Is the most physically attractive guy you know also the one who gets the most women?

Is the most physically attractive guy you know also the one who gets the most women?

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Game > looks


No I'm naturally not a fattie but I'm not in shape. I get a lot of attention from girls. That being said I don't watch other peoples success with women so maybe I'm wrong

No? But I'm also shit at evaluating how attractive men are. I'd say the one that has the easiest time hooking up with women is above average in looks, but I don't think I'd call him the best looking guy I know.

In my group of friends, yes but he's also the most confident. He often gets compliments while we're at the bar, movie theater, or mall from women. I think we make him look better standing next to us lol.

Yeah, 2 of the hottest guys I know get the most women attention but they're also both in long term relationships, and that seems to attract women. They aren't like fucking supermodel bodybuilder tier, but they are both tall and lean, but easily the biggest factor is being in relationships. Women simply go after guys that are taken.

NO. My friend literally looks like a fucking model and he can't pick up girls for shit because his autism is off the charts. Every now and again girls will approach him though, but this guy has the looks that put him in the top percentile of looks so it's expected.

If he looks like a model why doesn't he just invite round girls off Tinder?

Quantity of women? No.

Quality? By far.

No, my most attractive male friend, who used to be a Chad, gets looks here and there, but was always the one to approach women, and he's been rejected a shitload of times. He's in a long-term relationship now.

However, I have another friend, who is an obvious geek, with terrible fashion sense, dresses like he's an edgy high school metalhead, openly talks in public about his interests in anime and Warhammer 40k and shit like that. He's tall, but has a beer belly, greasy hair and a literal neckbeard, without any facial hear on his jaw or above. For some reason, he gets approached by women all the time, a lot of hotties too, mostly goth chicks, rock music fans and the whole alternative scene, but hot chicks.

My theory is that they find him attractive because he has zero shame and is 100% open and honest about his hobbies and interests. Turns out that women actually enjoy hearing about your Magic: The Gathering card collection if you're not embarrassed by it and appear genuinely passionate while talking about the topic.

He went through a lot of rejections too, though. Every guy I know who dated a lot, went though dozens and dozens of rejections. Their success rating in approaching women is never above 15%. That is what incels on this board refuse to accept, they want to approach women without the risk of being rejected.


>can't read autism
You underestimate the power of autism, it is a social death sentence because you simply cannot, physically or otherwise, be made to or come to understand anyone else's world. Their world becomes their entire world and there's no substitutes.

The best way I had it described to me is 'they don't see reality the way we do. Common sense to us might be strange to them, unusual behavior to us might be normal to them.'

Hell no. Most attractive guy I know has only had sex with two different women and in relationships with three, and he's 27.
I thought we've been through this a million times Jow Forums. Good looks alone won't suffice when finding a partner.

I know three guys who get lots of women

Guy no1.
>very good looking, 6ft tall
>perfect natural body, lean, well muscled, great proportions, great natural athleticism, could model
>smart, super nice dude and easy to get along with
>women are drawn to him and he doesn't have to do much legwork
>fucks three chicks a week if he wants to

Guy no2
>looks good but not like guy no1, 5ft11
>dresses really well, good eye for style and what suits him, thats what makes him above average in looks
>naturally outgoing and very dominant, takes the lead naturally, takes risks and sees opportunities constantly
>smart but lazy
>emotionally intense
>hits on women constantly
>good talker, sells himself well and is charismatic through years of trial and error
>probably fucked over 100 women

Guy no3
>def not good looking, 5ft6 or7
>funny as hell, charismatic and charming to a fault
>great talker, great listener, conversations flow easy as hell with him
>fucks chicks leagues above him regularly


>tfw used to be guy number 3
>tfw lost my mojo

nah because everyone finds different people attractive

I don't know any physically attractive men or women, I live in the Midwest

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I'll ask a question for you based on what you said: If you hooked up with a woman that looked like Emma Watson but had an Iq of 2 and had 3 kgs of hard crusty shit piled up in her behinee would you still find her appetising? I'd say nay

No, though he still could get a gf

No. My ugly ass cousin who is short as fuck was the crowning man whore. He's super charismatic. Only stopped drowning in pussy after marrying his wife.

I knew a pretty ugly Japanese guy that had no problem slaying pussy of all colors. Thick accent and everything. I think he might have been somewhat bisexual too. Good friend thats for sure

I'm hot and I never get laid because I don't go out much.
I know one guy who is way more handsome than I am bur he's a fag.

Lol no, i inow two chads. Both are over 6’ jawline of the gods, huge built arms and chest, tattoos ect.
One sttttttttttttttttutters worse than elmer fudd
And one gets depressed and self sabotaging when confronted with a lady advancing on him. I have way morw game than both of those fools and im just some average guy.

Looks may grab attention, but you better know what to do with it once its on you.

Kinda like a knife fight,

The most popular girls all share the same dick. Of course all the sluts want to know who he is, but by the time they've gotten to him, the other girls have long since found a new toy.

Nobody knows who he is because the popular girls are absolutely obsessed with hot, fresh dick and take no chances giving him out.

Understanding the danger created by this scenario, does everybody involved usually keep their mouth shut and just enjoy the sex.

No matter who he is, that man has to be incredibly careful.

Your question is dumb. Think harder next time please.