Oklahoma City 'woman' vandalizes Oklahoma Democratic Party HQ and Chickasaw Nation offices with racist messages. Local PD is completely worthless, see Daniel Holtzclaw for more information on this. This obvious attempt to frame the chans once again can be thwarted by a few good anons.



Oklahoma City — The buildings housing the Oklahoma Democratic Party and a Chickasaw Nation office in Oklahoma City were vandalized overnight with hate-filled graffiti that was discovered Thursday morning.

>One message read “Gas the Jews.” Another said “White planet only. Gas the rest.” Another listed Democrats and derogatory words for African-Americans and transgender people.

>A swastika was painted on the buildings’ entrances and a manifesto was pasted to the front of Democratic Headquarters building.

>Walters said a maintenance worker notified him about the vandalism early Thursday morning.

>“I am just horrified,” Walters said.
previous threads

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Other urls found in this thread:


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It isn't on CNN so the media has decided that it doesn't fit the narrative.

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Khazar milkers

Would be cool to have a black sun sticker, as much of a meme as it is and the fact you might end up on AN FBI WATCH LIST YA DUMB FALSE FLAGGIN BITCH

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Was this note left there as well? Where is this note from?

Hitler 2020?

>pushes boner down

looks jewish

That blue is the same color that the dnc uses. It was probably leftover from a sign they made, or some fundraiser.

Except that wasn't a wasn't "false flag." It was protest/criticism. The FDNY had at minimum three (that I found) pedo, rape, sexual assaults, and racism incidents that year, and this didn't include the year before or past couple years. "NAZI", "RAPIST" ,"PEDOPHILES" were sprayed on FDNY vehicles. "FAGGOTS" should have also been sprayed on them.




Attached: FDNY-Nazi-Graffiti.jpg (700x399, 95K)

i'm leaning towards false flag, but i'd still laugh my ass off if it turns out to be some qanon boomer
...given that they clearly browse Jow Forums.... they're probably in this thread


>Springs and three other probies fresh out of the Fire Academy were ushered to the gym where firefighter Peter Grillo “gave me an aggressive push” and whispered, “This house is really gay,” Springs said.

>When he saw that all the firefighters were naked, he said, he tried to leave, but someone held the door shut to block his exit.

>“All I could hear is someone yelling orders, ‘Lay on the bench, lay on the bench,’” Springs testified. “I had no idea what was going on, what could have been done to me. I have never been held hostage in a room before.”

>Obeying commands to lay on his back and lift dumbbells, he said, ex-Marine firefighter Pedro Aristy hovered over him.

>“He crouched, he crouched and at that point there was contact made with his penis and his balls on my forehead,” Springs said, adding that Aristy’s genitals tapped him twice.

>Another black probie, Ian Wilson, was ordered to use his hands to push the buttocks of a nude firefighter doing pull-ups, he testified.

>Aristy warned Springs not to report the incident: “He told me he could punch me in my face and there was nothing I can do about it.”

>Aristy also taunted him, “‘I know you would like my balls in your mouth,’” Springs said. “I was terrified … I believe that Pedro Aristy was — his goal was to try to rape me.”

>Springs said Aristy often asked him, “What are you?” in reference to his skin color: “Pedro made it clear to everyone who asked my race that I was ‘a mixed bag of sh-t,’” he said. [The New York Post wrongly incorrectly calls the victim black in the opening line of the article. He is multiracial.]

Sprayed jew instead of kike means it's a kike bro

Got the nick name, picture related.

Attached: Capture.jpg (475x766, 45K)

>be White
>make money
>share house with friends who are similar to you politically
>save up money
>put said money to political acts that actually work
>bring more Whites similar to you in the area and have them do the same
>get even more money
>Whites around Europe and America catch on and copy
>bypasses (((government))) and is completely legal
>higher chance of finding decent work through shared information between Whites
>more money from sharing and splitting the bills and food
>literally Nation building but on a housing scale

Why haven't we been doing this shit already?

Attached: 1552246812167.jpg (1024x512, 64K)

>be White
>make money
>share house with friends who are similar to you politically
>save up money
>put said money to political acts that actually work
>bring more Whites similar to you in the area and have them do the same
>get even more money
>Whites around Europe and America catch on and copy
>bypasses (((government))) and is completely legal
>higher chance of finding decent work through shared information between Whites
>more money from sharing and splitting the bills and food
>literally Nation building but on a housing scale

Why haven't we been doing this shit already?

