How do you find a girlfriend?

How do you find a girlfriend?
I'm studying at an all-boys high school, and all my friends are male.

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Crossdress nigga.

find a hot twink

Settle for a girlfriend (male)

guess you have to be gay

I go to an all-guy HS too, if you really don't know any girls just ask your friends to introduce you to some.

Okcupid is where I found my current girlfriend. Took a while, but it's worth. Almost together for two years and we're still going strong

Yo you can't sorry. I was in the same boat. Military boarding school states away from anyone I knew. And when I got to college I was girl crazy. I mean co ed dorms.... What was I to do? I was doomed from the very beginning. Oh but I did run track though so that helped. Anyways your life is gonna suck for a bit sorry bud.

Friends are in the same boat.

>go outside of school
>girls everywhere

Where outside of school? The bus?

>high school
Get out kiddo.

I met my first gf in high school by volunteering at an animal shelter

Clubs not based at school: church, "Y", youth center, etc

I'm not into 70 year olds.
>youth center
Sausage fest.

you are literally pathetic


meme answers aside,

Try to go to places where guys and girls hang out.

Things like
>18+ clubs

You gotta be brave user

You can't just hit on random girls in the mall/book store/park/gym though.
I don't think a girl you'd find in a nightclub or similar would be suitable for a long-term relationship.

Why not? Enlighten me

Because they're busy doing something else and it'd be rude to.
Also, in the gym, they are in the girls' section and you'd get kicked out for entering it.

not in high school but I already dumped all the girls I know and idk where to find any women to talk to so I'm kind of in the same boat