Why do you think you should have a say in how society is organized? Why do you think your opinion matters...

Why do you think you should have a say in how society is organized? Why do you think your opinion matters? Why do you think you should be able to decide who can live where and who has more or less rights?

What have you accomplished?
Have you fought on a battlefield?
Have you saved anyone's life?
Have you created something incredible for the advancement of society?
What contribution have you made to society that gives you the legitimacy to say what you say?

Most of you are depressed, physically weak virgins with over inflated egos. Maybe try be humble and realize you have no legitimicy to demand the things you demand. Maybe then you will have a chance of getting better and eventually be happy.

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didn't read lol

Thanks for the bump

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>Maybe try be humble and realize you have no legitimicy to demand the things you demand
>Have you fought on a battlefield?

You see the tension between these two ideas? That's why society must be better for us than it's absence. This is the most fundamental nature of democracy, society can either be by agreement (democracy) or by force (tyranny). There are no third options.

>society can either be by agreement (democracy)
I would say compromise rather than agreement to define democracy

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A compromise is just an agreement where all parties are equally miserable. It's still an agreement.

>Why do you think you should have a say in how society is organized?

same question to you, moron.

Because I live in a "democracy"? At least that is what they say it is when in fact there is little to no actual democracy.

I don't feel like I have a say, besides my vote, and even if that was taken away from me I wouldn't feel that it would be unfair.

>I don't feel like I have a say, besides my vote, and even if that was taken away from me I wouldn't feel that it would be unfair.

So, instead of you just not voting, you are trying to argue that everyone else give up their voting rights?

I'm saying the right to vote should be something you deserve, not something you automatically get. I don't feel like I contribute enough to society to have the right to vote.

That's how I feel about society demanding things from me. Fuck society. Why should I be pro social? Anti social is the way to be, I don't owe you anything. Fuck mosques too. Pop pop go ballooons! Haha honk honk!


>Fuck society. Why should I be pro social? Anti social is the way to be, I don't owe you anything
Society is what allows you to get relative amount and quality of food, shelter, confort, health care, safety etc. You need society, you owe society everything you have and everything you are.

>baguettenigger thinks he needs to ask for the right to voice his beliefs and concerns for the future of his own nation

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I actually did save someones life. So eat a dick.

>I'm saying the right to vote should be something you deserve

and who decides who deserves it or not?

>you owe society everything you have and everything you are.

fuck you, I *AM* society.

I don't need to ask for it, I need to deserve it. Nowadays any loser can go online to puke his illegitimate demands, too many people complaining and demanding stuff instead of trying to accomplish anything.

The biggest white flag yet. Surrender to my will, you filthy kike.

Did you risk your life to save that person? If so, you deserve superior status in society.

>What have you accomplished?
..i am one of the 1%
>Have you fought on a battlefield?
...no, i would never give my life for the nobrains who vote for every shit they get feed.
>Have you saved anyone's life?
....i tried, three times, i failed because the people i tried to save sat on me.
>Have you created something incredible for the advancement of society?
no, you OP?? no, so, fuck of you cunt!

>Nowadays any loser can go online to puke his illegitimate demands

just like you, huh?

You think corporatism is the answer to society.

Someone should have the right to vote if he/she has accomplished something valuable to society:

- Risking his life to save others
- Inventing something very usefull
- Artist/artisans who make society more enjoyable: talented musicians, film makers, architects (good architects are very important, nothing worse than an ugly street), writters, etc.
- Successfull entrepreneurs who create lots of jobs and activity
- In general, people who contribute to the common good way more than the rest of the population.

>if he/she has accomplished something valuable to society:

and who decides this? psychopathic elites that want everyone but them to die?

How about you go fuck yourself?

Shitposting is art. Jow Forums autistic virgins would become respected members of society overnight.

how about we try this on for size, okay?

We start legal investigations on all of these uber wealthy individuals calling the shots in our societies, and if the law enforcement officers / judges / lawyers investigating them die in some "Totally unrelated suicide", the person under investigation gets sent to Guantanamo for perverting the course of justice....

>Why do you think you should have a say in how society is organized?
Frenchman that doesn't understand the basic principle of "sovereignty" and "consent of the governed"?
Not surprising to me honestly.

>Why do you think you should have a say in how society is organized? And blah blah blah ad hominem

Assuming you're blathering on about government- the answer is: because government is made up of people just as the governed are made up of people. nobody but me uses rockets to put on pants in the morning. If everyone is equal, including those that rule, then rulers must bend and sway to the will of the people. Without my input they can have no power over me.

If you weren't a slave you would not have these slave-questions. Why does a slave try so hard to silence the free?

You will hang too, frog.
France is really a pathetic excuse for a country.

>psychopathic elites that want everyone but them to die?
Sure, the elites want everyone to die. That's why life expectancy is going down every year and poverty and crime goes up.

Oh wait, it doesn't.

>If everyone is equal, including those that rule, then rulers must bend and sway to the will of the people
Everyone is NOT equal. Equality doesn't exists.

oh wait, it does.

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Why do Jews think that they should have a say about literally fucking everything?

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What have you? Why do you think it's important to come here and provide absolutely no substance to any relevant discussion?


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She is too old and getting married too. It’s all about Kiki now.

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everyone wants to have a say in things. we all have our own vision. if you don't like mine, then you can sit and spin, my friend

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It's not about the individual. It's not about wanting attention or fame. It's about doing what is right to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Radical individuals like you have no place making decisions. You would throw the world under the bus in pursuit of personal happiness and that next dopamine rush. Some people actually care what the world will look like in 1000 years from now.

First of all, you're in no position to advise other people to be humble given your egocentric, smug, and arrogant post.

Secondly, I have a right to defend the rights of my people. My forefathers died defending the independence of this nation and people in the last century. It is only a hundred years that we finally gained independence and were freed from the yoke of foreign power. I don't have to accomplish anything as an individual to have a right to defend the independence of my people and nation.

Why, America? Why did you save baguettes so they could post this shit 90 years later?

>I don't have to accomplish anything as an individual to have a right to defend the independence of my people and nation
I didn't say otherwise.

And what gives the powers that be that right? Most of them are fuck ups and have fucked everything up.

The USA wouldn't exist in the first place if french didn't help. Also, who the flying fuck cares about argentina? Seriously, I had forgotten this country even exists.


Please undo whatever you did to create this monstrosity.

It is our duty.

Because I'm objectively correct and know what's best for people. Best, in my mind, is what progresses Europeans forward, improving them and their quality of life. I know how to do that better than any Jews/globalist does. Other races have, and still would, benefit from trickle down tech and knowledge from the best and brightest of European men.

Slave mentality right here.

It's called meritocracy, an entitled leftist like you wouldn't understand.

Also I paid for all that with my labor. So no I don't owe shit beyond what we agreed. You seem to be entitled to things from me then tell me I don't get a say in the social contract, that's not how any of this works. If you want something from me I get to ask something of you, if we agree we work together (pro social) if we disagree society falls apart. Takes two to tango etc. You've now contradicted your original position.

>I don't owe you anything
>I don't owe shit beyond what we agreed

Pick one.

opinions and are just lies that you tell yourself so you can cope with being a stupid shit that lacks the capacity to back up your statements with facts derived from logic instead of vapid ruminations