Hey Jow Forums,how do I get a black gf?

I think this has been asked frequently but how do I get a black gf? I'm a white,east european eith brown hair and eyes and muscles.I'm also curious about how do interracial relationships go and how do BWWM couples struggle with backlash from white women and black men. Post yours stories too. Might help.

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Where do you live? What are your hobbies?

Hit on them like you would any other woman. Just dont EVER bring up the fact that youve never had a black gf before and want try out new things. Thats a number 1 turn off for them. They arent ice cream flavors. In fact, dont ever try to bring race up first unless she does. Then kind of mirror what she says. This is to prevent you from saying something fucking stupid or racist. Most opinions you have on race will be misinformed anyways. Let her educate you when shes frustrated about race.
Thats it

Bulgaria,hobbies? Cycling,going to gym,D&D/MTG,reading books and watching movies. I also like to build maquetes.

holy shit that picture tho
is that white twitter whore jealous or what?

Go to Germany

White roasties are angry that white chads ignore them and go for black or asian pussy

Isn't that a good thing? The less blacks the better. White people are an endangered species.

Bulgaria is a southern nigger country already, just go outside.

This Tara chick is retarded.
Used to be an AltRight retard like her and i feel ashamed just looking back at my time of being a complete brainlet on news/view of people.

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My extremely white best friend married a black woman, specifically an African from Tanzania. She's really dark, has a beautiful face and dat black ass. Her hair is naturally short and kinky, but she usually wears extensions that look like corn rows. They met in college.

She's loud and loves attention, he's quiet, rather short, hard working, really smart and makes a lot of money. People often ask how they ended up together since she always had a bunch of swaggering black college athletes coming on to her and he seems so bland.

The answer is seems. He's quiet but has a really strong and self assured personality. Occasionally she'll start yelling at him in her native language and he's just "no fucks given". She's smart enough to realize that the lifestyle of an engineer's wife is a lot higher than the wife of most black guys and apparently he likes to tap that hot black ass.

My buddy keeps scoring foreigners off Omegle. Never will understand, it's an art all his own. I've snapped up ladies off the internet at all angles but he gets all these foreign fines off Omegle. Korean, Chinese, African...

Anyway he's seeing an African now and he loves it. The cultural divide between them is adorable, and I hope they have beautiful mulatto babies one day.

Backlash is like everything else; shit everyone has to deal with. You take it in stride, you stand up for your dignity and hers, and you never use violence that isn't necessary. It's just the rurus, user.

>beautiful mulatto babies
My friend's kids are really good looking. He tells people "I bred them for scholarships" it's funny to watch their reactions.

I just broke up with my mixed girl. She is single and fine

Honestly why are you fetishizing the race like that. Literally treat them like any other woman and you'll get one. They're not special.

Biggest thing I can tell you:

Don't do anything differently. Don't try to act black or be more cool. They hate that. If they are open to white men then they are totally comfortable with white culture.

So just do what you normally do. Don't treat the scenario any differently because they are black.

You will get stares when you go out in public. Mostly from the over 50 crowd. Most stares will be curious be some will be angry. Just ignore them completely, they have personal problems and think judging others makes them better.

Have fun black women are great. Fun sex and great cooks. Less drama than white women.

> dated a black woman for a year

Black men give you looks. It’s pretty funny

ITT: How to be a soiboi race traitor. I don't wanna see this, so hopefully everyone who is with me on this knows what to do when seeing crap.

you sound like you suck on black dick and want to lie about your past to gain sympathy with people you think are on the fence about it. You're scum, and I hope god takes away all you care about except your pitiful life.

Eat shit and die liar.

How does it feel to have gotten BTFO by Jow Forums of all boards? Get fucked.

>tells OP not to treat black women differently due to race
>tells OP to expect better sex, better food, and less drama due to race

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>that pic
>be white supremacist
>frequently use IQ as an argument for white supremacy despite whites having inferior IQ scores to Asians

>David Bigot
This has to be a meme.

At least liberals don't shoot people who disagree with them

What don't you understand?

You don't need to change your personality to date them and generally I've found them to be great partners.

