got a call last night at 2 AM from a number I don't recognize, but seems familiar, I suspect it's an ex.
How do I approach asking who it is?
Got a call last night at 2 AM from a number I don't recognize, but seems familiar, I suspect it's an ex
new phone who dis
Just ask. Retard.
>Being this fucking autistic
>I suspect it's an ex.
Quit LARPing faggot
who else could it be? I don't have friends, really.
you know what they call me?
nine months
It could just be a misdialed number.
If they wanted to get ahold of you, they would have left a voicemail.
>no friends
>but you have exes
I'm attractive
I also have no real life friends but multiple exes
anyways, I texted
>who's this?
just to make sure
>>new fone who dis?
so a chick who doesn't know you decided to start dating you out of the blue? doesn't sound like real life
yes. More than one.
sounds like highschool
i thought girls were picky and defensive? are they not
I mean that can't be normal
has nobody ever been attracted to you?
not that I know of
too busy on Jow Forums etc
then don't bother with input
go away newfag
have sex
too embarassing
also shapiro sucks cocks
>so a chick who doesn't know you decided to start dating you out of the blue?
>What is online dating?