Why don't men wear hats anymore?
Why don't men wear hats anymore?
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Americans spoiled it with their stupid baseball caps
I wear a hat it's a beany. The other hats aren't practical.
scientific advancements in hair restoration
It stays on in the wind.
Hats make you bald.
Because the kikes tricked us to do this
They don't spend enough time outside to justify keeping track of a hat indoors. Men who do spend a substantial portion of the day outdoors still wear hats.
if you really think about it, what was their function in the first place?
baseball caps are designed to keep the sun off your face. it serves a function. of course I'm cringing along with you at the tryhard faggots who wear it backwards.
underrated post
JewFag - blames Jews for everything because they cant form a better argument.
What about these?
Or these?
>what was their function
I don't know, do you?
Autists killed it. I cant even wear a trilby. Thanks, fuckers.
Hats aren't worn anymore because men don't really style their hair to the same amount anymore. Hats unlike beanies don't mess your hair up if worn correctly. In fact they protect your hair from wind and the occasional drizzle if you're caught without an umbrella. They also protect your scalp from the sun and depending on the hat they shade your eyes as well.
they make you go bald
I hear jfk kinda started this trend. Dont know how true it is