Why should Trump let more immigrants in? 10,000 baby boomers retire every day — that’s why

>Demography is destiny. This old saw for economists means that, try as we might to change our economic future, it is already determined by our population and its makeup.

>The saying may overstate the case, yet for much of our nation’s history demographics have been a tailwind to our economy. Our population and workforce grew quickly and the typical American was young, energetic, and entrepreneurial.

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... Who gives a fuck? Let them die, cut off the welfare fagfest before it defaults and scuttles our currency and then let prices come down. Rocket science, i know

Immigration isnt a bad thing. Especially if Trump gets the reforms he wants as it implements a two stage test:
>1. Skilled worker
>2. From a compatible culture

It means Europeans and maybe Koreans/Japs.

Except, what's being brought in are useless; can't do anything but, suck off the public teet...

>boomers are retiring from their unnecessary office jobs they got using connections and networking
>better import 50,000 unskilled shitskin laborers a year who can't read or speak English properly lmao

Except that it's pajeets that will be imported.

Listen to op's crypto kalergi rational...

I am against immigration for this reason.

No fucking self respecting american is going to work as a CNA or Aide for 10 dollars an hour. My grandmother lives in a nursing home and almost all the worker are spics and I expect many are illegals just like farm workers.

Let them fucking die, get fucked and beaten in nursing homes for refusing to raise wage premiums.

I love capitalism sometimes, watch them cry for government intervention while voting against nurse patient limits

Hungary is giving women tax cuts if they have more then 3 kids, I know his country has the power to do such a thing but doing so would cause further chaos wars between blacks and spics. labeling it has a racist. Nations spent ages defending themselves being taken over by other people. So why would they just let in a bunch of people like that. They have no loyalty to your people and nation and values. They perhaps even want totally different things.

Shut the fuck up, boomer.

>that’s why.
I hate having affordable housing also. Lets increase our taxes by increasing the welfare state's size, and the cost of homes by increasing the demand for both. WTF I love brown people now!

I know about 5 million whites who would come to the US in a heartbeat

This is fantasy. Corporations don't want skilled workers. They want cheap uneducated labor that they can exploit. That's why they're pushing so hard to import the entire Third World.

Literally all you have to do is incentivize white birth rates and ban non white immigration. Also gas the kikes.

It really is as simple as saying feminism and Jews destroyed our societies. Feminism lowered the white birth rate. And Jews were responsible for the feminist movement

They won't be let in. Don't bother dreaming about that. They want turdskin H1-B tech drone slaves.

Then why doesn't the orange fuck say from Europe or japan? why am I not recolonized as an ethnic group like another shitskin mongol?they only do so unless they are browbeating me that everything is my fault?

Holy shit, I just read the greentext and those were the most boring sentences I have read on Jow Forums in months. The author must do the speed limit perfectly when he drives. Would never want to meet him nor to exchange words.

>south africans

>They want cheap uneducated labor that they can exploit.
This exactly. Too many retards really don't understand the value of a properly working union.
>In b4 public worker's & teachers unions don't work
These 2 are especially broken.

This is what would be needed to ensure immigration is a success
>legal immigrants only
>no families. Only individual skilled workers
>must hail from a first-world country with at least quasi-western values (limited to Western Europe, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, with maybe a couple other exceptions)
>must be fluent and articulate English-speakers
>must assimilate culturally
>cannot send any remittances home
>violation of any of these rules results in immediate deportation

They also want "skilled" code monkeys with engineering degrees from Poojeet Technical Institute that will accept half the pay for an H1-B.

let europeans in please

>cannot send any remittances home
I don't have any issue with this, but I think that there should be a hefty tax on remittance payments. 30-50% depending on the amount.

Only commies want more immigrants.

Are you going to ask the government to let more immigrants in?

Didn't know boomers were fucking commies instead of being so free market and have to beg the government for assistance

Only let in European ones and we're good

>Oy vey we have to sustain the machine, it's for your own good goy.

The economy isn't everything. I'm a generationally wealthy nobleman related to people whose ancestors founded two of the biggest companies in the world and I could give a fuck about having a little more money. Capitalistic growth is cancerous. We need a strong nation of our own people, not a strong economy built on imported labor.

Literally fuck brown people being in my fucking country. If the deportations don't start soon then there will be a war the likes of which this world has yet to witness.

