So my girlfriend is religious and she wants to wait to have sex until marriage...

So my girlfriend is religious and she wants to wait to have sex until marriage. I fully intend to marry her and respect her choice but we are always extremely close to having sex whenever we’re left alone. Today she told me that she is willing to try anal but not regular sex and idk how i feel about this. I’d rather just have nornal sex with her and i really have never enjoyed the thought of anal. I just want to have regular sex with my girlfriend

Wat do
(Pic unreleated)

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Is that a command or an answer

If you intend to respect her choice, decline saying "anal sex is still sex and I respect your decision to wait". It lets you off the hook too. If you want to test her spiritual resolve say "no thanks, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is where we get the word sodomy and we know how God feels about that"

do it for great justice

This is the price we have to pay for retards calling everyone a slut who says they are a girl on the internet

Thanks user. I’m not gonna challenge her religious knowledge but i’ll find a way to say that in my own words. Btw she’s not super religious she just believes in heaven and hell and her mom has brainwashed her to think sex before marriage will send ger to hell

I don’t think this correlates

Update: she’s asleep so i’ll have to wait until morning for a response but yeah, i think i got it down. Anything i should add?

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Cucked by Jesus. You seriously think this would be a happy marriage?

Sex isn’t the basis for love. I love everything about her but she’s quite inexperienced sexually. I’m not gonna go into details about our friendship/relationship but i love her, it’s the sex that’s the problem

I was in a similar situation, thing is, mine wasn't fully clear about it, we got very close to sex and i thought i we would eventually do it because we both felt attracted to each other
After 1 year of constant blue-balling and refusals i started developing complexes about my sexual inadequacy/feeling unattractive/resenting her for refusing me (it kickstarted me into degradation porn)/thinking that if it was any other better guy in the same situation she would have let him fuck her long ago and so i was just defective, but i also felt horrible about being so unsatisfied just because of lack of sex because everything else in the relationship was great.
Drama ensued and we eventually broke up in a very bad note.
You will have to be ready to make lots of sacrifices, user. At the very least get her to jerk you and suck you off regularly. She already offered her ass so i wouldn't completely discard the option, lack of sex really does a number on you psychologically

Oh yeah i’m fine with everything else sexually. She sucked me off today but i just think it’s wrong to have anal as a cop out to having sex without getting “sent to hell”

Btw i think your whole inferior complex only applies to your situation. No offense but i’m confident in myself sexually (except the whole anal thing) and i trust her

lol religious might as well date an undiagnosed schizophrenic
The number one reason for couples counseling by far is the lack of the female orgasm, love doesn't run on fantasy alone, and humans are animals innately (barring asexuals in this scenario). Mainly because most guys are afraid of eating pussy and half on the ones that do don't know how to do it right

Can you provide a link to a source on that?

Have you seen her fully naked so you know she doesn't have a penis?

>willing to do anal
dude, slap a condom on a do the anal. she willing to do it then go for it.

Marry her
That'll show her

I honestly had this question on myself as well, as both me and gf wanted to wait til marriage, but we also wanted to have sex.
So I did a lot of philosophical thinking and realized that modern marriage is a sham/scam whatever you wanna call it
As long as divorce is an option, it is not true marriage
True marriage is for a lifetime and no paper can symbolize it, it is spiritual and self preserved
In our minds we are already married, we are going to be together, no matter how badly life could turn, forever, that's the plan
You can't convince me that when people marry 1 month after meeting and then divorce 2 years later was a more real marriage than my relationship that has already lasted way longer

We didn't have sex until after 10 months of dating and 2 years of knowing eachother and both were virgins at the time
I don't know whether my blog will mean anyhting to you, but put it into your own calculation

>religious and she wants to wait to have sex until marriage
>willing to try anal
I will never understand these people.

just fuck her in the ass then

you can't make this shit up. your little pure princess is actually worse than a typical slut whore, from any angle you look at it. enjoy!

>having sex with your boyfriend makes you a "typical slut whore"

Read She Comes First by Ian Kerner, he gives sources on all that shit

this she is probably going to lie to her next boyfriend about being a virgin when she had anal sex and oral sex.