>they clearly browse Jow Forums
Not sure about that. Seems falseflaggy to me. What self-respecting Jow Forumsak would write "gas the Jews," and not "gas the kikes?" Seems like a reddit view of how they think the chans speak, not how the chans actually speak.

Jesus fucking Christ

its not even good

if youre gonna do a false flag put some effort into it at least

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"Hazing" was a poor excuse. That was a bunch of gay fucking right wing faggots forcing themselves onto the new guys, and also seeing if they'd reciprocate and be up for faggot action. Aristy also lied about his faggot and racist behavior. Said he wasn't near him during the incident. The faggot firefighters also made another attack on him in which they caused him to fall on his back and injure himself.

The gay faggot establishment problem is huge. Even the guy in the first story, he raped The right wing closet faggot situation is huge. Once again they make shit into a porno faggot force. Then they and other faggot establishment shills all come here to Jow Forums Jow Forums and project all their degeneracy onto "liberals" and 'leftists." Tons of shills here are fucking faggots that's obvious. They post gay shit all the time. WHY is the government making a point to hire and protect these criminal dirtbag faggot nigger-tier shitstains to be government employees? All over the country. This is indicative of what the establishment thinks and believes in. Good and decent people are rejected constantly so that these dirtbags can get the jobs instead. The city was trying to have the victims lawsuit dismissed in the second story. Again, indicative. "Government employees can rape and sexually assault you and youre just gonna have to get over it, loser."

i'm not saying they're a pol/lak/, but that they likely came here to copy the memes
probably after the christchurch shooting
pretty sure he had a black sun on his manifesto iirc

maybe, would explain the balls to pull this off in front of a camera
plus, what 'nazi' wouldn't lightning bolt pic related?
why add incorrect syntax? ss Nazi?

Attached: 69B79667-719A-4147-AC92-2ABEC46F0950.jpg (719x454, 52K)

>you women know this
>woman does the act
>dnc blue used for their signs
>not an attempt to shift attention from smollet and political corruption

>came here to copy the memes
>probably after the christchurch shooting
Then (((they))) did an awfully shitty job of it.
>pretty sure he had a black sun on his manifesto iirc
Not a chan meme.

This looks so forced. Trump Pence Hitler 2020 gives it away worse than the Empire fag nigger case.

Attached: 1530888275024.png (178x186, 39K)

>plus, what 'nazi' wouldn't lightning bolt pic related?
This. Everything about this just screams "whatcha doin?"

>Will he be lampshaded
I’m laffin

>ss Nazi
That’s my favorite part.

Attached: 0E7BDC5E-C68C-4837-9FD0-DAF9AD8ADD38.jpg (900x720, 93K)

>nigger trannies
That was definitely someone who browsed here for a few days and got so mad they went out and did this in an attemp to frame Jow Forums so the authorities would come snooping.
It's funny because it's so childish and i'm sure 100% of us would hold ourself to a higher standard.

Nice tits. Ok I'm down for these ideas where can I find a group of whites willing to cooperate and work with me.

That's pasta you dumb faggot.

The vandal was probably from MAGA country.

Anyone whose not a complete nigger joining these institutions needs to know most these people in them are low lives. If/when they try to fuck with you, fuck their shit up. These aren't good or even decent people, that's obvious especially with shitstain cops. If you have a weapon or can get one, USE IT. Don't play with them. They don't believe in decency or the law. They only believe in force and violence and doing whatever they want. Theyre just like violent criminals, they just happened to get a government job instead of being arrested and sent to prison. Other than that, same people. They still go around committing crimes. Take a violent criminal and make him a cop or a FDNY, and again it'd be the same stock of people. Then many cops still do get sent to prison, whenever the law works appropriately which isn't often enough.



archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/206013044/#206022155 ----> archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/206013044/#206027853 ----> archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/206013044/#206033764









>Except that wasn't a wasn't "false flag."
the nypd caught the JEW drawing swastikas this is a watcha doin rabbi you are a double faggot
>Jem Ibrahimov, 43, faces multiple charges, including aggravated harassment.

now go be a Jew some where else

Attached: WDR.jpg (1200x675, 96K)

