Fantasy role-playing game "Dungeons & Dragons" is seeing its best year ever, Hasbro Chairman and CEO Brian Goldner...

>Fantasy role-playing game "Dungeons & Dragons" is seeing its best year ever, Hasbro Chairman and CEO Brian Goldner, whose toy- and game-maker owns the brand, told CNBC on Monday.

>"People are more into 'Dungeons & Dragons' today than ever before," Goldner told "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer in an exclusive interview. "People are re-engaged with that brand because it’s a face-to-face game, it’s immersive and it’s a game that people really enjoy playing with one another."

>The double-digit new user growth could have in part been spurred by Netflix's nostalgic, 1980s-set hit drama "Stranger Things," in which the characters play "Dungeons & Dragons."


Dungeons and Dragons has strong ties to Satanic worship and it is currently enjoying the most successful year in it's history. it's even more popular than it was in the 80's. How can Jow Forums stop it?

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>Hasbro Chairman and CEO Brian Goldner
> So, in the 6th Edition the adventurers can fight the G'hoy, an evil race that can fortunately be vanquished through subversion. They worship Chaotic Evil god Grumph and (...)

Is there a way that it can be stopped?

It's an imagination based game. They just give you rules to construct your universe with. I have fond memories of the stories my friends and I used to weave when we played.

It's also tied to Satanism

Love me some AD&D 1st edition, was the best iteration of the game. THAC0 rules! Fuck stranger kikes and fuck jannies

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says who?
since when?
in what way?
you fucking jew rat

> tied to Satanism
Oh yeah? Do tell...

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Nah not really. Some edgy kids played their own edgy version of it, but its no more lo ked to Satanism, than Doom is linked to mass shootings.

1. Fear generation-via spells and mental imaging about fear-filled, emotional scenes, and threats to survival of FRP characters.
2. Isolation-psychological removal from traditional support structures (family, church, etc.) into an imaginary world. Physical isolation due to extremely time-consuming play activities outside the family atmosphere.
3. Physical torture and killings-images in the mind can be almost as real as the actual experiences. Focus of the games is upon killings and torture for power, acquisition of wealth, and survival of characters.
4. Erosion of family values-the Dungeon Master (DM) demands an all-encompassing and total loyalty, control and allegiance.
5. Situational Ethics-any act can be justified in the mind of the player, therefore there are no absolutes of right or wrong; no morality other than "point" morality needed to ensure survival and advancement. There are no win-win situations and good forces seldom triumph over evil forces.
6. Religion-values and belief systems (see below) are restructured from traditional Judeo-Christian ethics (which most people in Western culture adhere to) to belief in multiple gods and deities. Players align themselves with specific deities they select; patron deities are strongly urged. These are not fantasy deities, but are drawn from genuine ancient religions and beliefs! Only occult gods are included. In addition, defilement is urged in many ways, such as excrement or urinating to "defile a font."
7. Loss of Self-control-authority over self is surrendered to the DM. Depending on the personality and ego-strength of the player, this loss can be near absolute.
8. Degradation-pain and torture are heavily involved in sadistic, sexual situations that graphically appeal to visceral impulses. Much of the material (as mentioned above) is well into pornographic areas and stresses the defilement of innocence.

I learned about all the different goetia demons from d&d back in the 80's

>Dungeons and Dragons has strong ties to Satanic worship
[citation needed]

Fuck off, christcuck.

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How is this satanic worship you retard

you know you just described binge watching game of thrones.

better start burning books so only approved thoughts are thunk

idiots like you are why kids want to escape reality

>1. Fear generation-via spells and mental imaging about fear-filled, emotional scenes, and threats to survival of FRP characters.
>2. Isolation-psychological removal from traditional support structures (family, church, etc.) into an imaginary world. Physical isolation due to extremely time-consuming play activities outside the family atmosphere.
>3. Physical torture and killings-images in the mind can be almost as real as the actual experiences. Focus of the games is upon killings and torture for power, acquisition of wealth, and survival of characters.
>4. Erosion of family values-the Dungeon Master (DM) demands an all-encompassing and total loyalty, control and allegiance.
>5. Situational Ethics-any act can be justified in the mind of the player, therefore there are no absolutes of right or wrong; no morality other than "point" morality needed to ensure survival and advancement. There are no win-win situations and good forces seldom triumph over evil forces.
>6. Religion-values and belief systems (see below) are restructured from traditional Judeo-Christian ethics (which most people in Western culture adhere to) to belief in multiple gods and deities. Players align themselves with specific deities they select; patron deities are strongly urged. These are not fantasy deities, but are drawn from genuine ancient religions and beliefs! Only occult gods are included. In addition, defilement is urged in many ways, such as excrement or urinating to "defile a font."
>7. Loss of Self-control-authority over self is surrendered to the DM. Depending on the personality and ego-strength of the player, this loss can be near absolute.
>8. Degradation-pain and torture are heavily involved in sadistic, sexual situations that graphically appeal to visceral impulses. Much of the material (as mentioned above) is well into pornographic areas and stresses the defilement of innocence.
Maybe for impressionable kids. Adults and experienced players just lol a shitty DM out.

