Male or female psychiatrist

As a guy, should I go to a male or female psychiatrist? No Jow Forums tier answers please.
For years I've had a bunch of issues related to anxiety, isolation and avoidant behavior that have completely fucked me over and driven me to become a worthless khv neet.
I want to get help from a professional for that but I don't know what's better for that kind of problem, male or female therapists?

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>asks a r9k tier question
>no r9k answers please

How is this a Jow Forums question?

I would also like to know the answer to this question.
I can't even find the motivation to apply for jobs anymore.
If I do get interviews, I can't feign enthusiasm and always end up saying the wrong things.
>Where do you see yourself in ten years?
>I don't know. Hopefully retired, but that's not likely.
>uhhhh...okay? We'll call you...

>Why do you want to work for our company?
>Well I don't really want to work at all, but I need money to survive.
>Seriously? That's your answer?
>Okay sorry I'll just leave.

>How do you feel about the culture at our company? Do you feel enthusiastic about what we do?
>Why do I have to be enthusiastic? I need money, you need labor. I'll give you labor for money, why do I have to act like I care about the company?
>Stop wasting our time, please leave.

this happens at every single interview I go to. I can't stop myself, it hurts my soul to pretend to WANT to work.

HR are filled with bitches, you gotta lie and pretend. Trust me there's plenty of time to slack off once you get the job. Not that you should slack off completely but HR are a lesser presence and you don't have to be a model wagie.

I think in terms of comfort you'd probably feel better with a male therapist even both can do their job just as well

my DPDR is too severe to lie effectively.
I can't do it anymore. I am too honest with my words and actions.
If I'm not happy about something I'll tell you. I don't have it in me to feign enthusiasm anymore.

Go with the same gender as you.

If you believe in it, male.
Specially if you are in a relationship with a girl or if that is likely to happen.
Female shrinks have the problem of having their period, which makes them unsuitable to understand what a man has to go through when he is with a girl that starts to act all cunty because she has her period.
If you don't really believe in the hole therapy thing and just want to pay to go there and vomit all your shit (a legit and smart choice in my opinion). Like literally cleanse yourself in an emotional diarrea that makes you feel good, then you may choose a female, because they're more prone to accept that.
Also keep in mind that as long as she is not fat or very old chances are you'll find her attractive and will imagine yourself fucking in the office and all that. I guess it's normal and maybe even part of the whole theory.
Ask for pills, it makes them feel important. You can later think if you take them or not.

Whoever you are most comfortable with. Your therapist has to be someone you can view as a "friend" and be comfortable with or else you will be getting bad therapy. Therapists are basically paid friends who are extremely good at listening

>If you believe in it
What does that mean? It's not psychanalysis.
>if you are in a relationship with a girl or if that is likely to happen.
No. I'm very bad at communication and such, and that has prevented me from forming any kind of relationship or even contact with anyone, including and especially women. More generally I probably have a lot of issues concerning my self-worth and the way I perceive interpersonal relationships.
That's the thing I'm not sure about, would a guy be more likely to relate (or at least understand) this and give better advice, or would a girl allow me to see thing from a different perspective? Especially since women are usually said to be more socially and emotionally "in tune" with others and themselves.
>vomit all your shit
I guess that's a part of it, I never really talk to anyone which is starting to become exhausting.

If you feel worthless it's not from being a khv neet, it's from not meeting your own expectations. A psychologist might help structure things and focus you to help you get what you want but they are by no means necessary. Everyone else in their 20s is playing this same exact game and struggle of holding yourself to higher expectations, it's just the game of life. You're no different from those people who have more friends and more life success but maybe don't have as much momentum.

There's no secret to getting out of a rut other than picking tasks and executing them. Small tiny changes gradually every single day and forming habits and coming back quick if you happen to give up. Giving up is what causes anxiety even if it feels good. But again there is no secret to progressing in life besides the mental tricks you can devise to pull yourself into doing something that doesn't seem worthwhile. Lifting weights for example, it's hard to get in there, but it is guaranteed when you come out of a brutal workout that you will not feel worthless because you know what you just did. Our natural instinct is not to go willfully participate in pretend slave labor, and yet people do it every single day, why, because after so many iterations they suddenly have momentum and the commitment to improving is no longer a decision they have to make. This can be a metaphor for any goal you set for yourself.

