40Chan General:

Why were the 80's so good?

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1880s were good because it was before all of the disapora kikes came her plotting to genocide Europeans.

>Why were the 80's so good?

Because you were probably a kid that grew up in the 80s, never having to worry about a thing because you were living off your boomer parents paying your way.

The economy was great, pop culture was centralized and fun, no social media decay, just enough technology to make living comfy, women and minorities were less uppity.

gee idk user

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>just enough technology to make living comfy,

This was the reason " pop culture was centralized and fun"

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Pot kettle much?

copied the wrong phrase should of read

>" pop culture was centralized and fun"

This was the reason " pop culture was centralized and fun"

Yeah, I don't think it is always a bad thing. music and movies had mainstream defined genres that were still innovating.


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California high school 1987

Cultural consumption was low. Meaning instead of consuming culture through mimicry, repetition, or plain observation, people actually went out and did stuff. As a result, people had their own ideas, aspirations, and opinions rather than regurgitated ideology and identity.

Stay for the ta-ta's at the 1:40 mark:


>Why were the 80's so good?
Because you weren't even around you little shit.

now juxtapose that with today

Love that movie, any movie recommendations frens?

No internet, times were so much better before social media.

It was a bubble economy just before it burst.
The 90's were the aftermath.

No mexicans. The majority of Mexicans leech on to nigger culture.

Social media didn't exist.

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If they were to redo this it would go like so, with th list from left to right;
1. The Tranny, the rebel of the group who is out to prove something but will obviously die to drugs before 30
2. The Black guy, switch the lead to a black guy and all of a sudden it is a new story
3. The Muslim, the quiet muslim chick that wants sharia and is subtly working for jihad. Inshallah
4. The Stronk Woman, same role, just falls in love with a black guy now
5. The Gay Guy, doesn't understand why he is there or any where in life and is an obvious suicide case waiting to happen.

Make it happen Hollywood

It will probably happen within our life time.

the 80's kinda sucked but we had fun. the 90's sucked worse and there was less fun. 80's chad vs 90's virgin.jpg

I dont think pop culture was as divisive as it is now. It was fun and that was all it was. It wasnt until the 90s that pop culture started to divide people.

checked and /thread

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>Stock Aitken & Waterman were innovative
Yeah nah

I think you have it backwards. e.g. Slow and low was a cholo thing long before it was a nigger thing. If anything, niggers just took it to an extreme.

Anything else made by John Hughes.

>weird science
>ferris bueller
>sixteen candles
>uncle buck
>planes, trains, and automobiles

lol i like to imagine a reverse Weird Science where 2 high school girls make a 40 year old dude.

Man I miss the 80's.....THE 1780's

Washington you fuck! You bought your wig at the Gentleman's Surplus in Jersey you cheapskate. I would....because I sold it to you.

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This video sums up why


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80s are for FAGS

Music was good.

It was degenerate enough to be edgy and fun but not degenerate enough for full on drug fueled sodomy like today.

People weren't idiototic brats, constantly whining about their hurt feelings.

Never wore sunblock nor seat-belts. Helmets were for pussies. Played Smear-the-Queer at recess. Parents smoked around us. Lawn Darts.

Funny how articulate 80s animation is compared to today's.

Amazing what slave labour can do for the Transformers....

As opposed to seeing a few autismos using Flash today.

we got to watch Billy Squier destroy his career with the faggiest video in the history of MTV, that made it all worthwhile.


>Why were the 80's so good?
Cocaine and Reagan.

>The decade all the good bands decided to sell out and put out synth pop rock shit
>"Music was good."
Here's another kid who didn't experience the 80s to add to the pile.

It was a pro-capitalist, pro-USA decade, even in Hollywood. Trump became famous in the 1980s as well. It seems to be making something of a resurgence, only there's a lot of opposition on the left nowadays.

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>Why were the 80's so good?
Because the internet didn't really exist or have major influence on social behavior. You actually had to always deal with people in real life.

I was very young in the 80s but even then I knew something was not right with that era.

Yeah, the 2 previous decades were better but it only went downhill since.

Middle class had money. That's pretty much it.

They weren't great. But it saw the end of white kids in gangs. Mods, Rockers, Casuals, Trendies, Goths, Metallers, New Romantics etc. Everyone was in one. We fought each other with fists. White kids today are soft. The whole nu metal/emo bullshit where kids moaned constantly about shit was embarrassing. White kids need tribalism. But you're too busy thinking you're edgy or hard when you're tucked away in a basement, shitposting. Our race is doomed!

Every time I saw boy george on TV as a young child I would vomit.
not even joking.
Something satanic was going on.

That's 70s doofus

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It started picking up again in the 90s, but not anything that got radio play. Lots of good music out there now that more and more bands have cut out the middle man for good.

>Why were the 80's so good?

a) Ronald Reagan
b) awesome music
c) no self-centered "participation trophy" "give me my safe space" snowflake millenials

To be clear, I'm saying the 80s were still better than anything after it.

The last decade that Whites were a supermajority.

Great, I can go watch this totally hip band at some shitty bar with all 15 other people that have heard of them. It's just not the same.

Ya, I think it was the beginning of the end

Compared to what? 1 hour of sweaty old roasties gyrating to Steven fucking Tyler and his power ballads?
Nah man, the 80s were fucking shit from a musical point of view with very few glimmers of light here and there.

Kids drinking beer and telling the other team what they can do with their trophy:


nope, society is objectively getting worse.
blaming childhood dreamviews is too simplistic.

You could have a fight in school and there was no overreaction. No police, no psychological interventions, no fucking inquiries!