Meaning a person who is predisposed to being mislead down an unethical and immoral path is going to be led down that path no matter if they play D&D or not

>strong ties to satanic worship
who do you think controls the world?

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What's the deal with D&D? When I was a kid my father told me it was a form of witchcraft similar to ouija board.

You do realize that D&D morality is not only objective, but literally a tangible force in the world, right?


Dude, it's still Satanic, theres no way around it. And it's making a huge comeback. It's no longer being played by basement dwellers. Even normies play it now.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Satanic worship. All it does is represent magic in a not so negative light. Practicing magic is an old testament sin. (Much like doing anything but worship on the Sabbath) The themes are far more pagan/druidic.

It's overall a good thing. It gets people away from the goddamn internet and gets them interacting in person.

I used to play DnD. This is total stupidity. There are demons and evil gods, but you aren't meant to worship them in real life, they are monsters that you kill for loot or are part of the backstory. Sort of like how you don't see people worshipping Sauron because of Lord of The Rings.

This is the real issue (even though this post is satire). The parent company is bluepilled and shovels in globohomo themes to all their products lately.

It's little more than a multiplayer choose your own adventure story written by a game master with a complicated set of rules to dictate what you can and can't do. The author sets a scene and you act out your character's part and actions.

There is also hours of shitty tedious combat, which people love for some reason.

>Imagination and storytelling is evil

Most games passively worship Satan during a game. Because it's such a huge part of the story that giving your time to it, is passively worhsiping it.

But there are plenty of gamers that do full on Satanic prayers and rituals before and during the game.

Dont you make up your own stories with D&D? Like there's no one way to win the game because everyone is basically doing a creative writing exerciseogether? Using your imagination is a bit more involved than mindlessly consuming media.

>Most games passively worship Satan during a game. Because it's such a huge part of the story that giving your time to it, is passively worhsiping it.
So basically any hobbies are passively satanist because whenever you spend time doing something fun you are unknowingly worshipping satan?
>But there are plenty of gamers that do full on Satanic prayers and rituals before and during the game.
No, no there are not. Maybe some edgy goth kids in the 80s did some cringey stuff like that, but thag has nothing to do with DnD.

Satan isn't a character in universe.

The name of the game is literally Dungeons and DRAGONS. Dragons aren't biblical.

You could make the argument that it makes kids interested in Paganism or Wicca. Satanism is off base entirely and exposes you as ignorant.

Op is a retard but it has become such a normal thing. My wife told her shitcunt friend about my character when they invited us to play with them, get there and she is literally using my same fucking character with just a different name and telling us how cool and unique it is. I fucking hate normies and I hate normies women.

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theres a bunch of different religions in that game. Plus, Dragon is just another name for Satan.

Have sex

GURPS was better.

>Dragon is just another name for Satan.
Dragon mythology predates judeochristian faith. That's like saying the bible stole my friend peter's name.

I would like a biblical source for Satan as a dragon please.

There is only one Satan. The game references plural dragons. They are clearly not the same thing. The dragons are also not subjects that are worshipped in game.

Once again. Paganism, Wicca. You have an argument there. Satanism misses the mark. I am literally spoon-feeding you winning arguments and you dig in your heels.

GURPS is at least not influenced by satanists. Gary Gygax should have been hung upside down and marched through the streets

Yep all of them made up. In fact the rules state you could even make your own up. Man how satanic is that?

>theres a bunch of different religions in that game. Plus, Dragon is just another name for Satan.
All of the religions in DnD are fictional, and are usually pretty one-dimensional and not very fleshed out "This god is a god of strength, he likes arm wrestling and loincloths, he is worshipped by barbarians". "That god is the god of creepy crawlers, his worshippers are evil wizards who hide in sewers and kidnap children to sacrifice." That sort of thing.

Dragons are a symbol that exists across the world in every culture and in many prechristian European cultures. If you want to attach some sort of Biblical relevance to that, it is purely your own subjectivr interpretation.

So,’re telling me that when my cleric conjures good to feed an orphanage full of starving children, that’s Satanic?

But when Jesus uses his Jesus magic to feed thousands with five loaves of bread and two fish or turn water into wine, that’s okay?

>There is also hours of shitty tedious combat, which people love for some reason.

Did somebody say... combat?

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P.S. Dragons in that game exist to be killed by heroes. If the game is satanist and dragons are satan, then why are satanists killing satan?

>dunning-Krueger, the post


still passively worshipping. plus they make dragons look "cool".

Hey everyone Hitler loved the jews and thought they were cool
>inb4 implying

Dragon =evil/Satan is something Jordan Peterson says, as is half of the other things he listed off. It has clearly been watching way too much of his shir

Did you ever watch Conan the Barbarian?

Because by your logic, you are now a snake cultist. There is a giant snake in the movie. You're passively worshipping snakes by seeing it. Thulsa Doom isn't Christian, he is a snake cultist. By watching a movie about snake cultists, you're a snake cultist too now.

seeing as Hitlers only real accomplishment is creation of Israel and defamation of white nationalism, Id say you are correct, mutt

Next you'll say daycares are home of satanic churches?
I guess time is a flat circle.

