Any point starting to use tinder if I still have pretty bad acne(20 yo)?
I also have no pictures which aren't selfies.
Nor do I have a car. Nor am I popular.
Any point starting to use tinder if I still have pretty bad acne(20 yo)?
post full pic
lol nerrrrrd
Why nerd
he got acne
really nice face tho 8/10
Get a natural tan and wash your face at night
>Nor do I have a car.
Job and car are pretty much prerequisites
Your acne isn't bad at all honestly. You're 20 so it'll definitely clear up. Don't worry about it.
You're a handsome looking guy. Don't be a slut though.
You're super cute.
Just get a peeling gel and moisturize after. Once a week.
Please use a moisturizer with a spf, your paleness is beautiful.
Thanks, didn't expect this.. will do
>Don't be a slut though.
I think you are overestimating now
on the brightside, you seem to have a decently strong jawline
Start going to the gym. You have potential to slay bro
DO NOT use a moisturizer.
God I swear women will tell you to use a bunch of wrong shit because they assume you have the same skin as them.
Moisturizer is for DRY skin that sometimes even flakes.
Peeling gel is for skin that is too oily, aka too moisturized. Use only this. Use any products marketed towards oily skin, since overly oily skin results in deep acne.
Do not use any products geared for dry skin. You dont have dry skin. Dont even use shampoo for dry scalp.
Also wash your pillow case every 3 days.
OP, listen to this guy As products, idk where you live but if you live in europe use garner products with active charcoal.
If you can get your hands on some SVR shiet, you will get clean in less than 2 months.
Go to a professional hairdresser only 1 time for haircut, you can ask him to make you whatever he sees that it suits you best, you wont be sorry.
if you live in the usa, follow alpham on youtube, he does max 10min length videos and he advertises usa products, he says mosly truths
get the acne under control
You can tell how fucked the dating world is when guys like OP think they're ugly and are still virgins at 20 when there are fat bitches with 3 niglets who won't even settle for average guys. I really hope there will be some kind of a war or a revolution soon.
Not op, but acne can be a response to dry skin as well though right? As that increases sebum production to compensate.
Moisturizer is good for all skin dumbass, especially if you're using exfoliating shit like peels. Anyone interested in keeping their skin looking healthy and youthful should moisturize and use sunscreen
Yes but you get a different type of acne from dry skin.
Potential to do fairly good. You need a bit more tone, easiest way is to go into the sun alot and go to the gym and don't wear vests.
eh you might get some fat girls
Imagine being this fucking stupid and getting tricked into believing you need all these extra skin products.
No. Not all skins are the same.
I do agree that everyone can benefit from sunscreen if they go outside more than average but not everyone needs moisturizer. Especially overly oily skin. Peels will help tone down the amount of oil on the skin. If you use a moisturizer right after then theyre back at square one. Idiot.
I used to go for 2 years, but I got busy and low on money so I dropped it.
good enough I guess
Tinder is terrible and is designed for terrible people. Go outside, go to a bar, and be confident. Sure you probably won't get the 10/10s that you want, but a lot of women respond more to confidence, competence and charisma than they do appearance.
>confidence, competence and charisma than they do appearance
Stop deluding yourself. Most guys here complaining have shit confidence and self esteem, and hardly try to get into dating.