All from Europe, all white.
Who's white?
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No no no no no
t. mutt
Fuck off, Jew York mutt from the other thread where you never shut the fuck up about moving.
From European=/=Wh*Te
Fuck off cumskin subhuman.
please excuse some of my countrymen, they are complete fucking jackasses
i'm moving to ohio after college and you can't do anything about it nigger.
t. nordkike
Fuck off and come back when you finish learning English
Suck my dick cracka cumskin with your white washing of my country just because it is in Europe.
You're in denial, Slavs are white whether you like it or not
i probably looks turk/kazakh
so ok
They look like Greeks
why did you choose the most autistic looking woman for Germanic?
Nobody. Whiteness is literally a social construct. A hundred years ago irish and italians weren't white. 250 years ago "nordic" peoples, germans (minus the Saxons) and south europeans were part of the "swarthy races". No such thing as white.
we aren't white
Indisputable Proof of The Identity of The Twelve Lost Tribes of Isreal. Rosette Delacroix, banished to bitchute...
lmao you have subscribed to bs dogma man. I usually just browse for laughs, I'm mixed race, but seriously you are way too invested in this and so very confused. You are describing fighting between European tribes. Yeah an Italian is not a German is not an Irishman. They are however all European. You are taking apart the word and not the meaning behind the word. Sure "white" is superficial but with regards to race it means "European". It's genetic and it doesn't matter who considers who to be "white" when it's an objective fact that if you have ancestral roots on the European continent you are a European. You or whoever taught you to believe what you believe are trying to weasel around that fact by playing verbal games and it's hilariously obvious.
we are not europeans, we come from turkey
non white
these alphas fer sure
I don't wanna be white anymore. Not only the majority of whites are huge cucks, but the West doesn't consider us their fellow whites at all. Why would I be loyal to people who are not loyal to me?
you just don't want to be associated with western then
>All from Europe, all white.
Don't forget Ashkenazi.
Genetically we are not related to Slav(e)s,thankfully.
So really fucking non-white.
Aye, we are white, but still you can't really put Finnics into the same category with Aryans (=slaves).
Everyone from Europe. Some are borderline like people from the Volga and Ural river, Greeks, Sicilians and Soutthern Spaniard. But We are all european at the end of the day.
The ones that are not are levantine-armenoids. All of them. Learn the difference.Train your eyes.
“White” is a dumb term and we should reject it. European is the right term.
White and caucasian is pure cringe. Juste use native european, european or european diaspora.
Im white
Top kek. I havent eaten in days, i dont even have shoes. If you come here I will steal your shoes