I work a shitty office job for 18 dollars an hour and I have no benefits at all. I pay 1150 a month for a shitty one bedroom apartment in Austin and I have little money leftover to eat. What to do?
Wagecuck here
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quit your job.
Here you go OP. Either this or move somewhere with a livable housing market. There's no reason to live in a city if you aren't working in a position that offers a large salary.
Lol I get payed 9 an hour, no benefits, and rent it 1k
You have it good user just save
>pay 22/hr
>rent 1500
>no bennies, tons of debt
fuck this shit. i'm moving someplace i can get rent on a microapartment for 900, idgaf about lack of space i want to be able to eat food that isn't offal and rice. there is no fucking excuse, rent is too damned high. BUILD MOAR MICROAPARTMENTS they are the only fucking way to get short commutes AND cheap rent. fuck boomers, fuck nimbys, fuck zoning laws. Tokyo has 10 million people and rent is only $800-1000 a month, because they have MICROAPARTMENTS. this is the only way forwards. fuck rent. and fuck boomers, too.
>inb4 move to a rural area
>rent 1100 for shitty apartment that smells like a paul mall smoker's lounge with shit stains on all the carpets and loud screaming neighbors
you need to get roommates where you support everyone and pay rent together
Get cool roommates
save money on rent and shared utilites like internet
maybe have fun too.
Stop living by yourself, that is what is so expensive
look for places people forget exist aka the midwest
i live in a city in nebraska
i paid $600 for a one bedroom apartment then $800 for a larger 1 bdr apartment
decent area, bike trails within walking distance, average apartment gym, pool, pets allowed
there are many like it
there are many jobs (see: silicone prairie)
the downside is the cold but the upside of the cold is it keeps homeless people away
i also lived in texas for a long time
austin is a very expensive city to live in due to the trendiness of it
you could find cheaper places in houston or dallas probably, but with more crime/trashiness (especially houston) if you must stay in texas cities
el paso also exists but i dont really know much about it besides the bad climate and proximity to mexico
besides the western portion, texas is not really a good state to not come from a poorer family in. texas is good for being born into money or having a very clearcut safe path in front of you.
arkansas also has extremely cheap housing from what ive seen and there are two large enough cities there to guarantee decent availability of jobs and housing
your career field does matter some though, but i dont know what you do for work
are you alone?
i went this route and had no luck yet
>el paso also exists but i don't really know much about it besides the bad climate and proximity to mexico
El Paso is not a good place to live overall, even so called good neghborhoods are shit
>arkansas also has extremely cheap housing from what ive seen and there are two large enough cities there to guarantee decent availability of jobs and housing
True, but most of Arkansas is complete shit with rednecks and blacks galore. Jonesboro or Maumelle is your best bet.
>$70,000 a year
>$10,000 student loan debt
>$1390 in rent
>23 years old
feels good man
Roommates can be risky business
some of the people I hate the most were previous roommates, but some of my best friends were roommates.
Keep looking
I'd rather kill myself than live somewhere utterly miserable just because it's cheaper.
>muh trendy, that's why you're poor
I do more than live to work. Life, itself, should factor in. Fucking nebraska hoooly shit. what do you do on weekends, watch television? drive through the cornfields? kill me.
>t. has never been to Nebraska before
>18 dollars an hour
God I'd fucking kill for that.
$10.50 an hour for me
What did you study and what do you do now?
>make $25/hr
>rent is $525 a month
>live in the middle of fucking nowhere and have no friends
I have money but I am trying to get the fuck out of here will probably pay double in rent where I want to move to. It is nice having stable income although I have the only job opportunity in my field in town so there isn't really a job market here for me.
I've been to both omaha and lincoln you flyover shitstain. i'd rather kms than live there.
>corn, tornados, high school football, 3-block downtowns, shitty food, and fat people
there's a reason it's cheap
Get a second job if you still have time to shitpost on Jow Forums
Some of us don't want our lives to be work.
Any medium sized or larger city center area plan for ~$1,000 in rent. More if it's an in demand city or a bigger city.
Computer science, software developer for a company you've heard of but probably wouldn't ever make a connection to technology with
ok but that is the solution for your "what to do"
if your "what to do" needs "but also i need the amenities and conveniences of city life" there is more involved. you pay higher price.
so you either sacrifice the time you would spend on doing activities you enjoy in the city your enjoy, on studying or pursuing something to increase your overall income
or you forgo the price of entertainment, convenience, etc.
i am a borderline neet so i am fine here
i can get groceries delivered and get to work from home a lot
sometimes i go for walks but mostly internet/video games and read and stuff
there are concerts within driving distance in nebraska and neighboring states and small social hubs but i am not really sure what you do on weekends/want to have available
but austin is catered towards young professionals and a larger population and will cater to trendiness involved in that entertainment....
Get an apartment for $900 a month or less. That is 1/3 your income you should be fine with that.
>Computer science, software developer
Did that require a lot of math?
The degree to a point, I had to take thru calculus 2 which seems about average for a basic CS degree. On the job no, not really any complicated math.
Is it something someone terrible at math can do?
I had to redo remedial math in college. I didn't do great, but passed calc 2.
On the job, sure. At college, sure, if you grind at it, and don't pussy out when you first get confused.
Math isn't hard. You just have to be patient and not get frustrated when you get the wrong answer. At the end of the day it's just memorizing information like any other subject.