To avoid falling in love with the only non related female that actually cares about my problems I would probably pick a male psychiatrist

What you said is true but does not meeting their expectations cause other people to feel miserable?
>as much momentum
Sorry, I don't understand what that means.
>picking tasks and executing them
Yeah, I've been working on being less worthless lately and even if it's small steps, I'm acquiring a semblance of routine (healthy sleeping hours, diet, lifting...), I even managed to get a job that I'll start next week so I guess the neet part is not true anymore.
While acquiring some structure in my life occupies my mind, I haven't really felt any changes in my mood or outlook on life so far, but it's only been a couple months.
I keep going though, because as I see it, I'll feel much shittier and angry at myself if I do give up, and it doesn't cost me anything to continue improving my way of living.
But I don't feel like this has helped me sort myself out on a deeper level.

Unless you want your brain fried by drugs, then none.

Not everyone is American.

Yuropoor actually. Had experience with psychiatry since I was 7. It's not something any person with respect for themselves want to have anything to do with.

>all psychiatrists are the same
>all mental illnesses/disorders require the same treatment, follow up and pharmacotherapy
Also, any decent psychiatrist here will actually listen to you if you tell them you want to avoid using medication, provided that you aren't a threat to yourself or the people around you.

>mental disorders
>being real, biological conditions
You're being played for your own money, bro.

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Oh you're one of those people, alright.

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That's unfortunate because as you've seen first hand, that's not going to help you get a job.

For better or worse, this is how the world works. You get an interview, say what you need to to get the job and start earning a living. It's how the game works, no amount of disagreement with the 'rules', so to speak, will change how this system works. If you want to earn your own money, you gotta play the game. You don't play, you don't win.

Idiot alert

> does not meeting their expectations cause other people to feel miserable?
Yeah all the time... someone I knew who's mostly well off, totally flipped out because his girlfriend got a tattoo, he was acting like he failed himself and her, it ruined the whole night. I've been to bars with guys who started out full of energy then totally shut down when a girl they were invested in wasn't interested. It can happen to anyone when something they consider important doesn't go their way.
>haven't really felt any changes in my mood or outlook on life so far
>I don't feel like this has helped me sort myself out on a deeper level
No kidding, if you want satisfaction on a deeper level no one can really answer that question. It's just a complicated thing to figure out and different for everyone. For me it was God and religion. Psychedelics might help but they won't give you any answers, just give you the ability to see everything from a new perspective. In a general sense getting more of an upswing in your mood comes from getting Wins in my experience, getting that W which again could be anything, a paycheck, a good day at your job, a better body

I've had more success with males, but developing a rapport with them is essential. The better the relationship, the more open you'll be, the better the help.

Don't focus on gender so much

Male psychiatrists and psychologists are often rapists who gaslight and groom their victims before raping them. That profession attracts a very specific kind of man and it's not a good one.

The key is to find the silver lining. I know that sounds like a cliche thing but it is true but don't do it on someone else's terms do it on your own.

>>Where do you see yourself in ten years?
This is a question you should ask yourself anyways. In fact this shit should have been pushed on you harder as a child. You should consider what you really want in life user if you know what you want you can aim for it and sometimes fighting for it is enough to be happy. For me I would say I see myself as being in a relationship possibly with children and working as a software engineer on projects that I find enjoyable. You don't even need to bring up work but I did in mine because it is true.

>>Why do you want to work for our company?
Just be honest, say they seem like a good company based on what you have looked into about them. Good in this sense meaning tolerable to work for but word it in a nice sounding way.

>How do you feel about the culture at our company? Do you feel enthusiastic about what we do?
Just say it seems like a good place to make friends and whatever it is they do try to find something you would like about it. Even if it is cleaning toilets just say you care about cleanliness. For me none of those are lies but they don't reveal the hidden parts of me that are too extreme to reveal at first. You may actually be able to open up to coworkers about your cynicism I do at my job.

He's not wrong. Psychiatry is BULLSHIT. That doesn't mean it is your fault you are depressed or that your feelings are invalid it just means your brain is working as intended and not broken at all.

first thing is to get it straight if you're looking for a therapist or a psychiatrist.

Male, will inherently understand your day to day perspective and emotional experience much more. You don’t have to be sexist at all to recognize how fucking different the mental experience is for men and women - so many people who have gone on hormone replacement therapy, men and women, remark how drastically just changing the dominant sex hormone in their system has affected their thinking and feeling.
To me the best way to get psychological help is to talk to someone that can intimately understand your experiences, so the best bet for you is male OP

Mods probably moved it. A lot of retards ask for advice on r9k. I think it's fine unless it's normie tier gf advice. Then you fags can handle it. T. cross poster

Mods never move threads from r9k to other boards.