Is Obama a Neo-Con?

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Not really. He was a neoliberal, but he didn't go nearly as far in Syria, Iran, or even Libya as the actual neocons wanted. His first secretary of state Hillary Clinton was a big-time fucking neocon, though.

hes a nigger

he would have directly invaded libya if he was, boots on the ground. syria too

Bungo was the most anti-Israel president we have ever had. I'm surprised Jow Forums doesn't like him more. He wasn't even all that black.


A nigger con

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this desu

All US presidents are the same

The more reflection the more I like Obongo because of his foreign policy.

>nigger con

Get the fk out of here, the guy got president because he black, ya'll

He bombed enough brown people to be considered it.

He's a globalist puppet like every President.

>Bungo was the most anti-Israel president we have ever had.


>who is John F. Kennedy?

fUCKING HELL where would u asshats be without your labels?

lowest fucking IQ bullshit all over this board.

FACT: OB is a human being wh gave presidency a shot during a difficult time under awful conditions, made mistakes, did some good stuff

all within a system that DOES NOT FUCKING WORK


They ran him against a fucking mormon, get real.

No, but he was tricked by the neo-cons into trumpeting the horn of market economics.

no,he is an

I think he was an American Imperialist - definitely wanted to maintain the American Empire.

But I don't think he was a maniac in the same way the Bush neo-cons were and the Trump neo-cons (some are literally the same people lol) are.

I think most of us can see that regime change agendas are pushed by the depe state regardless of who the president is. And they like to do it early in the presidency when the new president is still trying to find his feet and doesn't knwo who to trust and doesn't want to rock the boat and get negative headlines early on. It is up to the president to enthusiastically sign up to it (Dubya), or outright reject it (JFK (after initially signing up to it)), or something else, a middle course, seeking to 'manage' it. I think Obama falls in this 3rd way middle category.

See, the Trump fanboys on nu-pol like to say thta Obama created/quarterbacked the Arab Spring. I don't think so. I think the deep state started it. Obama went along with it because he didn't want to defy the deep state and make enemies while he was finding his feet and trying to push through his signature domestic policy, healthcare. Esp with snake Hillary waiting for Obama to 'slip up' so she could backstab him. (He included her in his cabinet to placate the Clintons who would def have tried to sabbotage him if they didn't get a seat at the table). So he went along with it but held back from a Bush-style boots on the ground invasion. At most he agreed to joint air bombing of Libya with Britain and France.

Later, as he began to settle in, he started resisting the war machine a bit. Obama famously had spats with many generals, most notably McChrystal, who wanted surges in Afghanistan and Iraq. He kept trhe US 'mission' in Afghan going but denied the generals a surge and fired them. He also practically pulled out of Iraq. Not from the Green Zone in Baghdad, that is still basically US territory. But withdrew troops from basically ended the countrywide US occupation.

But he really came into his own in his second term, and particularly after the mid-terms - no more votes needed, no more money from (((donors))) needed.

First, although he went along with the Syria shit to some degree, he still held back. Never actively declared war on Syria, and never actually attacked or engaged the Syrian Army. He drew his famous red line, then when it was supposedly crossed, he still held back. Why? Republicans cried
>waaaahhhhh, waaaaahhhhh, he's weak!
but in reality he found out that the gas attack was actually a Turkish false flag to trick the US into attacking. Read Seymour Hersh's Red Line Rat Line article. So he didn't fall for it, and then even tried to coup Erdogan in revenge (although it failed).

And then the creme de la creme of his presidency...the Iran deal.
He had been working towards it in his first term btu only on the down low. He couldn't overtly work on it with Iran hawk Hillary at State. He kept her out of the loop on this one and sent his emmissaries, his 'shadow Secs of State' to travel there and put out feelers. Talks about talks about talks. Notably then Senator John Kerry and Richard Holbrooke (who Mossad offed when they got wind of what Obama was building towards - his privately shook Obama and only strengthened his conviction that he was on the right path.)

In the second term, with John Kerry as SoS now, a man more in tune with Obama policy-wise and who has his own beef with the deep state (he has a chip on his shoulder because 2004 was stolen from him. He was willing to go along with new wars back then so it hurt him that the deep state still rigged it to keep Dubya in power), they set out to get this done. Ity was a rocky road, with multiple extensions needed, but it started lookign achievable. Then, late in the game, during talks in Switzerland, Kerry emerged with a black eye. He 'fell off his cycle' while riding during downtime. Yeah, right. Same kind of black eye Dubya had when he 'choked on prezels and blacked out and hit his head on the coffee table while watching football'. Ha. We all know it was Mossad, threatening him. They literally broke into his hotel room in the middle of the night in fucking Switzerland, and literally beat up the sitting Sec of State of the United States. It was their 'final warning' to him, that he'd better not acutally make the deal. That he'd better engineer a collapse in talks and fly home. Kerry refused to back down, and the deal was made. This is why Israel absolutely loathe Kerry and Obama now, calling them filthy antisemites. This is also the exact point where Israel activated Trump to run, to 'undo the damage'.

And as a final fuck-you, the Obama admin abandoned Israel at the UN. For decades the US has vetoed every single vote to censure Israel in the security council. Obama did not veto one vote, ordering the US rep to abstain instead, letting the motion pass. More fuel for why Israel, Trump and conservatives' hate of them.

So overall Obama was still for the Empire, but was not an insane bloodthirsty neocon. If he was then he wouldn't have struck the Iran deal, he wouldn't have held firm on Syria, he wouldn't have blocked a surge in Afgh, he wouldn't have withdrawn from Iraq, and he would have gone full invasion in north Africa. This is why conservatives hate his guts.
