Does it ever occur to you how fucking stupid our big "technology" companies are?

>Facebook is a poor phone book and a scrapbook with ads.
>Twitter is any fucking asshole writing headlines.
>YouTube plays videos. Wow.
>Google shows you newspaper, magazine, encyclopedia pages based on what some fuck just like you looked for.
>Amazon is an e-Sears catalog with Walmart logistics.
>Apple is just third party chips and hardware finally small enough to fit in small devices with software that doesn't crash.

Very easy to make most of these things. You think it's hard? You could learn to build the basic layouts for Facebook in a few months.
>Much easier than making a phone book, newspaper, encyclopedia, phone, etc. because you mostly get the users to do all the tedious work. Writing the content, entering their data, or having their creative work stolen.
Another plus for the user is all these e-version of everything are pornographic tabloid versions of what they used to be. No time, truth, or integrity before attention.
But "ewwww. awwww" it's on a glowing screen and the geniuses wrote this with magic code!
>It's political too of course. Did I mention these fucks are literal Commie degenerates who censor, and cause the self censor to bend to their cult and advertisers they sell you to?
Worship them. Worship them.

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Yeah, what a coincidence. The most materialistic companies are the biggest. Doesn't take a fucking genius to put 2 and 2 together on that one.

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The complexity lies in the large datasets that they handle, not the website(s) themselves.

Literally all interesting and usefull impressive tech shit is in the top secret military area, were just at a point that the tech they got is kept secret for fucking ever because it can change everything in the world in a week

They leak out like a very small part every 10 years when they have figured out how to handle it for normies

Jack Dorsey is a chad you gotta admit. Can't imagine the amount of pussy that guy is getting.

Yes I had the realization about politicans awhile ago. I used to look at them as being some sort of gatekeepers that were all intelligent and were just arguing the best way to run society. Now I realize many of them may be knowledgeable about certain subjects or procedures, but completely lack critical thought or foresight. Then that same view of people high up extended to pretty much everyone else in the world. They're just people. Fallible, dumb, people.

Scaling to billions of users. But yes, (((they))) lock down their advantage and stifle competition.


Yes. And, it's not just that they serve shallowness and the lower brain.

They aren't doing anything technologically impressive. Sure, scaling was hard, but probably easier than producing 10 million copies of Time magazine each month.
Magazines used to have to work to ensure quality.

It's truly a failure of technology and engineering delivering quality or innovation.
You could have known we'd get e-versions of everything 45 years ago.

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It's a mixed surveillance, planned obsolescence, stock market and propaganda (((scam))).

Faceberg: I cannot use, 80% of the screen is blank white space, I have to keep clicking "more" just to read 1 more sentence of tiny-font gibberish

Twitter: just idiots shouting back and forth at each other all day long, while 3rd world Indians work in the Call Center and delete stuff that the SPLC requests

Amazon: the strength of Amazon is only because Walmart, Target, Sears, Kmart are so incompetent, ... they spent 25 years doing nothing and wasting money on putting mini Subway restaurants and Pizza Hut Express in their stores instead of simply building a retail website that works well, the WalMart website is still a giant shitshow, I can't even find out if my local WalMart has a bottle of car wax in stock. Amazon doesn't build anything, all they do is warehouse stuff and then ship it to your front door, there is no excuse for WalMart or Target not being able to do that stuff back in the late 1990s, given that WalMart and Target already had massive amounts of warehouse space, trucks, employees, and cash flow back then....

Apple: still building computers that overheat, melt chips, still form and design over function, way overpriced

Google/Youtube: they're the only folks who seem to know what they're doing, there is boatloads of information on youtube, and the way that Google has their Chromebooks, Chromeboxes, Android phones... all to communicate with each other so easily is lightyears ahead of the other companies

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>The complexity lies in the large datasets that they handle

I deal with big datasets. It's definitely a challenge with some beautiful solutions, what they're doing, but you really just figure out the dozen main steps in the most efficient way and then times billions.

I said, they politically manipulate what you see, squash creators, make everyone self censor, they're selling us based on work OTHER people sweat to enter into their platforms.

>Yes. And, it's not just that they serve shallowness and the lower brain.