Revelation 12:9- And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

>The double-digit new user growth could have in part been spurred by Netflix's nostalgic, 1980s-set hit drama "Stranger Things," in which the characters play "Dungeons & Dragons."
Wrong. It's growing because people are realizing that online games are boring and with how people are getting used to longer run times of content in media now more people are becoming re-engaged in more longer time spanning games and roleplaying hence why DnD gains popularity because 6th edition is really easy to get into for newcomers even if the newbie hasn't played a WRPG, much less a JRPG, before in their entire life.
>playing a chaotic evil character means you are a satanist
Kill yourself.

>Dungeons and Dragons has strong ties to Satanic worship

Thanks for explaining where this line of thought is coming from. It's clearly not from the bible.

>satanic worship
Boomer tier news at 11 scare journalism from the 90s?
On my pol?

Too many normalfags in dnd these days... I miss the comfy high school days rolling dice with a few friends and going on adventures.. Podcasts took it far too mainstream. Now the game is more casualized and everyone won't shut up about it.. Just shut up and let me play my 3.5. Also fuck pathfinder.

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Don't confuse Hitler's accomplishments for those of his enemies.

Dungeons and Dragons has strong ties to Satanic worship
Fuck off grandma

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its an amazing game for intellectuals.

>Everything I don't like is the Devil
Wow, Boomer.
Maybe don't be a retard the next time you post?

>dnd has satanic ties
And pizza has ties to pedophilia but that's not going to stop me from eating pizza.

This is why Christians should be genocided.

Imagine being this retarded

There is no way to win, period. There is no total end goal where you tally points and declare the winner of DnD

Who let Grandpa out of the nursing home?

It's literally just a tabletop game you dumb fucks. Also don't play 5e because it's just a mary sue simulator.


what about the evil capitalist game of monopoly? where is the low income housing? going to jail because of random dice roll? how come only certain people can get out of jail for free? burn all board games now!

Beyond bluepilled. Lmao. I bet you think tarot is black magic too.

Begone Antichrist.

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>Dungeons and Dragons has strong ties to Satanic worship and it is currently enjoying the most successful year in it's history. it's even more popular than it was in the 80's. How can Jow Forums stop it?
Go fuck yourself you idiot puritan police.

So are you going to get to the point where you explain how it's tied to Satanism or are you going to keep spouting irrelevant drivel.

what about chess? black vs white in endless conflict, talk about stoking racial division in the world. damn bishops always sneaking sideways killing poor pawns exploited by a monarchy.

>nerds are playing card games
>Jow Forums help
who cares

Rifts was where it was at when I was a kid.
Feels nostalgia man.

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You're 35 years late on that moral panic bro. It's Internet Nazis corrupting our youth now.

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You realize that it's make-believe. You can structure a campaign to have you play out a legit Christian crusade if you wish and kill all non-believers. DnD can be as red/blue-pilled as you want. Cuck

Dont even get me started on Risk. Imagine the harm done by kids pretending to plunge the entire world into endless war just so one person can dominate the earth.
you know the carbon footprint that would leave?

>Don't tell stories with your friends or create fun memories! SATAN! REE!

Jow Forums defending degeneracy as usual

>imagination is degeneracy
>anything I dont like is degeneracy
You really are pathetic.

christians and satanists are jews too, you stupid kikes

user have you never heard of the seraphim. It's an angelic dragon from Christian mythology.

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i dont know about being dragons, seraphim are just top tier angels

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Are you really that braindead to believe that sort of shit? It's as "Satanic" as World of Warcraft or any other fantasy game.

Hackmaster 4th Edition. Out of print, but the most modern 1st Ed AD&D feels out there.

Playing a game where you kill angels? Naughty...

Playing a game where you kill demons? Equally naughty.

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You realized the truth

All fiction is satanic inherently. Vain imagination

>Steve Jackson
>Not a mason
>Not knowing about the Illuminati card game

I never got into it. If I wanted to play an rpg I would just play Final Fantasy or Pokémon. I didn’t the have the patience to sit through D&D.

Tabletop and wargaming was invented by Jesuits. The first tabletop gaming company the US (Avalon Hill) was by a group that also did "Catholic publications" based out of Baltimore. Same people who make all the false flag wars and then blame "Jews" using alt media opposition like this site.

D&D and fantasy media also gatekeeps the phantom time deception by ingraining the idea that he medieval times were real at all , and not 500 years of fake history made up by the Vatican.

Also Gygax was SWISS.

they don't want you talking about the Swiss.

Got any fun memories that weren't shaped by corporate media? Probably not

Your actions are all predetermined 8n those games, there is no comparison.

How do we exterminate the christfag menace? I was thinking figure out where they get the faggy shit for cummunion and lace it with cyanide. The thought of thousands of christfags writhing about before they go to hell is quite amusing.

>Dungeons and Dragons has strong ties to Satanic worship
Fuck off Tom and or Rona.

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thanks does your non-denominational freewill baptist community center live stream their praise and worship services online?

Good goy, Christians are ruining the planet, not jews or Muslims

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No it's not at all.

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it has no end, that's why it's so great!