Why was greece so easily conquered by turks ? they did not defend their land or their race...

Why was greece so easily conquered by turks ? they did not defend their land or their race, they were literally raped into extinction by turks, today not a single pure ancient greek exists, they're all shit-skinned rapebabies with semite/turk/persian facial features, even modern mutt greeks have the occasional need to get genocided by turks lol.

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Because Greece hasn't been relevant in over 2000 years

Because of US and UK ((governments))

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Why are you so angry man, relax.
Visit Greece one day, we have nice food and good weather.

God bless you

>Greece existing in 1900

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Based hellene of peace

Manzikert, man. Manzikert.

Byzantine system was so filled with treachery and back stabbing (nobles conspiring and revolting against the emperor) that it was only a matter of time.

Same as Kievan Rus', same as medieval France.

Moral of the story, always centralize the power of the state. Break up and destroy your opponents, let none survive.

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lol Look the flag.
You have to go back sandnigger

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulshit post.

greece is a fucking mess. based ahmed

look at whats happening to france and britain

its obvious

Because Greece knows who daddy is.

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Your grandad sided with Ottomans against Slavs and Greece.

So learn history maybe,ultimately its the UK and USA governments who will completely destroy white race and already are

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That's funny cause Greeks still carry the same DNA while sandniggers have nigger blood due to using and being used as rape kettle by niggers, the sandniggers that built the civilizations have nothing to do with the dumb smelly shit skin sandniggers of today hence we call you exactly that, sandniggers.

fucking gayreeks are just whiter sandniggers. just look at their fucking dna

Turks are hapas with Greek fathers

>easily conquered

Literally took hundreds of years and the Greeks massacred the Arabs.

The Greek state exists since 1832 but it did not have its modern borders.

Let's play a game, Jow Forums. See if you can guess the ethnicity of the prime minster at the time who stepped in to defend the t*rks.

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Churchill wasnt an English?

Turks are just brainwashed Greeks and Armenians larping as their assimilated conquerors. Greek DNA is largely unimpacted as during Ottoman times,the children of muslim men were legally unequivocally muslim and thus groups of mixed ancestry gradually turkified, and were thus sent to anatolia during the population exchanges. Read some history brainlets.

>russo-turkish war

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Oh lord
>He is the only British prime minister to have been of Jewish birth.
He even looks like a rat faced kike

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If you think the Angloing ended with Disraeli your pic fits you just right