Opinions on the priest hood

Any Catholic anons here?
American Catholic currently enlisted in the US ARMY. And I've noticed there are no canonized us born American men.
I've also started thinking about the possibility of priest hood and if I could do it with a very right wing soldier personality. Especially considering the stupid political opinions of the pedo infested church these days. I was wondering if you guys had opinions on choosing the priest hood as a vocation and what the downsides and upsides may be. I realize that choosing to be a priest means remaining celebate for the rest of my life, which for me seems to be the biggest deal breaker. But I also understand that sexuality is temporary and eventually sexual drive dissapates later in life making it easier to endure.

Another thing is I honestly don't think I'd mind going to some shitty commie country and getting killed by Jihad's or violent Fedora tippers. Because technically my job already entails that and it also seems glorifying to be a martyr, after all with the way things are going it's not like living is really that fun anymore.

Your thoughts please.

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Nofap is the secret to all religions and celibacy allows you to channel that retained energy into something creative.

Almost eeryone who sees a priest with the collar on in public wonders if he is a secret pedo.

It is not an appealing situation for those considering a vocation.

Don't blame anyone but the priests who violated the sanctity of their vocation and the Church leadership who aided and abetted by systematically covering it up.

I actually think I believe that, Nicola Tesla admitted later in life to practicing something similar because he believed sexuality was extremely distracting.
Is there something other than chemical castration that can lower sex drive but not negatively effect a man's testosterone?
Perhaps something that would sever his weakness to the distraction of sex but not inhibit his drive, heath, or sense of ambition.

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go die for jizzrael christkike thats the only thing you are good for.

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>And I've noticed there are no canonized us born American men.
Father Bernard Casey just got beatified.

It's unfortunate, it's also much more common to be assumed of the weaker appearing priest who probably makes sure his homily his super PC because God forbid someone who's job is to teach scripture might change people's opinions or tell them something they don't like.

But firm assertive priests tend to stand out as leaders, and are perhaps more likely to be trusted by the community.

One of the main problems with Western religion these days is mediocrity, and treating your religion like it's a secret hobby rather than a culture or way of life.

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The real question should be: is that what God wants of you? You should be praying a whole lot and He will answer.
Also, just look for them and you wil find plenty of based catholics.

What is this?

Read it / Watch it. Very interesting. Very enlightening.


make sure to request the old rite of ordination and you're fine

Oh, I didn't know that, can you post a link?

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Whatever, keep saying that a religion that the mainstream hates is somehow conformist, and while you do it keep doing uncreative, unfunny name calling, it only makes you look dumber.

Also, I assume you're a nihilst? If so how's that been for ya?
If not, then what is your belief?

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> religion that the mainstream hates
Is that why they go on TV and say how great it is? How all the politicians are christians and the majority of the US is christian? Even the leftist?
>Also, I assume you're a nihilst? If so how's that been for ya?
im not an atheist shit for brains. Go die for israel like the good little goy you are christkike.

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>Catholics are the same as Christians

I work for an organization that deals with the catholic church, my impression is that they've a well oiled bureaucratic hierarchy. If you're serious about this, you should first look into part time work with an organization that deals with the church in a related industry (i.e. soup kitchen, catholic school, camp, volunteer organization, etc) that way you can see how they operate. I've gotten friendly with a few priests and they're normal guys just like you and I. A lot of them like to drink, talk shit, have a smoke, all that good stuff.

There's obvious cliques, and you can tell which guys are normal and which are off. Sadly, some of the perverse cliques stick together and rise through the ranks via nepotism.
That's another thing, think of it as starting your career at a multi-national corporation. Someone is going to rubber stamp and place you in a place you may not be agreeable with, what you mentioned in the OP is a very real possibility; especially if you inadvertently piss someone off at the head office or if they need a sacrifice.

Back to the cliques, there's a homosexual undertone in certain circles and like the mob they run certain channels. These guys can sniff you out, and it'll be impossible to fake your true intentions when you're all living together in your housing unit. That's the other thing, I hope you like living together with a bunch of the other priests because that's what the arrangement is usually like. Some houses are cool and they drink whiskey and shoot darts but other's are terrible.

Finally, if you're lucky you're going to become a fund raising magnet and lead a flock with deep pockets so you can kick upstairs more than the other guys. You're going to get paid a paltry wage, but if you're a good Shepard they let certain perks roll down. You only get paid a few hundred dollars a month but all your living expenses are covered. Where it gets complicated is if you want to live in the accommodations that they provide to you.

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oh boy here we go! NOT ALL CHRISTIANS! Fuck off.

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You still haven't given any compelling arguments. It just sounds like you got butthurt in front of your computer amidst your cum stains and Cheeto dust and blurted out the first unfounded insult that came to mind.

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>conspiring with jews to destroy white countries

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