BMX freestyle.
We built a quarterpipe and spent our days riding.
Freedom from adults, no micromanaging our every moment.

I'm sure your Norwegian indie bands are putting out this amazingly innovative stuff. Have a blast.

what was shit about the 80's was boomers constantly going on about the sixties..

The thrash metal thing was great but I agree that it was generally shit. Boy George, Wham, Sinitta, Haircut 100, Kajagoogoo and fucking A Ha!

This! It's rare when someone can name the dark side of the Jewish religion.

And to think that 30+ years later this man is now hated by the Left.

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Things were also less commercialized and people didn't feel like sharing everything they did or snapping pictures of their lattes. Actually, coffee wasn't overpriced swill, but cheap and plentiful at diners, women weren't as casually slutty, and even then they weren't as egotistical. Feminists were fringe, and selfies were extremely rare. Also, race relations were at their peak in America.

There was a constant fear of nuclear war, Russians were depicted as mindless brutes, calling people a "fag" was an acceptable insult, it was okay to call fat people out for being fat, tranny's were nutjobs and not heroes, and AIDS was terrifying people out of their 70s hedonism just a little bit. Porn was also rarer, finding a loose mag or video tape was like stumbling on a gold coin. Video games were more communal, arcades were fun, especially at the mall.

Hanging out with friends, no cell phones, calling chicks chicks, and nobody was triggered. It wasn't a great time, but it was a lot better.

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Yeah, I grew up on one tv channel and 2 radio channels playing nothing but schläger music for the geriatrics or shitty synth pop.
Small wonder some kids started burning down churches.

If I had to describe the 80s in one color, it'd be 'grey'. The late 70s was a dull brown beige.

I disagree a little. The late 70s was brown but with some red. Less health and safety. Kids especially boys could be boys. I was a regular visitor to hospital for doing something dumb. But it was normal then. I went on a school trip to Longleat (a safari park) and I bought a lock knife in the gift shop. I would have been 8/9 in 78/79. No one said shit. I cut the top of my finger quite badly with it, within 10 mins. Teacher put tissue on it and didn't say shit about knife. That would make the papers today?

I have so many fucking scars on my body from growing up at that time they used to joke at the local hospital about me having a season card for stitches.
But as the 80s progressed, it was all safety and 'careful' and don't rock the boat. It was grey and drab as fuck.

but your last retarded thread was about the 90s

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I remember VHS porn. Some 1970s porn, re recorded a million times and blokes with moustaches and women with mega bush. I still gets a semi if I see the crackly/wavy image you used to get off a tape before the image became clear. You know what I mean?

>Teacher put tissue on it and didn't say shit about knife. That would make the papers today?

Teacher would be sacked over that today.

In the 70's a teacher at my primary school spanked a kids naked arse in front of the class.
I can't remember what he did but he was a little shit..

I still have the scars on my shins.

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First porn I saw on VHS was Danish with German dubbing. Norway was puritanical as hell, so it pretty much contraband the fucking lot of it.

Both my kneecaps are nothing but scar tissue, stiches on both shins, shitloads of scars on fingers, big ass scar inside and around one of my eyebrows and a metric fuckton of stitches to the top of my head.
And yeah, my BMX bike was to blame for quite a few of them. Only that one weird faggot wore a helmet.

My eldest boy fell off a chair in school when he was 6/7. Total accident, witnessed by teachers. He came home and he was concussed so I took him to hospital to make sure he was ok. A few days later a social worker turns up and literally interrogated us. Total bitch. Like the stasi. I said to her ask the school! She didn't want to know. I started to feel guilty but I'd never hurt my kids. Apparently it's normal practice now. No wonder parents wrap their kids up in cotton wool.

My mother once accidentally banged the rear bonnet of the car in my head so it required stitches. Nobody lifted a fucking eyebrow, that's just shit that happens.

>getting stitches

fuck that, i'm proud of all my scar-toos. chicks get real turned on by them even though they look ugly, i think it's some primordial instinct women have that makes them want to fuck you if you have scars, like you're "warrior class" and hence they want to receive your fighter seed to ensure their offspring won't be genetic dead-end cucks that won't fight back

I don't know what stitches you got, but getting stitches back when I got them left me with everything from big fat caterpillars on knees to long ass jagged shit.

yep. prolific BMX injuries. didn't make me stop though. Helmets? not even thought of. i even took off the foam protection that came on the handlebars and crosstube of my Raleigh Mag-Burner. lots of scars - broken wrist, broken shin. local hospital saw me every couple of weeks or so. great times! :-)

> this
i was born in 92, and i saw the change for a lot worse in people with social media

Less safe times at least. Kids could do with a hell of a lot less safety and a hell of a lot more lessons learned growing up.



Yeah. I remember when someone found their brother or father's stash and snuck a mag into school.Those things were worn out by the end of the semester. Nobody ever kept them, they just showed them and we worked with what we could remember.

Don't shit on 80s music.

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>Gay O War.
Your country wasn't even around for the 80s.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High

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True up to a point. i grew up in a small town in the north of England born 1971. quite a tight community where everyone knew someone who knew someone so that meant it was fairly free. we as kids were not aware of any dangers, apart from don't get into strangers cars and the usual etc. i am not misremembering but in the summers i was out playing football or on my bike or with my mates in the local forest/park all day - only went back to mine or my friends houses for food. no problems at all except when someone got injured from falling out of a tree or off a BMX jump. :-) I dont have kids but my friends do and when i see how managed their kids lives are, and how they have zero freedom it makes me sad. i don't think my best friends boy who is 10 has ever climbed a tree - i know he has done climbing walls but thats different

See, they had trannies back then.