Don't date a girl because she's black, date a girl because you like her.

Uhh considering I slowed the comments to a crawl you actually got your ass handed to you hombre. Remember thirteen times for a noose so you can properly hang yourself.

Jow Forums is always a slow board, the fact you got blown out so damn hard by a board of this speed is pretty damn embarrasing.

just be white, although be forewarned, >50% of all black women carry STDs


It’s always like that. Black men dating white women are on the receiving end of angry black women and white men dating black women have to hear it from angry white women.

Not OP but what IF I get my gf to live with me in my white country. We barely have blacks here and most are women with white men. Keep in my these are africans not american ones and they are ok with this.

What is Tara's fucking problem?

hope your eventual mutt kids get bullied into deep seated hatred for you.

>let her educate you
>don’t ever say any of your own opinions, just mirror
Kill yourself. If she can’t have an actual back and forth conversation with him or respect that he might have valid ideas then he shouldn’t be dating her

How do you know they’re a white supremacist? I wholly believe in racial IQ differences (on average) but have no sense of anyone being superior to another due to race, I wouldn’t say that someone with a higher IQ must be a better or more worthwhile person and that isn’t the only metric to judge people by

>the quality of the specimen she's losing out on, and losing to

Ask . Are You serious blacks are the biggest whores. You won't even have to take them out. Just know they will cheat on you. Period all of them have several side pieces

>How do you know they’re a white supremacist?
Uhhh...she's holding a white power symbol in her profile pic and harassing an interracial couple on twitter?

Bulgaria is eastern dumbfuck

She is alt right white supremacist,search her on google. She is a white supremacist but she is half indian.

if you can get white girl you can get black girl.

I always got bullied by whites but blacks have been bros to me. Telling user that his kids will get bullied is a dick move. Kys
Maybe I betrayed the white race...was it worth it? Hell yea

I can both

Slowly feed her statistics about disproprtionate black crime rates from every country.

Tell her a racewar is coming and she and her kind will be slaughtered unless she come to you for guidance and safety.

Keep her in a basement and nourished/watered. This will probably be an improvement from her previous living conditions. When the racewar is over, sell her and your illigetimate children for a large profit.

Why is Jow Forums so retarded?


>Jow Forumstards are gay
Color me surprised

This guy knows.
I remember the most shit I got when I was dating my half-cast girlfriend was from white liberal women.
They acted as if I was incapable of being attracted to her, subtly pushed the narrative that it was wrong for us to be together and tried to tie it to the idea that she had been brainwashed to think white men were better.
They were just as racist as the old white guys telling you to keep to your own, except they were even more infuriating since they tried to pawn it off as a kindness to her.
Thankfully she saw through all that bullshit and saw them as the toxic fuckers they were.

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BWWM couples make the best marriage

be real with them because they like white guys who treat them like a lady.

Ok,what? What do you mean?

This is good advice until the “then kind of mirror...” part. After that, it’s wrong.

He was talking about the interactions that happen when you date ebony women.
I said white liberal women are the most outspoken on it and that they tend to be backhanded racists when it comes to it.

So let me get this straight:
It's ok for whitoid women to date outside ,their race but it's bad if white men date outside their race?

it's not okay for anyone to mingle outside their race.
It makes them sexually radioactive, and mutt kids are a laughing stock in every culture.

Kys poltard. Everyone can decide what they do with their life you fucking commie. Kys incel

According to many progressives, yes.
They apply double standards to everything and white people, men, and white men in particular get the short end of the stick. Not only that, some make it a catch 22 by making it racist for white men and women to be together.
The irony of this is that it also limits the choice of Asian, labors or black women that might want to date white guys, but progressive ideology, like all authoritarian and/or collectivist ideologies, is not about personal choice.


I'm not saying they can't, just be ready for the shame and ridicule when you're walking a niglet in a stroller lmao.

>He thinks whites and non-whites are separate species
This is your brain on Jow Forums, everyone.

>Hooking up with someone who has higher melanin content in their skin makes you a "traitor" to your "race"
>Believing that "race" is anything other than superficial and utterly meaningless differences in skin tone and facial structure
You Jow Forumsacks really are delusional.

we should be. Coyotes and dogs have less genetic variance between them than us and niggers.

