Loads of leftist news sites flooding out articles in the past hour about like this:


Why are they doing this???

Attached: BidenVox.jpg (1141x733, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:


thats bad for trump. If they get a good candidate it could spell trouble. Biden would have been BTFO'd bigly.

Because there is no loyalty binding them, only ambition driving them. They don't care about destroying those within their own hierarchy in order to advance themselves. Furthermore, they know that Trump would destroy Biden this very same way in the election, so there simply isn't any reason to allow him to continue on as a puppet.

What the fuck? But Biden's their best runner up against Trump in 2020, don't tell me they seriously believe Shitllary still has a chance. The Dem Party will never support Bernie so that leaves.....Beto.

Don't tell me they're trying to push Beto as their candidate because that's fucking hilarious, a white male being the face of the dems. Or maybe they don't care because it doesn't matter, Trump already has his 2nd term in the bag

He's been out in the open creepy for a long time there's no way they can hide it.

It looks like they want rid of him before he even announces.....

Attached: 1553895207964.png (606x1044, 284K)

How the fuck they going to find a good candidate. Look at their stable. They actually floated the zuck and oprah
It's a joke

They want Corey Booker
He's eloquent black man round two: race baiting boogalo

What if they want Trump to stay in office for a reason we're not aware of?

They pander to beaners like you exclusively. All white men are bad to leftists, even if it means defeating themselves in the short run.

>Why are they doing this???
because all trump needs to destroy him is call him 'creepy joe'


Attached: biden.jpg (1683x775, 150K)

white men btfo

Oprah could beat Trump. People love Oprah and shes more sucessful than Trump before he became president.

Hillary had essentially taken over the DNC and now that she's blown her last load, the party has fallen to total chaos as various factions and individuals try to become the top dog. The people at the very top, above the political puppets, don't give a fuck who gets into office as long as they obey. That means Trump too. They could have given Hillary the win through sheer vote manipulation if Trump was actually a threat to the system, but obviously he isn't.

Biden's doing too well in the polling. Can't have that for Queen Kamala, the clear chosen one from the outset.

Yeah, no shit. There are hundreds of pics of him touching girls.

Who didn't see this coming. I'm glad too because he's the only one who could pick up votes in the rustbelt.

Fucking ex dee.

Nice try Jew

Oprah is not actually a far leftist though, she's literally friends with Trump. The left would be sorely disappointed by her despite being a black woman. I doubt she wants to run and give up her empire like Trump had to.

He's just a playfully affectionate old man. LEAVE UNCLE JOE ALONE!

Attached: 1539698419191.webm (619x546, 2.44M)

Because he’s a rich white male.

Well, he really acts rather creepy. Cant say I would not if I could, but I am incel with neckbeard and history of not-proud masturbations, it is kind of expected.

Bernie would destroy Trump. That's why Russian shills are trying so hard to push the Yang meme, split the youth vote.

>already throwing pedo Joe under the bus
Looks like the dems are trying to prevent him from running. Probably to prop up Harris

Bernie won’t get the moderate vote.

Exactly. The dem's base could never have a fucking white males.

kek. Nigger please. Sanders doesn't offer Trump voters anything.

Dont tell me you people will actually vote for nigger woman from tv.

its the smart move.

Biden was their only hope.
All the other candidates are just carbon copies of each other, just different skin color.
Biden was the only one that stood out and didn't skate as close to socialism/communism.

I knew this was coming eventually

We need a JUSTED biden
Oprah has too many skeletons in her closet. Trump won't pull his punches like everybody else would
No way they run beto, they've already started sacking him as muh white male in the media.

They are doing this because they can't afford to lose this election anymore. Mueller report fell flat and they have no ammo against Trump and they all look like lunatics. They are probably going to try a Warren pres/booker vice pres. Can't be too female or black. Or perhaps they've seen the writing on the wall and realized Bernie is the only guy that can stand a chance against Trump. In my opinion that's too little too late, as Bernie probably would have beat Trump 1.0, Trump 2.0 will defend his belt

Oops, looks like old white-man Biden just walked himself off the stage. Amazing that it looks like the only candidate the dems have with real support is fucking Bernie Sanders. The primaries are going to make 2016 look tame.