>Not a chan meme.
damn user, do i have to spell it out
christchurch happens
news mentions the chans
this lady comes and browses
picks up some memes
figures she'll do a false flag
uses the black sun like christchuch guy did incase it wasn't already obvious enough who she was trying to replicate

it's just a theory, but seems like a damn good one to me

and wtf is up with the construction of the letter - she's got some brown piece of paper with 3 holes in it like it'd go into a binder, and that's taped to a white piece of paper
some sort of playing card looking thing of obama
and you can see at the top the paper is cut strange
looks like the white piece begins to taper towards the top
idk, very bizarre

The kicker is Trump hates Jews spray painted.

he wasn't posing as a nazi dipshit
he was calling the FDNY nazis

Now i'm calling Bull Shit, Every on knows Jow Forums has yellow fever.

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>this lady

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We need to find this person and expose them to the world. It's like watching an AI try to engage in white power rituals reading all this, or a caricature.

I don't think this woman ever actually visited us, or even the mossad agents/useful idiots over at infinity. If she had she wouldn't haven't made so many obvious fuckups. I mean think how many time the average person sees "gas the kikes" here in the span of only 10 minutes. This feels like something organized by antifa, or the discord trannies. Hell even JIDF has been here long enough not to make so many laughable errors.

>discord trannies
idk but this cunt was at the cleanup that day

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Everyone saying the person obvoiusly browsed here is wrong

If they browsed here they would have better knowledge of our memes than what is presented
Whoever did this has probably been in contact, and researched people who come here, but never actually came here themselves.

For instance "Trump is a kike puppet" gets spammed here, and some one who browses this site wouldn't write "trump hates jews"

I said it was protest graffiti against the FDNY you gay faggot shill. He wasn't "false flagging." He was lambasting the FDNY.

No. Chinks are hideous. Ever see one in real life? Absolute goblins.

why'd you do it?

still curious if anyone knows what model of car this is?
i can't tell - if i had to guess a pontiac of chrysler maybe
possible front end damage but hard to say
no hub caps is a pretty good identifier

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>Daniel Holtzclaw for more information on this.
Daniel Holtzclaw is a sexual abuser criminal who deserves to be prison, along with the other cops in the department who were doing the same shit. Go drown yourself shill faggot.

it was a watcha doin rabbi but when the jew got caught "it was a protest about the evil fdny"
>jews being jews


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No one gives a fuck about the FDNY in the rest of this country, dumbass. No one gives a fuck about New York period.

No, he was calling then garbage the whole time. That's why he wrote "Nazi pigs" you stupid shill. That's a pejorative, an insult. You're a faggot and your shilling is trash.

This is the part that gives it away to me. Also just noticed the car picture. and I’m looking at a map where this building is and it’s surrounded by all sorts of restaurants and other business. Guarantee that given a time stamp they could find this person in 30 minutes just using surveillance footage from traffic lights and other stores.

Attached: 0CFE3A90-6510-416A-AC2C-378EC9686AE9.jpg (1504x2016, 512K)

I think its smaller than a pontiac or chrysler based on the size of the wheels relative to the car. Iff I had to guess I'd say an 05 mitsubishi lancer based on the thick ass c-pillar.

Attached: 05 lancer.png (1261x467, 287K)

I didn't say anyone gave a fuck about New York or the FDNY you gay ass shill . That has nothing to do with anything.

the Jew Jem Ibrahimov wrote "swatikas" on the fdny once the dirty rat jew was caught he claims it was a "protest" now your here defending the Jew and demonizing the FDNY
>and you call me the Shill ishygddt

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much better guess than i could come up with

This is my guess of what the bumper looked like.

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This is why I love this site. I'm late to the game. How'd you get the footage? Did the cops put it out?

it was in the article lol

yes, from okcpd on kikebook
>ok cupid

This is the location for reference.

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Yea he wrote swastikas and wrote then Nazi pigs which is obviously a message of harsh criticism. When did he ever claim it was protest? I said that because it clearly was. Along with all the other stuff spray painted on FDNY vehicles

Not once did I defend him. I corrected you. And pointed out what the graffiti was about and called out establishment garbage. And shitstains who get jobs as firefighters in NY don't get to be free from being recognized as shitstains when they're doing shitstain shit.