Of course it is. This is clown world, where rationality is a bad thing and everyone is a degenerate retard.
>They aren't doing anything technologically impressive. Sure, scaling was hard, but probably easier than producing 10 million copies of Time magazine each month.
What part of "appeals to the materialistic people" do you not understand? The majority of the planet is just that, even the secularized meta-physicians.
>It's truly a failure of technology and engineering delivering quality or innovation.
>You could have known we'd get e-versions of everything 45 years ago.
Could have skipped all that and went straight to holograms but a bunch of retard physicists had to reintroduce atomism to the population.
>everything is a different particle
>everything is controlled by 4 "forces" and not united in anyway
>thought experiments are "Science" now. What is a concept is instantaneously real and potentially true no matter how illogical it actually is.

And as a result you get a bunch of polarized humans with no coherency whatsoever. They text and drive, continue to particularize each other by race and genitals. They forgot they were humans because they substituted it with "more quantity" rather than "purification of quality". Enjoy your stay, you aren't going anywhere because "here and now" garbage prevails.

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>Google/Youtube: they're the only folks who seem to know what they're doing

There's the planned obsolescence of White America their guiding us towards.
Lot of shit projects and ugly services. Not a fan of Tensorflow. But they did buy up good AI companies.
Lot of stuff an engineer made just to make when I look at Google.
But yes. They might be the most impressive for what they create. But, again, you could have predicted a company would do everything Google would do 40 and 20 years ago, like Apple, when the hardware got where it got.

>>Yes. And, it's not just that they serve shallowness and the lower brain.
>Of course it is.

I didn't mean it was not. It's that and worse.

mcmaster is the real redpill.

If you can find it on mcmaster, it's probably cheaper than amazon and gets to your door faster. It's amazon for businesses.

>I didn't mean it was not. It's that and worse.
No, it causes worse. Slowly the government becomes more and more integrated with these types of places. Why? To get more material obviously (money). It's just exponential materialism at that point, you're paying both the company and the government to provide you a service even though one of them does absolutely nothing.

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>No, it causes worse.

I'm agreeing. How many times do I agree?
My point is, it's not even an accomplishment to have done it.
We can probably go back and forth all day tacking on reasons how bad this is.
In the OP I forgot to mention the deepstate funds these people and our 4th Amendment is gone.
1st and, in spirit the 5th not doing so well under the TV, Newspaper replacers either.

>My point is, it's not even an accomplishment to have done it.

Well, I mean you're not saying anything new. This is a well known fact, well to those who aren't vapid retards anyway.

>In the OP I forgot to mention the deepstate funds these people and our 4th Amendment is gone.
and 5th given that private property (cellphones) are being put to use for the government

>1st and, in spirit the 5th not doing so well under the TV, Newspaper replacers either.

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Shut up Jack

Yeah and it's a basic idea to sell Internet access or even soda but about 2-5 conglomerates control most of the market share of those fields.

That's because they're just fronts that are used by the Luciferian elite to slowly reveal pre-flood tech that they received from the fallen angels (aliens as cover story given to the alt-media)

you can take classes on treehouse and build your own "social network" w/ ruby. It's far from rocket science. Making the movie "The Social Network" was more complicated than making the social network.

Imagine life when there were no televisions, radios, telephones, or cars, and seeing all of these feats of engineering roll in. Dramatic new power to do things.

Here, it's just a faster, much higher quantity of much lower quality mediums of the 50s, and 80s.

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and the mass low quality with added outrage for clicks, which not only destroyed the quality of the mediums, it's eroding social fabric too.
All of this is your fault user. Flyover country. You're going to pay for this. You are the problem. They need to censor and ban you even more. Open up the borders and beat your politicians.


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>It's far from rocket science.

That's why the government needs to force these monopolies to let user's port their data and let you use their APIs.

Smaller social networks that value quality and rights would be able to grow, but you can't reach anyone on the internet nowadays unless you use these fucking shit monopolies.

>force to let them you use their APIs.

By this I mean let the API do much more to the point it costs Facebook or YouTube. Giveaway that sweet sweet bandwidth and trove of data. Taste the pain, monopolists!

>very easy to make most of these things
Then do it and try to make the product good nigger