Should I hold an opinion I beleive is logical even if the whole world disagrees with me?
Should I hold an opinion I beleive is logical even if the whole world disagrees with me?
Also, why be so vague? What is your opinion?
what's the opinion? you might not be thinking logically if most of the world including experts disagree with you.
I do that all the time and get tons of hate but fuck you I was right
It's a specific opinion that involves something you likely aren't interested in in the first place, so even if I wanted to tell you, you probably wouldn't know what to do with it. Besides, I'd just rather not discuss it because it triggers my anxiety.
>I beleive is logical
Believing something logical does not make it so. Human logic is based more on emotion then we want to admit. Entertain the possibility that your motivations to believe whatever it is you believe aren't 100% objective.
>Entertain the possibility that your motivations to believe whatever it is you believe aren't 100% objective.
I already know it's an opinion I personally want to reach, but it's also something that I believe is logical and can be backed with objective evidence despite my personal beliefs.
i’d still like to hear it but alright if it makes u anxious or whatever. if you are fully convinced that everyone else is wrong and you’re logic is definitely right, then just silently keep the opinion
>I'd just rather not discuss it because it triggers my anxiety.
You've just perfectly explained in one sentence why you are the complete opposite of credible.
Because you've clearly communicated that a great deal of the foundation supporting this opinion of yours is based on your anxiety. You believe you're 100% correct about something yet you can't even discuss it because it gives you too much anxiety. That doesn't scream logic or objectivity to me.
I generally have pretty much no confidence in anything I do and have a massive inferiority complex, so there's that. But also, my opinion involves something that isn't 100% clear-cut no matter what anyone's opinion on it is. There's some missing details lacking that prevent anybody from saying something with no room for other interpretations.
you literally don't know the people that are responding to this thread so you don't know if we care about it or not.
just post the opinion OP. the worst that could happen is we disagree and you either change your mind or don't. nothing revolutionary will occur and you will not be harmed.
Why do you want to hear my opinion so bad?
That's the only way we can properly discuss it and see if it's right or not.
You've only shown signs that it isn't by saying you're anxious about it and being so defensive as to not telling us what it is
As a logical human being, this is abysmal. What you should care aren't your feelings, it's the truth. You don't care what others think about you, you care about what's right. If telling your opinion here for us to discuss it will reveal the truth, then you need to post that opinion.
Abandon this silly pride and just get out with it so we can talk about it.
This is Jow Forums, there is a reason people come here to post. What is there to lose by discussing this here anonymously?
>That's the only way we can properly discuss it and see if it's right or not.
But I'm not here to discuss whether it's right or not, just if I should believe in it even if most people don;t.
>just if I should believe in it even if most people don't.
you have to define "most people". the easiest way for us to help you with this is if you literally just post the opinion and we can say if it's logical or not.
The world isn't black and white.
Of course the answer to your question is "yes, fuck everybody else", but we can't just give you such a dumb and simple answer without even knowing what the opinion even is.
Different question then - should I hold an opinion even if I'm not 100% confident in it?
If you're not 100% sure about something that nags you, you should discuss it with other so you can be sure of it.
You can't be 100percent confident in jack shit and the rest of the world if fucking retarded. Follow your own logic.
Sure, why not? Everybody does it, they just don't vocalize it in case it turns out they're the only one who thinks that way and they're shunned for not running with the herd.
Just show them the crime statistics of blacks compared to whites. They can't refute cold, hard data and will be forced to your side - that we should have sent them back after taking the chains off.
Can't say, you haven't stated the opinion so I have nothing to go by. You might believe in lizard people, or flat earth.
Yes OP, if she bleeds and is possible of breeds, it can be fucked. Yet we don't do it.
Take a critical thinking class. Learn that opinions can be wrong.
Sure, as long as you're willing to change your opinion or let it go in the face of contradictory evidence.
here is the thing about logic and opinions. Logic is something that uses facts, one thing comes after the other kind of thing, but when you are expressing opinions sometimes logic should not be considered because an opinion uses emotion. Logic is a devoid of emotion, emotions are irrational and illogical.
So Since you say you feel is logical, it is infact not logical at all. Also it comes down to what the actual issue is about. If you are being logical in a situation that calls for emotion, then you arent in the right. Some times it's just common sense and you are simply over thinking it. People dont live on logic they live on a mix of emotion and personal logic. If you can take the time to realize that there is different forms of logic out there especially warped forms of logic and learn to relax and keep your mouth shut.