No. We do it for lulz. It does not matter who your president is, zionist neocon or cuck socialist, does not affect business in a slightest. We shill to keep boss entertained.

>Bernie would destroy Trump.
Wew lad. Remember Trump "looming" over Hillary at the debates? And she actually had some balls unlike this cuck who let two random black girls take over his rally.

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If you were talking about the 2016 election, I would completely agree with you.
Nowadays #BreadlineBernie would be all over every GOP ad, shining light on that old, wrinkled communist/soviet sympathizer

Oh bother. His past molesting people is a bit bothersome. A tad inconvenient. A drop too much. I guess we'll turn the other since he was our "cool vice president". Bloody leftists. Full of shit.



This video is so fucking creepy. I wonder what he whispered to her?

They are going to run Michelle Obama

Because leftism is a deadly autoimmune mental disease, that attacks and kills their own body.

When Tolkien described Orcs and Goblins constantly killing each other he was describing what he saw in the war.

>Make the news you love

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wtf i'm a butt missile now

They’re taking away our memes before we even had a chance!

Attached: biden kissing girl at high school graduation.webm (480x600, 3M)

>so creepy!
you sound like a fag

Don't think they are taking him down because they are outraged over his pedo groping....they are just clearing the way for the establishment pick. It won't be Bernie either

The Old Guard is being purged.

Attached: 1513487663953.jpg (474x472, 15K)

Okay faggots
We need to ramp this up start posting all the pics you got of joe and I’ll post them on twitter and feed the blue checks

Hey joe

Fucking baste

It’s because he was the Democratic front runner and Zog wants the Zionald to stay.

Biden was the only moderate in the race besides Buttgay

no country for old white men

Attached: 1536547364890.jpg (480x480, 27K)

>make the news


>When Tolkien described Orcs and Goblins constantly killing each other he was describing what he saw in the war.

"Tonight... you."

Attached: 1539698651690.webm (1280x720, 377K)

>bernie vs trump
>bernie going to die in his sleep right before the debates and trump will call him a quitter.

the 2016 memes will get real.

Attached: nhLmlZJ.png (1270x700, 298K)

- I am going to bang you grandmom tonight.

Trump has nothing going for him this time around. He's failed to deliver on the wall, he's failed to scale back interventionism, and he's failed to curb political corruption. If he can't get any of that shit done, voter enthusiasm will crash. "This time I'll really get that wall built" is not a winning slogan. Plus, the supposed economic recovery is still a complete sham based on cooking the books to prop up stocks rather than actually fixing market fundamentals, introducing sane monetary policy, and restoring jobs. The jobs numbers he's been touting are based on changing the definition of the statistic, after it was already changed to make it look better than it is. By the time the election proper comes around, the market will have melted down again even worse than in 2008.


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He just loses all control when he's around females. It's hilarious, he just slips into pervert mode and forgets where he is.

I would agree with THIS.
They know there are way too many videos around of Creepy Joe touching little girls like he's on a Prom-date. Spreading that shit around election time is enough to crush his chances with the swing-voters.
I doubt it'll affect the far Left tho.......I did a little experiment by showing these videos to extreme Left-tards in my Libtarded So-Cal town.....and the majority of them activated their cognitive-dissonance switch into over drive. They would even go as far as to make excuses for that sick pedo-fuck,,,saying shit like:
>"He's just telling her a secret! There's nothing wrong with that!
I'd say:
>"Look where the fuck his hands are feeling up that little girl"
and they'd either look away not wanting to be proven wrong, or they'd make some weak excuse that would make most of you readers want to punch these fuck-tards right in their fucking face.
But anyhoo, the vids alone are enough to sway any swing-voter who has an IQ above 90

>Why are they doing this???
Because they can't run a white male for anything and expect to win.

