French Africa

Does France still have its colonies in africa? Seems like it owns the French speaking nations still. What's the politics going on about this.

Attached: francophone_africa-final.png (324x350, 54K)

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our GREEEAAAT state decided that it was a good thing for us to protect these niggers from ISIS in exchange for ... ? nothing, just a naval base in senegal, and nothing else

as the order breaks down France will return to these areas for resources

In exchange for their ressources. You're a legit retard

We do control their governments and ressources. But it's beneficial for both parties.

The french are fags who larped as romans and thus blurred the borders between europe and africa.
They are punished by civic frenchness including infiniggers speaking french pidgin and ready to migrate.

Speak for yourself. Some of us make fat money with Africa.

Imperialism and exploitation. The French gain military bases, money, industry and recourses from these countries while they get far less in return and Frech interventionism like in socialist Burkino Faso. It's really hypocritical because the Macron sees himself ass some humanitarian savior.

*Because Macron

Can French people easily go to nations like how Africans can easily go to france?
There was some big attack in Mali recently.

How tf is Egypt francophone, did Napoleon have that much of an impact?

Do you work there?

I wanna make money of Africa, please elaborate.

Wouldn't you have to live there?

Theres a small white French population in Gabon, I think it would be fine.

invest in rwanda

>French population
There is? Well Gabon just had a coup

Attached: 08Gabon-facebookJumbo.jpg (1050x549, 86K)

Would you rather China gets to exploit all the resources instead? France is literally the only EU member capable of projecting it's power to foreign primitives.

Wiki says theres 10,700 French there. So an extreme minority.

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That's a lot actually, more than I expected. What about near by Cameroon? Wiki said that Togo is 1% European also

I wonder if the whites there are being persecuted much like the Boers in South Africa.

No. There's some boers moving north actually.

Kek. Didn't even notice

France is still a empire.
What do you want to do in africa?

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I work with them. I supply goods for oil and mining companies. Not necessarly African companies but any company that has a foot in this land.
The thing you need to realize is that their infractructures are in the middle of nowhere and buying things as simple as coffe cartidges for your expressi machine are a real hassle. Then here we come. Everything you need we provide. You need to buy 126 items but don't want to deal with 23 retarded suppliers ? We take care of it. But that has a price. We take comfortable margins and you get what you need. From mp3 players for your employee's children's christmas party to high tech valves and piping equipment.
I only realized when I started working this field how incompetent is the vast majority of sales people are. These fucks don't realize how much business they miss and don't deserve half the salary they "earn".

That's a lot.

I don't hear anything about togo or benin.
I don't think so.

How did you get into this industry? Is it a common job in France to work with former colonies?

almost everything below algeria still pay us taxes because they are too retarded to have their own money, seems good to me

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I know there was a South African user here talking about how some whites were going up to Rwanda since Kagame is apparently making the place better.

making them emigrate to europe

Export guns there

do you use only trips when talking ?

almost quads

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Started has an intern because these companies are always looking for people willing to work their ass off and few can stand the work load. It's not a common job but most sales executives know about it. They often go through us to reach these markets because it still is a risky enterprise to make business with africans. Still some refuse to quote to us because "muh business policy"

That's interesting.

Apparently Cameroon is having conflict between English and French speakers.
There's actually a small Norwegian community there of all places. (A few hundred.)
>Togo and benin
What happens there?

Macrons pet project: Eurafrica


Attached: Crab Messiah.jpg (1920x1920, 615K)

Would be interesting to hear how those Norwegians ended up there, am sure they got some stories to tell.

Are Frenchies still in mali? Is that a islamic nation?

Sadly, this gave countless niggers and muslims a back-door to Europe.

of course we are

Attached: carte-deploiement-opex.jpg (1336x944, 166K)

I wonder if the French Foreign Legion would be a good step toward finding work in this field.

STFU subhuman

Tuaregs revolted against you and your petniggers and you and them try to genocide themn, you are the enemies of the Caucasoid race and you will pay it with your life.

There's some US troops in Gabon also.

well you could get the nationality in 3 years if i remember correctly but i think as an american trying to become french to make money is pretty unneficient, usually it's the opposite

don't use that caucasoid thing, it's a jewish trick to make you accept sand-niggers as part of your race, the white race don't need any modification

I am a so called "sandnigger", soon we will be whiter than you.

They support bloody dictators all over the continent. French people are generally fine chaps in my book but their government has always been massive globalist bastards.

Benin :D

Surprisingly one of the few democracies of the continent


Wait what? How does that work?

France owns their banks

Beurette a renoi offspring is not white, anouar

You already are. Just accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and you will not be harmed.

they have a common currency, and we are the one printing it and taking a cut on it

Hopefully they fare better there

fuckin' hell mate.
That's our job.
Stop pretending to be the Jews.
We're supposed to be the Jews.

Does Britain even do anything with its old African colonies

Retard. Our uranium comes from Africa and is exploited by French state-owned companies. 70+% of our power generation comes from nuclear.
For the rest it's a power game for French companies

Francafrique is big business interests.

Apart from screwing Rhodesia and South Africa?
No, we pretty much gave everything to the Americans and now the Chinese.
We do take in millions of sub-humans however from these places.

Seems like it.

Good luck if you want to go there.

Has anyone been to any of these?

Church. It was about a 100 or so.

The politics is that they're going to relinquish that control. Their international and EU partners demand it. Africa is going to industrialize and be a growth market.