Why would you make this thread without the intention of sharing your opinion? What's the point? If Jow Forums tells you to stop believing it will you actually stop? wtf???
Word play. OP isn't asking how to think. The last word to nitpick is "logical." It wouldn't be the first time that the whole damn world was wrong. If one employs logic and concludes against the world, how can it not be a sin to discard your own "belief?" Bruno burned.
The dumbest fucking post on this board lmao
If you believe its logical, go nuts. But if it can't stand up to criticisms, its a weak opinion, and it probably isn't logical or correct.
If you're anxious telling people about it, even here, you already know its a retarded opinion, and don't want to face that truth. Stop wasting your own time.
Not necessarily. Especially if you hold it merely because it's logical. Just because something is logical it doesn't mean it's the best option you have nor that it's a good logical option. Look up the prisoner's dilemma.
However you can believe in whatever you want but always be open to change your mind. That's the most important thing. We're probably all wrong afterall.
That's impossible to answer. You can hold such an opinion, and you might even be the only person who is right, but if it's not some miniscule detail, but a major idea that affects many people, it's highly possible that you're being edgy or you're mentally ill and suffer from some sort of a cognitive impairment or delusional disoder.
>I beleive is logical
>the whole world disagrees
If the whole world disagrees with you, that's a strong indicator that your opinion isn't actually logical.
Reading this thread and seeing how emotionally attached you are to this opinion, in your unwillingness to even discuss it, I'm going to err on
"You are absolutely wrong and should start listening to the rest of the world".
There's your final answer.
Well, to be less exaggerated, people just tend to disagree with it when I bring it up.
No, you will be arrested for engaging in hate crimes.
Just smash your head against pavement blocks until the thoughts go away.
Antisemitism is a crime
Just tell us the opinion OP
Doesn't matter, you're still wrong. Shape up.
An alternative: hold it, but proclaim it selectively.
Agree, OP must become a feminist and embrace progressivism.
Or be committed to a mental institution and drugged to cure his mental illness called sluggish schizophrenia.
if it doesn't hurt anyone, why not
That was a super autistic post. Are you alright?
Shut up bigot, it's 2019. You ableist, stop using autism as an insult, that's discriminatory and exclusionary.
I think his blood sugar is low guys. Anyone know how to contact his parents?
Stop being healthist.
No, if 7 billion+ people don't agree with you then you're probably wrong.
If it's logically determined from evidence with valid reasoning then yes. Typically it your opinion really is that logical then others will believe it too.
Fucking tell us the opinion you cocktease.
Ad populum fallacy.
A billion people can still be wrong.
Yup, conventional opinion can be wrong and has been proven to be wrong in the past. Always learn from history....we are not at the epitome of knowledge.
Let's have it OP! Im still going to back you up. Open my eyes to the way you see. I want your point of view.
It involves an event that happens in a particular fictional franchise and how I interpret it versus how other people tend to interpret it. To explain my viewpoint and address all of the specifics and arguments, I'd have to write a literal essay, which nobody here wants to read.
holy fuck that’s stupid. you should feel bad for wasting everyone’s time with this thread. I’m glad I only just read through it now.
Just write the opinion you fucking tard. Jesus, I bet people don't even disagree with your opinion. You just sound like such an exhausting person that they probably go against you out of instinct.
I agree user. Thanos did nothing wrong.
So you want to read an essay on me autustically describing a fictional event? Are you really sure about that?
>autustically describing a fictional event?
Wait is this opinion that "everyone disagrees with" like... "Goku and Krillin were fucking the whole time"?
Dude no one fucking cares, have your own head canon.
Like when Darth Vader is the best star fighter pilot in the galaxy and pretends to not be able to zap Lukes X-wing?
Thanos is a literal retard though. Infinite power and he solves the one problem he's concerned with in the least comprehensive way possible.
getting the infinity stones is the best way to kill half the people in the universe though
Nice bait thread
You're a flat earther, aren't you?
Here's a logical opinion that the whole world has about you
>OP is a ginormous faggot
>therefore he loves the BBC
Then fuck off sperg.
I still don't understand why you guys care so much about hearing my opinion.
Fuck those guys. But I want to know. I thrive on looking from unknown angles. My time is short and you never know what little thing may change the meaning of life .
Ok I'say it. I think niggers should go back to Africa
Those are not fictional characters. Your impersonations would benefit from research.
Maybe where you are. I'm ready at a moments notice to kill all kikes and niggers.
Discussing a supposedly controversial opinion regarding fiction triggers your anxiety? What happens when you get roped into talking about real controversy? I'd like to see.