Not to sound like idiot but is it possible to get a gf if you never had one at the age of 30?

Not to sound like idiot but is it possible to get a gf if you never had one at the age of 30?

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I don’t know

Can you repeat the question?

of course

Why even bother at that point op? I'm 29 years old never had a gf. My lifes fine the way it is and any changes like that just invite unnecessary drama. Theres .ore to life than women and getting your dick wet.

Yeah, but you will need to find and fix whatever it is that prevented you from getting a gf in your past life.

fo sho

It is but you need psychopath levels of lying and acting to make it seem like you're actually normal

Classic incel cope

When ur past 35 stop looking - uncle

Yea but your choices are going to be very limited.

Be prepared to lose your wizard powers. I don't know why you want to give them up

Yes, but probably not for you because you’re the kind of person to start out self deprecating rather than just ask your fucking question


t. 52 year old wizard

I’m sorry that your uncle is fat/ugly and doing nothing particularly exciting

Yes. Lots of girls find that endearing. My husband was a first timer also. He is just very shy. Be confident and ask.

You do sound like an idiot.

>past life
We only have one life

Speak for yourself mortalfag

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