So before I say anything I want you guys to know that I am Muslim...

So before I say anything I want you guys to know that I am Muslim. If you have a problem with that or you can't give me advice while keeping that fact in my mind, then please don't say anything.

I made a post on Jow ForumsRandomActsofBlowjob
I did it as a joke and I got messaged by a girl that's saying she's visiting my town 2 weeks from now. Lucky, right?

Well, I am at dilemma. Since I am Muslim I obviously shouldn't accept her offer, but if you were me and believed in Allah, would you still accept the offer?

I know I am a moron and a hypocrite there's no need to tell me. also yes haha muslim

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If you feel guilty just thinking about accepting then imagine how much regret youll feel when you actually do it. Just dont do it bro. You obviously have some high respect for your religious beliefs so just stick to them

Thanks for the reply, man. I really appreciate it.

Don't care if you fuck goats and stone fags but I don't want redditfags here so go back there and ask for advice

If you're a strong Muslim and your faith is strong, then the cons outweigh the pros here. You would be accepting short term pleasure for long term regret.

Also even as a non-religious person I wouldn't accept random blowjobs from strangers on Reddit. Strong chance it could be a catfish, or any number of things could go wrong.

If you are craving sex then perhaps think about looking for a long-term partner and potentially marriage so that you can have a relationship god approves of, and build a family for long term fulfilment.

What would be the point of being a devout muslim if you did stuff explicitly stated as sin? You can believe in God/Allah/Donkey Kong for all I care, without following docrine, but then you're not a muslim per se.

>I wouldn't accept random blowjobs from strangers on Reddit. Strong chance it could be a catfish, or any number of things could go wrong.
This. It’s not worth having a crisis of faith over


as a Christian, the only possible answer is yes
I know some Muslims as well as Catholics are great at bending rules and saying stuff like 'doesn't count if it's not real sex' but you're lying to yourself
don't do it

heh, I'm a retard
no, is of course what I meant
thought the question was phrased differently...

no don't do it. I'm muslim too, and you should fear Allah's punishment, It will keep you away from sins. make dua so the shay'tan doesn't whisper bad thing to your mind

Real question is why the fuck are you on reddit.

But don't do it. 60% chance it's a dude anyways

You didn't make that post as a joke, you made it with an intent (even if subconscious). Examine yourself and understand why exactly you wanted some random reddit hamplanet to suck your dick. It's normal to want sex, but there's healthy ways to do it, and none include reddit.

>reddit hurr

You know Jow Forums is a reddit colony and has been since at least 2014, right? You kids still think of Jow Forums as some sort of secret club. It's embarrassing.

She probably sent it in as a joke because Arabs usually are stinky and gross. So prepare to be stood up towel head.

fuck you you piece of shit i hate your hate preaching ancient murderous suicidal death cult fuck you for what you did to me and my friends. I hope you die so you can "go to allah" or whatever the fuck it is you get down on your knees and open your hands for. get the FUCK out and leave whatever civilized developed western 1st world country you're in and go to one of your muslim shitholes so you can stop complaining and actually live with and under your stupid cult god damn fucking hypocrites all of you

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amen, sage this post user.

already did

seriously these stupid fucking violent savage animals need to go and actually live under their fucking death cult sharia whatever the fuck system instead of flocking like fucking rabid chimpanzees into the developed western world. Oh noo can't do that they want to live in nonmuslim western countries oh but that's bad of course. God damn makes me want to punch this fucking sandnigger in the face

Why do you think so many muslims are coming to Europe ? Don't blame the knife when someone stabs you user

Ha ha. Muslim.

My Islamic teacher always told me that when you're about to commit an act against God that you'll regret, say Astagfur Allah and remind yourself that there is a reason why this is haram and that Allah is watching you.

Wish you luck user, stay out of this haram shit

I'd honestly question whether or not I actually held conviction in my religious beliefs if I was considering doing something that goes against it in such a fundamental fashion.
Either way its up to you.
Do you genuinely believe in god ?
Then you probably shouldn't do it.
Do you believe in him but don't care ?
Then do whatever you want, just don't try and act like your actually devoted to your religion after.

Bro the fact that you said yoy posted it as a joke and then considering the posibility is shaiytan whispering the temptetion in your ear. And you thinking with your dick user. Im a muslim myself and if you truly believe its wrong (which it is) then dont do it. Stay strong brother and insallah you wont resort to being a degenerate and find a person you truly love


Is it really worth it? I mean you'll be throwing away an eternity in paradise and your 72 virgins.

If it's a joke, user, then keep it as a joke. Don't follow through as you have the choice of doing so or not.

>Do you believe in him but don't care ?

This is some major HARAM shit right here.

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delete your whole life

I'm a Christian and think you should not do it.

Firstly, Allah will understand.

Secondly, it’s not a girl, and HE is going to make you his bitch. He is going to fuck you until you love him.

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can you get punished or caught or smt
make simple risk assesment

good one! lol!

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idk eat some pork and itll clear your mind

Don't bother with that.

Just tell her about the time you tried talking shit to whitey and the things they did to you. Also don't forget to tell her how you told all the women in your life about wanting to find a strong daddy to protect you. Must not have been easy without mommy there to protect you.

Congratulations, by the way.

dont care if you beleive the moon is made of green cheese
>>if you want random blowjob: get random blowjob

if you get scammed then, its on you. nobody else. cant blame anybody else because offer was made and accepted.

i dont beleive in short term things for short term gain. thats what your thinking about. you need to start thinking about the long game.

Say the syahadat nigger

I regretted touching a girl's hand when I'm not part of her family. Still regretting it now. Don't accept it.

Try bacon and realize that you're following a prophet who wasn't a good person and was probably suffering from heat strokes.

Nature is not a corrupt chaos that your soul has been popped into. It is a wonderfully organized chaos that you sprouted from, like a grape sprouts from a vine. Give up your mission to subjugate it, yourself, and others with iron age hangups.

I only read about half your comic book. Are blow jobs prohibited? Its like a kiss on the cheek but lower. Aren't prostitution and things ok as long as no marital vows are broken? Isn't it acceptable that although you are muslim, others are not and need not be held to the same rules? Pretty sure I read that kinda shit. Have you read your book or do you just go by what you are told?

Only if it is forced on you. You yourself cannot even touch a girl without marrying her or you are in a dire situation.

That's only you plebeians though. Rest assured that the elites in Arab states have summer homes in other countries, complete with harems of little girls.

Your religion is one of subjugation. It sprang up from a tumultuous area that saw dozens of different, brutal empires. You're free physically, but you lock up your being with a slave's religion.

I haven't got to that part in the book and im pretty sure it ain't there because it repeats like a broken record. Ill look it up if you give me a chapter. Did you realize read it?

you're the soiboi, here you are helping a arab man ruin our race.