Hell, try holding down just one 9-5 and show up for protests

Hell, try holding down just one 9-5 and show up for protests.

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awwww little wagecuck

97% of money is debt.
So of course everyone has enormous debts.

It's also why our schools are indoctrination centers for bullshit instead of real solutions.

>he said, beholden to the state/his parents for money, as he had no other means of survival and would starve to death should his neetbux/good boy points be revoked

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Nobody is forcing you to borrow money to go on a 4 year vacation to an out of state uni for a degree that doesn't convert to money in the real world. We've never had more access to information than we do today, yet people don't seem to research their hopeful careers before committing a hundred grand to a piece of paper that may or may not be useful in the real world.

Essentially y'all wanna be babysat. Your saying the government should say no, we aren't going to lend you money to go to school based on what you want for yourself.

Jesus, I just redpilled myself typing that. NPCs would prefer the government put more control on them and basically decide what they should do in school, by only allowing loans to education the government approves of.

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debt is a form of bondage,
debt is subjugation of one set of people to another

capitalism is not an economical "objective" system but a regime of power
capitalism is a way of politically managing people by a distinct political class.

Bad news. Protests are meaningless tantrums thrown my the political equivalent of children. Real change requires winning elections, not screaming on the streets with signs.

>A well-indoctrinated propagandist should be subsidized by the public to advance progressive goals.

Capitalism lets me go buy a big rump steak from a shop.
Communism lets me eat dirt and watch that steak being eaten by the commisar.
Tell me what one would you pick?

>Hell, try holding down just one 9-5 and show up for protests.

HELLO? the yellow vest movement in france specifically organizes their protests on the weekend(and every weekend for the last few months) because they are all working class folk.

this twitter fag is just a cuck

Collages are not there to create well-informed critical thinkers.

You're the cuck who gave your money away to jews in Luxembourg.
Lern2macroecon and stop shitposting your Austrian memeonomics.

MI6 pls go

Nothing in the US information ecosystem is.


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>thinking college makes you smarter and more informed
Supreme Y I K E S

>he thinks elections solve anything

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it makes you smarter and more informed on the subject you are studying, thats it.

>a neoliberal economist shill
Perfect example.

Not even that, studies have shown that students who get Econ degrees these days end up less knowledgeable about economics, since they drill Keynesian retardation into their heads instead of logical economic principles.

>american higher education
>well informed critical thinkers
Pick one, and only one. You can't walk 30 feet on a college campus and not see some diversity bullshit and a protest.

holy fuck please ban these literally fucking who social media screencaps

>he believes this neoclassical Austrian moralfaggotry
Cucks to numbers are NPCs. Wear it, jewnigger.

Writer for The Intercept and 100 times funnier than your cuck ass.

lol wat

BUMP. And as we used to say at recess, “no duh.”

Based black economics man

>working class folk
and that's why they're having a tax revolt.
We'd do well to pay attention

Stop shilling this neoliberal jew

>dumb and deeply in debt
sums up western college pretty well

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I did that, but let's face millenials are lazy malingering narcissists, who want to be paid six figures and start at the top. Sacrifice is a four letter word to them.

Paul "the internet isn't a thing" Krugman

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No, they're not, boomer. They just see you, your economy, and the promises made to you by said economy as the dead weight they are.
Kill yourself for being a circumcised trauma fetishist.

Paul "Nobody Could Have Predicted" Krugman

What about all the countries (like mine) where a world-class education is free. Maybe it's not a conspiracy to keep you down, maybe America is just a shitty country

This retard thought the Internet was useless. Why is he even allowed to give an opinion? Put him in a jail cell and throw away the key.

It's not a conspiracy. It's just business. Nothing personnel.

>a well informed critical thinker will want a revolution
>critical thinking

What these people don’t understand is the joy of taking care of your own damn self. When an obstacle comes your way, go around it. Don’t stomp your feet and cry like a fucking child. Why don’t they possess this fundamental reasoning?

Because he sings the Wall Street line. That's the only qualification you need anymore.
I agree. Lock up all the neoliberals, Austrians, and other brain-damaged sadists.

>What about all the countries (like mine) where a world-class education is free. Maybe it's not a conspiracy to keep you down, maybe America is just a shitty country

lolol world class education = education in compliance to shariah law

>>t.circumcised brainwashed amerifat
You, half-dick, will never know joy. Kill yourself for being a rebbit spacign shill.

Even with your free education, you still end up poorer than Mississippi. How did that happen Muhammad?

have these people put together that if education is a for-profit scam then the quality of classes suffers too? that colleges don't want to deal with crybabies but want their money so they shunt the losers into safe spaces where they never have to think critically about anything?
that lectures are glorified checklists of what to regurgitate and what to believe?
how do these people take out 100k loans and call themselves well-informed critical thinkers? because their professors said they were?

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Liberal arts school = 3 hours of super easy classes a day.

>calls themselves well informed
>in debt from attending the indoctrination center

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>schools teach critical thinking

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Oooowwww Nooooo! muh cal-edge iz sooo spensive, dats raysis !!! Fugg Trump ! He bad ! He raysis!!! Muh edukayshuuun!!!

The City of London isn't part of the UK, strictly speaking.
You can kill yourself for shilling that worthless cuck talking point any time now.

Anyone actually working 3 jobs? It sounds like bullshit to me