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we need intelligent immigrants.
and companies should produce people themselves. it wouldn't be so bad. mom and dad is apple computer. it could work.

Lmao all Republicans vote against their economic and personal interests. That's why your country is fucked.

they tax us to death so that we can't reproduce, and then import millions of people on the cheap. It's sick.

we're running out of oil too... so the economy will shrink and we won't need all these people anymore. populations need to shrink in the future, not grow.

immigration is good as long as they aren't allowed to buy property right when they get here.

I agree but you don't get it.
This machine, this "capitalistic growth", this is all to serve the rich. If you aren't one of them, you're cattle. We're all cattle.
We get just enough treats to keep us content.

People over the retirement age shouldn't be allowed to vote or hold public office.

Prove me wrong

oh so its okay for a journo to say "demography is destiny" but if you say "its the birthrates stupid" suddenly youre a white nationalist terrorist


>tfw the Rothschilds shitpost in pol

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Would rather unironically support whites on welfare than be around employed niggers

You don't get it. I am wealthy and don't have to work at all. I still hate this shit because I have to live around beaners.

Money isn't everything. What the world truly needs is a return to feudalism and monarchy.

Proof our current economics are a pyramid scam, needing more people than in the past to prop up the present.

Yeah because the government needs more of a reason to bring them here

And the "party of the working class" is more than happy to participate in this scheme because it buys them votes and inflates their tax base. So God forbid if you speak out against this, because only an evil person would be concerned about it.

They don't need to be skilled. They just have to immigrate legally, not be entitled to any sort of welfare and be capped at a certain number. Skills can be learnt. What should be priority is them being law abiding citizens who are productive

I love how they flip flop when it comes to maintaining "muh hierarchy" and cry for more government intervention when it doesn't suit them.

How they believe they are going to be benefit from corporate welfare.is beyond me, you ain't getting those jobs boys they're going to the robots.

Thanks for fattening that silicon valley and big financial firms pockets that you'll never see the light of.

But we gotta bail out the rich because they deserve it am i rite?

Here is a crazy idea, what if we train millennials to replace boomers when they die or retire?

the reason people fantasize about the 50's-70's is because that was a brief period in time where you could own a home and support a family off one income. Theres never gonna be a time when rich/poor doesn't exist.

>We need to bring more people in to pay taxes to look after the old people we already have

That's a ponzi scheme.

All the countries you named have a somewhat high living standard and lack the incentive to mass migrate so that they work for cheap in a foreign country.
What you are gonna get the top 5% of the 3rd world.

or we can let homeless citizens have the jobs

It won't end nicely, it can't end nicely. Because of the debt based economy. The only way it can end is through a brutal crash.

My only hope in all this is that we don't waste all our resources on pointless shit that we have nothing left to colonize the stars and our descendants look back on us as the humans who doom humanity to die on this rock

aren't homeless generally mentally ill, drug addicts, uneducated or a mixture? It's a good idea but expensive.

>I am wealthy

No, you're just one of the higher cattle. You're not part of their club. You're still one of us. You're here aren't you?
I should have worded it "elite".

jews would cry extreme racism.

it would be like a second holocaust.

>whiter than you

But automation is deleting millions of jobs every year

then just go to the recycle bin and undelete them

>No fucking self respecting american is going to work as a CNA or Aide for 10 dollars an hour
but $15? now we're talkin

>thinks there's some actual weird club that runs the world
user, that's not actually how anything works.


we need the labor

>Thinks anyone not part of the weird club would get to know anything about it.

You're naive. There's obviously greater planning outside of governments. Jesus dude it's not even 100% hidden.

>try as we might to change our economic future, it is already determined by our population and its makeup.
>and it's makeup
woops looks like they forgot that part huh?

The politicians know it, but I can't believe more people haven't thought about this. What happens when you literally cannot cram any more people into a territory, or create any more jobs? The worst part is that the people we're told will be coming here to pay taxes are fucking leeches for the most part, they're a net drain, so we're paying for Grandpa's retirement and Pajeet/Ahmed's 6 children.

This system seems to be designed to fail to an even greater degree than fractional reserve banking.

Well it's not like program and project managers at most large IT firms know fucking anything about actual talent so all the poos just run around getting hired and then producing shit code so IT continuously gets a bad rap.

yes, but he's saying there's no one giant group of wealthy fags running shit. It's all petty power grabs, just some are better than others.