I've tried for years to fit in and be around people even managing to get engaged and be looking after a kid in my own...

I've tried for years to fit in and be around people even managing to get engaged and be looking after a kid in my own house but I can't ever keep it up. How do I stop craving company when I clearly hate it some much and can't click with people ?

Attached: Roman_Reigns.0.jpg (599x503, 35K)

> How do I stop craving company when I clearly hate it some much and can't click with people ?

Why don't you ask yourself how to engage with people instead?

Because i've tried for so many years

What have you tried?

To learn social skills and ways to be happy

What have you tried? What have you actually done?

Spoke to every person i'm close with and they've gave advice. Watched tons of videos online and looked up info on it. Tried different ways of talking to people and changed how I act seeing if my personailty needed changing. I don't what to do as I physically can't do some normal people things

>Tried different ways of talking to people and changed how I act seeing if my personailty needed changing.

This is what I'm talking about. Prep work is useless. What have you actually done? I'm talking about action.

Like what do you mean by action though ?

> Tried different ways of talking to people

How did you try to change? what did you do?

> changed how I act

Ok, how did you started to act? What did you do?