You don't need a gf to be happy, focus on yourself bro

>you don't need a gf to be happy, focus on yourself bro
>you gotta put yourself out there and hit on girls
>just use tinder or something man, it's super easy
>don't use tinder though
So what should I do then?

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>So what should I do then?

Workout, make money, dress well, learn some things.

How does this help me find a girlfriend?

gradually lose your sense of self through interpersonal interaction, then regain it after a while in the same way

have you tried listening to your own thoughts instead of other people's retarded advice? what do you think would work best?

I can't help you if you can't piece together an answer to that question.

Women are attracted to confident men. That's how you build up confidence.

I still don't meet any women. I am doing these things, and it doesn't help me in the slightest.

If you genuinely want help, you need to tell me your rough age, height, weight, deadlift PR, GPA, physical defects, tested IQ, major, job, etc.

Just answer the question. How does any of that have any bearing on what I originally asked?

Do you like fat stupid girls?

I am neither of those things. I don't meet any fat or stupid girls either, so it's not of relevance.

Just be yourself and be honest. If you ask 20+ girls out someone is bound to say yes.

>>you don't need a gf to be happy, focus on yourself bro
good advice. inner satisfaction is a prerequisite to attracting women
>>you gotta put yourself out there and hit on girls
true if you want to attract women
>>just use tinder or something man, it's super easy
tinder is definitely not "easy". it's not really "hard" either, it's just a check whether you're in the top 25 or so percent in attractiveness. there is no skill element to it apart from maybe getting good photos.
>>don't use tinder though
yeah, if it appears your looks don't qualify, just drop it. it'll hurt your confidence otherwise.

sure the wording is shit in the sense that the advices sound contradictory, but the gist is all of them is what's important

Fill up your calendar with cool events that you might enjoy doing.

Go outside and meet people. Invite your friends and make new friends. Take some pictures and post them on instagram.

Now you have a social circle that is full of cute girls and cool guys and they can introduce you to other cute girls. Enjoy.

So are you ugly? Can you not talk? What's the issue? There is something you aren't telling us.

Ask girls out where?
So what should I do then?
>Go outside and meet people. Invite your friends and make new friends. Take some pictures and post them on instagram.
This isn't actionable advice. What, to the park?
I'm about average, I can talk just fine.
The issue is, as I said in the OP, that I don't know what to do.

oh shit I want to play this game
26, 6'0, 185 lbs., 3pl8, 3.71, slouch and large nose that points off to the left, in the 120's, electrical engineering, electrical engineer

what else do you need

so you fucked up at step 1.
>you don't need a gf to be happy, focus on yourself bro

you have to be happy being single before you move onto getting a girlfriend. if you don't then you might move heaven and earth to get a girlfriend and then during the honeymoon feel happy. then either she'll leave when she realizes that you're dependent on her or that you have issues on your own OR she doesn't leave and the situation gets toxic anyway down the line. the honeymoon period fades away and you realize that you have the same problems with life that you had before but now the added stress of another person (who you may now realize does not make you happy) and their issues they bring along with them. and you have to be a stable rock for them.

SO to avoid all of that you gotta work on yourself and make sure you're happy with life and able to handle being alone/single before even considering dating. your relationship is a nice decoration added to the room of your life that makes it look nicer, it's not an essential piece. if you have foundational gaps like a missing wall, how the hell are you supposed to hang streamers?

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Next time you're in public, talk to a really cute girl. She may have a boyfriend or reject you, but you will put yourself out there. You are probably think how embarrassing it will be but, trust me, you will actually be proud of yourself when you do!

I believe in you, dude!

>So what should I do then?
you need to understand, that taking deliberate actions to succeed with women doesn't contradict with striving to be happy from the inside regardless if you have a woman or not.