Anyone else see this happening?
Joe Biden Will Comfortably Win The Presidency
>Democrats voting for a white man in 2020
Not a chance, bucko
lol, even Samantha Bee is acknowledging that Trump will win another term in her newest promos.
>old pedo dude
That's only if all the dems back him
but Sanders most certainly will primary hard against him and Beto as well
Dems are going to be split 10 ways while Biden is very much a center dem he won't be close enough to anyone to actually get their votes.
Question. Who is buttigieg?
It will be Michelle or Oprah or some other WOKE QUEEN that wins in 2020
>Joe "whites will become a minority and that's a good thing" Biden
>Joe "I like to touch little girls" Biden
>Joe "I'd beat Trump up, but I won't Biden
>winning the Presidency
god damn you faggots are stupid
I seriously don’t see how he would have a chance. He is literally the good time boomer second hand man. Not a leader but a cleanup man...
I don't think you realize how much meme potential this pedo creep has.
This right here. He's gonna have to beat 2 black candidates and everyone's favorite communist Grandpa to get the nomination.
It'll go like this
>Harris is DNC pick to win
>Bernie is favorite to win
>He doesn't get the nomination
>Bernie fans assume it's rigged whether or not it's true
>They vote Trump again
>Second term
Most people don't realize he was the primary author of the patriot act..once that becomes a focus during primary debates his support will dry up
fringe candidate getting attention cause he's a fag
For the record, I am as we speak the first commenter to christen him with the childish appellation "Buttplug"
Also, molesting children in front of cameras is hard to recover from. Sure, it helps that the press is hard left, but Jews aren't going to turn down a free headline for long.
Yes, he will easily beat Trump
Not with all that kid touching he won't.
And legalize pedophilia to cover for his crimes.
He's looking really, really old. Plus that thing will come out and he'll be unelectable.
the Jews want Trump
wtf I love Biden now
T. Bernie Bro
This is exactly my mindset. After dragging Tulsi and Omar, if they fuck over Bernie and VP Yang/Tulsi, then I’m Trump again
If he can survive the dem primaries he will.
He is a white man so there is no way he can survive the dem primaries.
They are going with Kamala and they are going to lose.
Those videos of him creeptouching women and young girls will be impossible for him to suppress. They gave Joe a controller that isn't plugged in to the console so he can pretend he's playing and not throw a tantrum. They're going to run a Harris/Booker ticket.
Hard for a republican to recover from, but a democrat? That's their current platform
I do not see it happening
>1 post by this ID
Will Creepy Joe make pedophilia legal or will he hog the little girls for himself?
You are out of your fucking mind.
He won’t even run and we’ll continue to hear how he “would have won” for another 4 years.
The Democrats will be sent to The Hague, Netherlands for genocide or attempted genocide. They will be punished by lengthy prison sentences or death.
The Democrats are rotten and cannot be allowed to seize power in the USA. The Democrats have waged war on the American people for long enough, and it is time to cut them off before they turn into full blown nazis.
They have already mastered putting hundreds if not thousands of dangerous violent criminals on the street who threaten public safety: ANTIFA. ANTIFA is a nazi death squad because it works for the nazi Democrats. These are the equivalent of the brown shirts (Sturmabteilung).
I think someone might have something to say about that...
It’s plausible
Joe "domestic violence is a white problem" Biden who conveniently ignores the undisputed FACT that Hispanic and black communities have 3 times more domestic violence.
He is just another race baiting democrat, just like all of the rest including free-gibs-for-the-masses-Yang.
i dont think it will be biden, but i do think it will be a dem. trump supporters feeling pretty high and mighty but dont realize how intense the anti trump brainwashing has been, and will continue to be until election day.
people want to believe and do believe that he is the spawn of satan. it is almost impossible to bring someone out of this mindset. sad but true.
Creepy uncle Joe won't win. If FOX does the same thing with Democrats running for president he will be torn apart.
HER TURN Vol. 3:
This Time It Will Work
Creepy compilation
>They gave Joe a controller that isn't plugged in to the console so he can pretend he's playing and not throw a tantrum
Fucking kek, well said.
Bernie should get to run as an Independent
This is really unsettling wtf
>trump supporters feeling pretty high and mighty but dont realize how intense the anti trump brainwashing has been, and will continue to be until election day
Individual politicians no longer matter, this is pure L vs R now. L will get behind whoever ultimately gets the nod solely to try & beat the R, and R will do the same (except we all know it'll be Trump again regardless).
Average normies are far sicker of the left from shit like Smollett than they are sick of Trump.
> Spends his campaign vilifying white men and white culture
> white people vote for a guy who hates them and wants them destroyed
> black people vote for a guy who spent a year convincing them that he is evil.
I mean demoncraps are that stupid.
not a chance, not with his anti-white bullshit
bidem stuff starts at 1:30
Not when people see the compilations of him being a fucking creep.
Just like Trump
He's 4 years older then Trump, that will play a role in why people reject him. Too old and too white for the dems. Plus Joe Biden is an idiot, he's corrupt, his sons are corrupt, he's creepy.
He's just riding the "I was Obama's VP" wave, once that fades during the debates, he'll be toast. He has no good plans for the country. Just Obama light and we've already had 8 years of that crap.
pedo joe
I know man like I am boosted for the campaign season, I'm going to disperse every last one of his faux pas, sexual deviancy, and awkward blunders