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>I said that because it clearly was

Attached: trollin.gif (500x500, 46K)

A Jow Forumsack shot a bunch of muslims a week ago user, if they were going to snoop they'd be snooping already (and they are, long before the shooting)

Well, like 2 weeks ago now.

They can't keep getting away with this

Attached: 320x240.jpg (320x240, 28K)

TLDR: a Christian group tried this and every single man woman and child was killed.

>A Jow Forumsack shot a bunch of muslims a week ago user
he was NO Jow Forumsack and niether are you

He acted like one and that's all that matters to the establishment, retard.

>A Jow Forumsack
Yeah, nah.

This picture looks like it could be a guy in a wig.
Anyone have a video?

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>Why haven't we been doing this shit already?
People are doing this and its astounding how often you get called a fed or a kike for suggesting it.

>He acted like one and that's all that matters to the establishment
>He acted like one
you went from Jow Forumsack to acted like one from one post to the next, your rabbi will not be pleased moshee

People need to also stop being so fucking gullible when it comes to these kinds of 'attacks'. Every time I see something like this I immediately think it is someone just trying to make conservatives/pol look bad bc it always is. Nobody besides people who want to play the victim would do this knowing its just gonna be the exact type of attention we would never want.

I would wager that you will find

fingerprints on that tape.

Attached: Check.jpg (200x197, 11K)

An ochochan Jow Forumslack so he was probably a Jow Forums user for a couple of years before that.

A true Jow Forumsack would've written "gas the kikes" not "gas the Jews"

I want this ugly kike i cuffs by the end of the day!

Attached: hateHoax.jpg (888x499, 129K)

>An ochochan Jow Forumslack so he was probably a Jow Forums user for a couple of years before that.
not from hotwheels not from here this much is clear to any real channer if you can't see it for your self user your a shill or you need to lurk moar

found this guy at the cleanup

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The thing is... Maybe we should be doing shit like this all over this fucking country. It's a sure way to get the word out that we've had enough of being censored everywhere just because a bunch of pussies and cunts get their feeling hurt.

The powers that be need to know we're sick of niggers and sick of their agenda.

Attached: 2x76ik.jpg (692x420, 157K)

that reads like rabbi wrote it, when I read it I herd a yiddish accent


Attached: ahegao 5.jpg (344x307, 35K)

Jow Forums is a board of peace and your a shill advocating violence. go be a jew some where else

>Assassination, Attack.Domestic security,Drill,Exercise.Cops,Law enforcement,Authorities,Disaster assistance,Disaster management,DNDO (Domestic,Nuclear Detection Office),National preparedness,Mitigation,Prevention,Response,Recovery,Dirty Bomb,Domestic nuclear detection,Emergency management,Emergency response,First responder,Homeland security,Maritime domain awareness,Pipe bomb,Incident,Facility
(MDA),National,preparedness,initiative,Militia,Shooting,Shots fired,Evacuation,Deaths,Hostage,Explosion (explosive),Police,Disaster medical assistance,team (DMAT),Organized crime,Gangs,National security,State of emergency,Crash,Looting,Riot,Emergency Landing, Security,Breach,Threat,Standoff,SWAT,Screening,LockdownBomb,(squad or threat)

say hello to the fbi faggot we on a list now

Attached: mOOot.jpg (248x248, 10K)

>An ochochan Jow Forumslack
Oh so a mossad agent, cool.

The people trying to discredit Tarrant are the ones who sound like kikes.

>People are doing this and its astounding how often you get called a fed or a kike for suggesting it.
Waco ended real well didn't it?

What's your oldest Jow Forums image, nigger? You know he's mossad, i know he's mossad, but to the world at large he's a Jow Forumsack..

Forgot image

Attached: 1.jpg (474x503, 75K)

No. We shouldn't. It would be counter productive. This site already has it bad enough with shills and the like posting fake threads to make this place look worse than it is already. You fight back by making sure you are well informed, in shape, and having lots of babies. Only a shill would say something that retarded.

real or fake, she for perhaps the first time in modern history got the actual racist right's jargon down right

I don't care what did/didn't happen in a goat fucking mosque in kiwi land don't care. don't. what I do care about is the faggot terrant was NO channer and shills pushing that narrative that he was

t.level 5 wizard meme expert veteran of the /b/ bronie wars

>say hello to the fbi faggot we on a list now
Could be worse. We could be on a gay nigger list or the DNC dinner invitation list.
>think positive user