It sounds like she wants to have sex and is conflicted because of religious indoctrination. A tragic situation, but I'd say go for it if you're at all interested. It'll be enjoyable and bring you and your girlfriend closer together.

What you should do more than anything any user here tells you though is just talk to her. Ask her these questions. Like:
"I really do want to have sex with you, because I love you and want to experience that with you. However, I know how important not having sex before marriage is to you, so I wouldn't want to try anal if you'd regret it later. Lets just talk for a bit and try and figure out what we really want and what we think would be best".

and be totally open to both resolutions: Waiting is better vs finding a loophole is better. Teens want sex, and you don't want her resenting you for not giving it to her either.

Truly sad what religion does to people. This shouldn't even be a problem.

Maybe you could argue she's against penetration before marriage. Eat her out.

>She sucked me off today but i just think it’s wrong to have anal as a cop out to having sex without getting “sent to hell”
Modern Christianity is a joke
It's just one of many self-serving delusions degenerates tell themselves. No different than the "nth date rule", really.

While I prefer to use the unaccompanied term "whore", yes, it does. Wait until marriage.

Having anal and oral sex while pretending to be a pure virgin for jesus, or not going to hell, or whatever mumbo jumbo is in that little pea brain of hers is what makes her a whore, not her having sex with her boyfriend, you dumb shit.

Not to shit on other people's beliefs, but everybody that does that kind of shit of "sex only when marry" stems from the Bible, so I feel kinda justified saying that that mindset is a load of crap that can only bring harm to her and the society and is moralism just for the sake of it.

If something happened and my husband and I could never have sex again I know it wouldn’t diminish our love for each other at all - it would be very difficult, but neither of us would think about leaving for even a moment. When you really love someone, sex is amazing, but not at all the focus

it makes her dumb but not a whore

This is why I’m not “waiting” till marriage though I recommend that to people in general - we are already are married in the truest sense and planing on being married legally very soon. The requirements I really care about being fulfilled as far as “waiting until marriage” goes have been - it’s been 1.5+ years for us.

Dude fucking her in the ass is sodomy so youre going to go to hell anyways

Fucking religion, literally ruins everything

And your atheism promises so much more, yes I love a society that celebrates people mutilating peoples genitals, and girls having kill counts that are more than the years they’ve been alive. Maybe you have a problem with humanity and not religion, you can make new religions not a new species.

Atheism literally promises nothing but freedom of this stage-two-slavery bullshit
>mutilating people's genitals
Atheist and anti circumcision. Fite me, faggot.
>girls having kill counts
Plenty of christian women murdering their own newborns in america, is this what you're talking about?
Honestly by not making any silly promises and excuses, atheism really does offer much more than any religion - freedom from religion. What does religion have to offer but mere delusions? Salvation for hopeless drug addicts? Don't make me laugh more than you already did.
Religion is and has always been one of humanity's biggest problems, literally forcing yourself to limit your thought process and thinking capacity, with some few leading the herd to do their bidding.

Young and foolish man throws away amazing opportunity, feels sense of pride in his mental illness.

The fuck is wrong with you? You should ride that ass until the bitch is fully gaped. You can even nut in her woth mo worry shalome.

Wut? Penis mutilation is purely a religious thing. Only jews and muslims do it.

I'm pretty sure he was talking about tranny's mutilating their bodys

Yeah it's a sad correlation that these degenerates are also atheist most of the time but I have nothing but disdain for those people. I don't need religion to tell me that shit is disgusting.

Kek. It has nothing to do with this.
I've been called a slut on here since I was 15, and I fuck my boyfriend twice a day.
Religious people are just religious.

I was a good christian girl my whole youth and I was going to wait until marriage for sex. I finally broke away from the church and had sex when I was 18. It was the most over-rated two minutes of my life. I couldn't believe that THIS was what the big fucking deal was about. I felt angry at myself for not starting sooner and passing up a few hot guys who showed interest in me before.

Sex is fine, but it's not the ultimate amazing physical destination that people make it out to be. Don't get me wrong, it's fun and I like it, but there are people out there who are fucking OBSESSED with it and their whole world revolves around it - but there's so so sooooo much more to life than sex.

>in b4 incel rage