
like I said, it fell off after half way through S2

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this is from the same episode. its embarassingly bad. steven universe is like planet 51: awesome idea, worst execution possible

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its fag propaganda made by a literal jewess

Japs would never dare to make a shitty cartoon about a fatass who lets dyke and/or lesbian aliens peg him in the ass. I've seen hentai from 1993 that have better animation than this piece of shit show

Nigger what are you talking about lol

>argh! the incel shit isnt working... Oh! I know... I will take the moral highground! It can’t fail! Hahahahaha

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Jeez, the green one looks fine in the first
awful in the second

Attaining respect and acceptance from others was never the point of OP's OP.
Public perception is irrelevant, it is what it is and what it is, is degeneracy-promoting Kikery.

What is it about this shows art style the sends me into a rage filled frensy?

>tfw Steven universe is just a gay, unfunny, sjw version of tenchi muyo

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It’s shit, It’s the “calarts” style
Look it up
It’s the most liberal snowflake artstyle out there

Adults should not watch cartoons

Do not let your son watch degenerate cartoons by not buying him or her a computer/phone.


There seems to be some debate over the existence of propaganda in this cartoon. Here is the lesbian feminist creator of the show explaining in her own words that she is trying to normalize transgenderism and race mixing to children

Just buy a tv and a box full of every disney movie before it gets 3D.
exceptions are toy story and finding nemo for your kids

this nigga is hilarious

Thank you, thank you
all of my images are original

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except the bow

Original image that I distorted to hell

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>Public perception is irrelevant, it is what it is and what it is, is degeneracy-promoting Kikery
Its also a children's show made my women, I dont think anyone cares past that. You should be more worried how easily influenced people are when it comes to trends and the hugbox communities warp their realities. You didnt see people murmuring when the powerpuffgirls were on. Stop being an emotional faggot, encourage others to do the same.

You need to watch anime instead

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and a black guy

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The subjects have shown irreparable signs of mental retardation when exposed to infantile circuses.

10/10 screencapped thread for later lolz

Have you guys even watched the show?

say something like "you still watch that kid cartoon? That's pretty cringe" and walk away

D-did she get off?


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>How do I red pill these kikes,anons?
You could draw the characters as skinny, white, and straight.

Huh, before I read the text I actually thought it was another distorted image...

wtf did i just watch? gore doesnt even faze me but his. what the fuck!?

Yeah this is awkward and weird, but no worse than any of you watching a football match.

tenchi 5ever

no you dumb fuck, with sports it's usually lear what happened unless you're a faggot. but these dykes are just yikes

A woman who just so happens to be Jewish.


It is a shit show, but does portray a society of all women would still be as violent as one of all men.

I don't think that redpilled anyone, but it had hilarious effects nonetheless

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I’ve brainwashed you to think that

again, people are emotionally invested in these shows because they lack purpose and direction in pursuits to happiness. People get dopamine highs off this shit because theres nothing else. Stop hating the show and tackle whats causing the clout, you're a man focusing on people focusing on a children's show.

I actually like this one

I couldn't care less about people's issues that prevent them from dealing with reality.
Like drug addicts, they'll cling to whatever decadent method of attaining stimulation they have at their reach.
Biological failures are a product of privileged positions, during peaceful times, these people will not get anywhere relevant.

Some parts of that cartoon are pretty based, like that one time Steven said "Controlling the world's media, Jews always prepare the minds of people for their next move. The greatest exposure yet to be made is the way that news is manufactured and molds the minds of a nation towards their purpose. When the Jew is at last traced and his hand revealed, then comes the cry of persecution and it echoes throughout the world. The real cause of persecution, which is the oppression of the people by Jewish owned central banks) are never given publicity."

Reminder to filter all the SU shills and kikes.


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Don’t they kill fags there in Russia?
I’ll call Dimitri to deal with you

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How did they get away with this?

Saw a guy wearing the star shirt at a 4th of july foreworks display. Screamed at him calling him an unamerican commie faggot to his face. He was so beta he backed off and didnt say shit



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