>just be a social pariah with a kid dumber than you, goy

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>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing about an interracial couple totally unprovoked
>Making bullshit claims you normally hear from the "WE MUST MAINTAIN THE PURITY OF THE WHITE RACE" dipshits
Hmm, I can't quite put my finger on it.

Married to a white guy for 10+ years.
Honestly just walking through the street your prob fine, never had an issue. Never had a problem with my friends toward him either and his friends were super nice. But family members on both sides are probably the biggest problem.
We met my man at work not sure if that helps.


>Source: My ass

nice try tranny, if I post anything it's le pole pseudoscience, look it up yourself.
in any case, fucking a nigger in bulgaria is effectively social suicide.

literally everything she said is factual and correct.

>Social pariah
Yeah, if you live in the deep South where it's more acceptable to fuck your first cousin than a person with brown skin, maybe.
>with a kid dumber than you
Can you give a non-Jow Forums, non white supremacist forum source for that claim, please?


Africa's mean IQ is below 80, retard.

>factual and correct.
Citation needed.

the burden of proof is on you. You're the retard who thinks race is only skin deep.

look up the average IQ and the amount of AIDS in Africa.

>Being surprised that a third world shit hole has lots of people who are uneducated

IQ is genetic, external contributing factors are minimal at best.

>oh, shit, I actually don't have an argument! I'd better shift the burden of proof and fast!

actually its pretty decent anyways, mirroring her isn't the best but its better than disagreeing and her thinking hes a racist. if she brings up race and says something like "ive never dated a white guy before" itd be fine to say "ive never dated a black woman before, guess its a first for both of us!" or something if she gets political about race either say something similar to what she says, agree if you actually agree or don't fucking say anything

>Jow Forumstards are free Today
This is where the fun begins

who are you quoting?

>Ask for where they're getting their info from
>lol, burden of proof's on you even though I'm the one making the claim that you'll be a social outcast with mentally subnormal children if you date a black woman

you're still typing but I don't see a link.


Frequenting Jow Forums really should lock you out of interacting with the rest of the internet.

>He can't see the link in the post he originally replied to
I think the generations of rampant inbreeding are starting to kick in, guys.

Nothing she said in that post is wrong. You sound like a dumb r/t_D Migapede

I'm not muslim though

nice implication.
You only need 1000 breeding pairs to mitigate the effects of inbreeding in a population
Hint: countries have millions of people in them
I hope your mutt kids get leukemia and die because there will never be a donor available lmao

If you think race’s only factor is skin, the you are a literal retard and need to open up a book.

It makes me upset that you fucking nerds are more than happy to geek over the stats and varying traits of other races in fiction. And will happily nod along with the “le Asians are good at Math, and le blacks are better atheletes memes.” But the moment someone brings up the correlation between Race and IQ you get upset and start denying every but of evidence put forward as conspiracy theory. I’ve even seen it go as far as people claim that IQ is bogus anyway.

Like, if Race was only skin-deep then why are most Triathletes and Basketball players black? Moron.


WMAF is generally accepted, and hell even praised in East Asia. Provided you get a hot girl and you yourself have good image. If you got an uggo Asian pig, you just look desperate. High class Asians are honorary whites. Whereas, there are no high class niggers.

Go "mud wrassle" the hogs before your Klan meeting, Jim Bob.

Both of you are retarded

>I agree with it, so it can't possibly be factually incorrect

That is literally not an argument.

Nigger, I LIVE in Asia. WNAF is generally well received over here. You’re a status symbol for most girls cause Western culture is so revered. Hell, many men will even try to get you hooked up with a nice girl.

WMAF is also well-received in a lot of the West Coast and NYC considering how common half Asians are in places like SF.

OP here and holy shit....this thread gaveme some reasons....I think I'm not going to date black women anymore. Maybe I'll date hot asian girls.
Wtf is going on here though...

>Wtf is going on here though
Some of the inmates have escaped the Jow Forums asylum.

I don't know man,they have some right things