How do I deal with my anger? I already work out and have hobbies and stuff, but the second something ignites my temper I end up sitting and stewing in rage which is really bad for my health. What do I do? I try to avoid things that set me off like reading the news, clips of unjust things etc but I lurk here so I stumble across things that set me off and once they do I end up feeling it course through my veins to such an extent it gives me heartburn and makes me grind my teeth.
You feel it completely as much as you can without outwardly expressing it. Don't avoid things that make you feel angry try to experience them as much as you can that's the only way you will stop being angry.
Evan Martin
idgi are you telling me I should just sit there and take it until I get numb to it?
Aiden Peterson
No what you're doing is trying to numb it. I'm telling you to do the reverse which is to feel it as much as possible so that it gets out of your system.
Ryder Bailey
Express your hatred online.
Like everyone else. Once you expressed it you'll feel stupid thinking about it.
If it's really a dealbreaker for you, I'd suggest therapy with a psychologist as it's most probably connected with something from your childhood/past experiences. Things like that are possible to be improved, it's just not an easy thing to do. It definitely takes a lot more time than just posting one thread on Jow Forums, unfortunately.
Btw, you don't have to be afraid of psychologist and therapy, if you are indeed. It's quite normal in 1st world countries to go to psychologist just to become a better version of yourself, just like you want to.
Good luck :)
Andrew Morales
I shitpost as much as everyone else, it doesn't help if I do this i'd probably do something bad can't afford it I have the usual self loathing, self hate, bi polar issues most Jow Forums posters but I deal with those via working out and playing guitar, it's the anger that lingers in my system that really fucks with me
Sebastian Brooks
where do you live? your country doesn't fund things like that for its citizens?
Ryder Gray
UK they probably do but no way in the name of christ do I want to be linked to any mental health thing that the government knows about, that's just asking for trouble in the future
Landon Green
>20821928 > ayeeeee buddies so ya got some anger and possibly depression issues. Don't we all. How's about some weed to calm down, healthy diet maybe some friends or family to talk to. Here for you my man
Totally agree canabis and a good life style are key. Don't forget about the people around you are there to help. Maybez stay off the Internet for a day and walk in a park. Go do what ever makes you happy. Life's to short to be mad.
Caleb Roberts
I'm straight edge because i've suffered from substance abuse since I was 14 I go for walks and stuff but it just doesn't help, i'll be angry (like I am now) until tomorrow now that i've been set off
Ian Rodriguez
The key is to realize that a lot of things you get mad at don't matter. >unjust things Being mad won't do anything to help them will it? >trolls they're autistic and just looking for your reaction, why give it to them? >news okay yeah you have a good reason for this one but it also helps nobody to get angry. You already know you're the one who's getting hurt, recognize when you get angry and rationalize the problem through.
Dominic Foster
Go to the doctor dude. Your blood pressure will thank you
Anthony Murphy
Oh shit hmm well sometimes you have to ask for help ya know when you've tried so many avenues. Just because something isn't working just keep trying because why not.
Andrew Richardson
the main thing that makes me angry and this will sound edgy and infantile but I just can't handle the state of the world right now the western world is completely and utterly fucked and no one gives a shit at all
Here I am reading and coming across numerous instances of injustice, ungodly acts and all the other stuff is symptomatic of a fucked society and being hurt mentally, physically and spiritually by it despite how much I try to avoid and then everyone else just walks around not worried about it all
how do I get rationalise the anger I feel because of it when I can't solve the problem? if someone annoys me I can just say to myself "alright, that's because they're upset/ignorant/drunk" or whatever but how do I do that in this context? I can't and it's killing me
Angel Evans
Well kewl you being honest. It's totally okay for you to feel that way coz shits fucked and the only way to feel better about it is do something about. Fight and stand up for causes. It's so easy you can volunteer. Dude be proactive. And accept the things you can't change.
Parker Taylor
I have recovered from very bad anger issues (rooted in being badly abused as a child by my mother) and found that reading the book "Anger management for dummies" helped me more than anything else in my life.
It's important too, not to stop, nor try to block your anger, because that's impossible. What matter is HOW YOU EXPRESS IT. Next time you feel angry, following this one simple rule will solve 90% of your troubles:
Remember you have the right to feel angry, and more-so to express it. It's just all in how you do it. Your anger can motivate you into destruction or it can motivate you into construction. Read the book I suggested for more details.
Hm you might be on your 20's I think, not that it's a bad thing or anything but I notice younger folks tend to have this sense of right and wrong and fight for causes and all that. The thing is that you can't solve it, I'm sorry to say that the world is a terrible place to live in, it's an ever changing problem and we can't solve every single one of them, I think it's through understanding that it matters more what you change rather than focusing on things that you can't do anything about. Feel good about things you've helped with, but it's not your fault the world is the way that it is user, you're doing more than enough to change it already. About the ignorance of people, that is a difficult one because most people are too proud to admit their mistakes, point out any flaw and they will go on endless tirades just to feel superior to you, I think the best way to deal with them is to not endulge, never sidetrack on anything, keep your topics clean and with data to back yourself up and they'll be no problem. (I'm assuming you mean to educate them about the problems you hate about the world.)
Samuel Brooks
i'm not one to debate although I can very easily, when I mentioned people making me angry that was more of an example to show you how I can more or less deal with anger when it's not caused by existential/"intangible" concepts or problems but I agree with what you said
I still don't see how i'm supposed to deal with this visceral anger though
Brandon Sanders
I misunderstood you then, I think a working way to rationalize anger is to write down the problem, and how you feel. This is what worked for me, other than that, I'm sorry I wasn't much help.
Nicholas Gonzalez
No the reason you have to act out on the anger is because you don't allow yourself to fully feel it and so it wants to come out another way. If you feel it fully without resisting it you will feel better.