>biden’s doing too well in polling
That’s because MSM is obviously pushing him and normies only remember him during obama’s presidency.

no party for White people.

Bring all the whites to the GOP.

Where did he find leftists at the fields of ww1?

biden-harris was what I expected them to do.

>The Old Guard is being purged

>I wonder what he whispered to her?
My nipples look like milkduds.

There's a whole load of them on this one.


>You are quite a beautiful young girl. I can smell your womanhood blossoming like a flower. Would you like to come to my place and see my puppy?

They are clearing the way for Kamala.

If they're only talking about women and not kids, it's preemptive damage control. Get it out now and give him time to apologize and then rehabilitate his image by next year. Then when we run the memes about kids, they'll say that's old news.

Obviously they're not going to have a white guy as Dem Presidential nominee ever again; they're too far gone. They want a female, and it is pretty obvious Kamala Harris is the one chosen for the position. They just don't realise she is totally unelectable. We're watching the inmates take over the Dem asylum.

biden was the only candidate dems had that was actually good at the "I'm a normal guy despite making millions of dollars a year from lobbyist kickbacks" thing. The rest of them are screwed outside California and new england

>Biden's getting deep sixed
>That's bad for Trump
try harder, fag

Attached: Cindy_Starfall_at_Exxxotica_NJ_2015_(01).jpg (762x1023, 146K)

You dummies. This is to get it out in the open so it's well behind him in 2 years. They KNOW creepy Joe is a meme. Blow it out now so it's no big deal, and they can stick to the "Trump is a sexist bigot" narrative

>if Trump was actually a threat to the system, but obviously he isn't.

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I actually hope Bernie wins. The thing about America is that it has not experienced communism yet first hand, which is why there are so many retards who want it. Better that we vote in Bernie, get communism for 10 or 20 years, let the US become a former she'll of itself even more, and then watch the blowback

Pretty simple, shills are clearing the way for Hillary again. No one except Biden can win a poll against her and Bernie is dead in the water. Notice this is a DNC plant attacking Biden YEARS LATER after the fact.

Attached: 605776_Hillary-rubbing-hands-together-300x200[1].jpg (300x200, 11K)


>Why are they doing this???
Why wouldn't they? Even the most deluded democrat supporter quietly knows Biden has always wandering hands, and is done once the allegations start coming in.

Joe Biden always polls well until people actually have to support him. Then he gets around 1% of actual support.
This is going to be the best dem primary ever. I can't wait for the fighting and riots at the convention.

It may not work, but he has nothing to lose by dealing with it now, since it was guaranteed to come out during the campaign.

Attached: this-guy-gets-it.jpg (400x400, 99K)

Trump would have a field day with creepy uncle joe

I think he is being purged so Michelle Obama can make an entry into the race.

Joe Biden IS the good candidate

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It looks like she's pulling away from him because of his breath.

They have brainwashed themselves to believe that Women are just as good and probably better than men at everything. If we take down Biden for ruining our Hen Party, we can easily get other stupid males to do our bidding for us. There's so many men willing to serve us that we have to be totally, like, Goddesses or something!

The Anti White Crowd got a taste of power with Obama and they are not about to let Fucking White Males spoil the party. That or the whole Cortez incident scared the Billionaire Jews who run the Democuck party so they are going to let the idiot fems run wild with hubris and sink any Dem candidate with a chance.

I hope they pick more openly anti white, anti male politicians to run. Angry types that openly call for mass non white immigration to explicitly turn America non white. Show the white self haters how their darkie pets actually feel about them.

Underrated post, also checked

Sure buddy keep telling yourself that. Trump landslide incoming

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Bernie is their best chance.

This is ridiculous. She was falling apart back then, there is no way she will try again. Granted, Trump has failed a lot, but she is half dead, and more so, a sore loser.

>using a child to hide your erection
classic joe

Yeah, I'm thinking she's back

Attached: clinton.jpg (696x464, 36K)

Why hide it?